Ironwood Ridge High School Girl’s Basketball Boosters


Articles & By-Laws


Purpose & Policies:

1.The purpose of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization, hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”, is to provide support and funding to the Ironwood Ridge High School Girl’s Basketball Program, hereinafter to referred to as “IRHS Girl’s Basketball Program”:

  1. To coordinate and organize various fundraising efforts to fund school projects, equipment, and programs not funded or provided for by the AmphitheaterSchool District
  2. To coordinate program and activities which will contribute to a quality basketball program for the athletes of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Program
  3. To provide support and funding for various athletic events, travel, and/or tournaments related to the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Program
  4. To provide support and funding for training, equipment, supplies, uniforms, or other athletic gear which is not provided for by the AmphitheaterSchool District

2.The Organization shall exist as an Informal Non-Profit Organization by law and shall:

  1. File IRS Form SS4 to obtain a taxpayer identification number. Toll Free Number: 1-800-829-4933 or Web site: The Organization Tax Identification Number is 27-1382055.
  2. Maintain a set or By-Laws and be comprised of an Executive Board of Officers
  3. Establish a checking account with two (2) signatures required on all checks

3.This Organization is organized exclusively for charitable, and educational purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

4.This Organization shall develop an annual budget plan and goals. Activities for the year will be based on this budget and goals.

5.No part of the net earnings of the Organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the Organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article VI hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the Organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this Organization shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this Organization.

6.The name of the Organization and names of any members in their official capacities shall be used only in the furtherance of the purposes of the Organization and not in connection with any commercial or sectarian interest.



1.Membership shall be composed of any of the following:

  1. Parents or guardians of athletes of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Program
  2. Former parents or guardians of students and/or athletes of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Program
  3. Any designee or appointee of the Head Coach of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Program.
  4. Any coach of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Program
  5. Parents or guardians of students of IRHS


Executive Board/Officers and General Board/Team Liaison Representatives

1.The Head Coach of the Ironwood Ridge Girl’s Basketball Program, or a designee of the coaching staff, shall serve as an Advisor to the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization in order to provide Program goals, expectations, and budgetary needs for the Program. This designee shall participate in a non-voting role.

2.The Executive Board of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

3.The General Board of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization shall include the Executive Board plus the Varsity Liaison Representative, Junior Varsity Liaison Representative, Freshmen Liaison Representative.

4.For the purpose of conducting official business, a quorum of the combined Executive and General Boards must be established. Both the Executive and General Board members hold voting rights.

5.The Finance and Operations of this Organization shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board and the General Board of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization.

6.The Executive Board shall obtain approval from the school administrator to exist as a Parent Support Organization on a yearly basis.

7.Principals, teachers, and coaches of the school can only play an advisory role and cannot be Officers of the Organization. They also cannot be signatories on the checking account.

8.At any session of the Executive Board and General Board, a majority of the present Executive Board members and majority of the General Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transactions of business for the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization, hereinafter referred to as “Organization”.


Powers & Duties of the Executive and General Board

1.The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Organization and shall have general control over the affairs of the Organization. The President shall:

  1. Preside over all meetings of the Organization and the Board.
  2. Serve as the Fundraising Chairperson.
  3. Be responsible for notification to the Board members of upcoming meetings of the Board.
  4. Preparation and distribution of the agenda for meetings of the Board.

2.The Vice President shall

  1. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall have the same powers, duties, and responsibilities of the President.
  2. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside over the meetings of the Organization and the Board.
  3. In the absence of the President, the Vice President or Treasurer shall serve as the Fundraising Chairperson.

3.The Secretary shall:

  1. Provide notification to the Membership of upcoming meetings of the Board and the time designated for call to the audience.
  2. Record in a permanent log belonging to the Organization, the minutes of all meetings of the Organization.
  3. Maintain the recorded Minutes for the Organization for a minimum of three (3) years.

4.The Treasurer shall:

  1. In the absence of the Secretary, the Treasurer shall keep the minutes for the Organization.
  2. Have custody of all Organization funds and shall keep full and accurate accounts of all the Organization’s receipts and disbursements in a permanent log belonging to the Organization.
  3. Provide reports of all transactions to the Board at the regular sessions or meetings of the Organization.
  4. Produce a monthly financial report after the receipt of each bank statement.

i.This financial report shall be provided to the school administrator and the Executive Board on a monthly basis. (Form KBE-ED must be used for this report – Exhibit A)

ii.The bank statement shall be attached to this financial report

iii.This report shall identify all revenue sources during the month and be reconciled with the deposits on the bank statement

iv.The report should itemize all expenditures paid during the month listing by date, check number, to whom it was written, description of the expense, and the dollar amount

v.The cash balance on the report shall be reconciled to cash balance on bank statement.

vi.Copies of this report shall also be available to other members of the Organization upon request

vii.The Executive Board members and General Board members shall vote approval of the financial report after it is presented to the Board

  1. Submit annually to the District’s Finance Department Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 990.

5.The Team Liaison Representatives shall:

  1. Communicate to the teams concerning fundraising activities and event schedules.
  2. Provide support to the End of Season Banquet Committee concerning their team recognitions.
  3. Solicit volunteers within their team parents for concession stand work schedules.

6.General Duties of the Board

  1. Managing the budget for the Organization shall be the responsibility of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Varsity Liaison Representative, Junior Varsity Liaison Representative, Freshmen Liaison Representative.
  2. The Board Officers or designees shall meet with the Liaison to the Head Coach or the Head Coach to determine what the Budget requirements are for the season and for the summer basketball programs.
  3. The Board shall distribute funds for the Varsity, Junior Varsity, and the Freshman basketball programs accordingly. Allocations of the required or requested funds shall be voted on by the Officers of the Board.


