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Software Updates via USB

STW now offers quick and simple software updates to ESX® controllers via USB.

When USB 1.0 was launched onto the market, with the aim of standardising the interfaces for peripherals on workstation PCs, it was impossible to conceive what an impact USB would have on industry. USB has proven itself suitable for a wide range of applications, including mass data storage, printers, scanners, and cameras, and for the more trivial applications, like the USB powered coffee cup warmers or desktop fan.

Now, for some machine operators, the option of a coffee warmer may be the decisive criterion for the purchase of this machine, but usually the efficiency and availability of the machine win through. For an intelligent machine, it should be possible to update the software configuration automatically or, at least, as simply and quickly as possible, without risk, and with minimum downtime

Sensor-Technik Wiedemann (STW) can now offer the option of updating the control systems of mobile machines on site, using just a USB stick. Through a newly developed update process, STW is able to offer customers a new flexibility and independence. Software updates can be downloaded on site, and without an additional computer or diagnostic system uploaded to the machine. The prerequisite is that the vehicle or machine is equipped with an ESX®-3Xx with the EB07 expansion board. The EB07 adds the USB to the standard configuration of the ESX control units. It is equipped with its own 400 MHz CPU and a LINUX Kernel incl. 1 GByte Data Flash and brings additional communication ports, including RS232/CAN/Ethernet (10/100 Mbit/s).

Before the update process can be performed, the application developer uses the Update Data Generator software (UDaG) to create an Update Data Package (UDaP). The update generator compiles all the necessary components (including scripts and programs) for the update package. The update package contains the updated application-specific program, as well as additional auxiliary files, and an automated security mechanism. STW supplies the necessary tools to create the data package, and sample code for the target controller for both C- and CODESYS applications.

As soon as the UDaP is available on the USB stick, it can be connected to with the ESX-3Xx controller, and the update is performed automatically.

Kai-Daniel Niestroj
+49 (0) 83 41-95 05-0 / Contact person:
Marlene Steinle, Public Relation Manager

Internet / Am Bärenwald 6
87600 Kaufbeuren
Phone+49 (0) 83 41-95 05-0
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