Terms and Review of Officers and Team Liaison Representatives

1.Terms of office shall begin in concert with the fall school season.

2.The President and all officers shall serve a term of twenty-four (24) months. Terms of the Officers shall be offset such that President & Vice President terms begin in odd years and Treasurer and Secretary 24 month terms begin in even years.

3.The General Board positions of Varsity Liaison Representative, Junior Varsity Liaison Representative and Freshman Liaison Representation shall serve a term of twelve (12) months.

4.Prior to the end of a term, the appointment can be reviewed, reconsidered, or renewed for an additional term.

5.Any Officer may resign with notice provided to the President; or in the event it is the President’s resignation, notice shall be provided to the other Executive Board Members. In the case of a resignation, a replacement for the remainder of the term shall be found in the same manner as review of the officers for a normal term.

6.The procedure for review of officers shall be as follows:

  1. The President can solicit from the general membership volunteers for the officers of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization
  2. Volunteers can be sought from the members of the Organization for the offices of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Varsity Liaison Representative, Junior Varsity Liaison Representative, Freshmen Liaison Representative
  3. Volunteers shall submit their names to the President expressing an interest in an Officer appointment prior to the end of a term of an Executive Board member or a General Board member. These names shall be presented during the renewal or reconsideration period and circulated at a Board meeting
  4. A majority of attending members of the Organization shall determine approval of the appointment of Officers of the Board
  5. All documents, written material, and receipts shall be delivered to any new officer from the previous officer


Organization’s Fundraising Bank Account

1.All funds generated by fundraising activities sponsored by the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization shall be deposited in the Organization’s Club Account as designated to be: IRHS Girl’s Basketball Boosters

a.All checks, drafts, and other items of indebtedness issued in the name of the Organization shall be signed by two (2) Officers, or the Treasurer and one (1) Executive Officer

b.Proper vouchers and receipts shall be required for all disbursements

c.A minimum of $50.00 shall remain in the bank account to be carried over to the following year.

d.The account shall be listed as:

Ironwood Ridge Girl’s Basketball Boosters

Attn: Treasurer

IronwoodRidgeHigh School Bookstore

2475 W. Naranja Drive

Oro Valley, Arizona 85742

2.Auditing and Oversight

  1. The Treasurer’s records shall be examined by a committee of two (2) members appointed by the President upon request.
  2. The Treasurer’s records shall be audited by a committee of two (2) independent third parties of the Organization on an annual basis.
  3. All money collected through fund raisers and activities shall be accounted for, verified by, and prepared for bank deposit by two (2) Board members.
  4. All fund raising activities must be approved and agreed to by the school site administrator in advance. (District Form Exhibit KBR-EB must be completed. Exhibit B)

3.The Officers of the Board shall have authority to spend IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization funds up to the balance of the account, less the $50.00 remaining balance.

4.Fund expenditures shall be entered into the minutes as New Business.



1.Regular meetings of the IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization shall be held monthly during the school year (typically August thru May).

  1. The Order of Business shall be as follows:
  2. Reading of the Old Minutes from the Previous Meeting
  3. Treasurer Report
  4. Committee Reports
  5. Old Business
  6. New Business with an Agenda
  1. An agenda must be prepared prior to the meeting of the Board by the President.
  2. Minutes must be recorded by the Secretary and distributed to all Board officers for approval prior to distributing to the members of the Organization.

2.Regular meetings shall be open to the Membership with a time designated for a call to the audience.

3.Additional meetings or special meetings can be called by any officer of the Club or the Organization.



Committees, in general, shall have 2 chairs appointed by the Board, with the exception of Concessions, which shall have 4 chairs.

1.Fundraising Committee – Chairs - Board President, Treasurer

2.Spirit Wear Committee

3.Basketball Program & Website Committee

4.Concessions Committee

5.Senior Night Committee

6.End of Season Banquet Committee

7.Special committees may be created by the Executive Officers of the Board as deemed necessary to promote and facilitate the purposes of the Organization.



1.The Bylaws of the Organization may be amended by an affirmative vote of the majority of the Board officers and Organization members present at any meeting.

2.Amendments and revisions may be passed when proposed and approved at any meeting.


The IRHS Girl’s Basketball Booster Organization shall indemnify any and all of its Officers of the Board against expenses incurred by them, including legal fees or judgments or penalties rendered or levied against any such person in a legal action brought against any such person for actions or omissions alleged to have been committed by any such person while acting within the scope of his/her activities as an Officer.


Upon the dissolution of the Organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the Organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names this day of November __, 2009.


Elizabeth O’KeefeDate

President – Executive Board Officer

IRHS Girl’s Basketball Boosters



Vice-President – Executive Board Officer

IRHS Girl’s Basketball Boosters


Melissa DiazDate

Treasurer – Executive Board Officer

IRHS Girl’s Basketball Boosters


Kathleen BeanDate

Secretary – Executive Board Officer

IRHS Girl’s Basketball Boosters


Nora VidalDate

Varsity Liaison Representative - Board Member

IRHS Girl’s Basketball Boosters


Sharon OlsonDate

Junior Varsity Liaison Representative - Board Member

IRHS Girl’s Basketball Boosters


Michelle KroegerDate

Freshmen Liaison Representative - Board Member

IRHS Girl’s Basketball Boosters