April 18-21, 2013

Las Cruces Convention Center, Las Cruces, New Mexico

The program committee invites proposals for presentationson any aspect of Arizona or New Mexicohistory for delivery at the New Mexico-ArizonaJoint History Convention, which will be held at the Las Cruces Convention Center.The format of the convention includes approximately twenty-four75-minute sessions of three 20-minute presentations. We encourageboth individual submissions and proposals for related topics that would comprise a complete session.

Proposals must be submitted by October 1, 2012, to Bruce J. Dinges,, c/o Arizona Historical Society, 949 E. 2nd St., Tucson, AZ 85719; or Bruce Gjeltema, , 1102 S. Strong Dr., Gallup, NM 87301. Proposals may be submitted electronically or by mail. Only one proposal per presenter will be considered. Include name, address, phone number, and biographical information, along with title of presentation and no more than one page of description.

Papers must be in hand no later than March 1, 2013.In all cases, presentation length will be strictly limited to twenty minutes maximum. PowerPoint presentations should be in Version 97-2003 format and submitted either at the time of the written paper or no later than March 29. PowerPoint presentations may be submitted by e-mail to or . An uplink for submission of PowerPoint presentations may be available at

Information on meals, tours, and lodging will be mailed in February, 2013. For more information, contact Bruce Dinges, phone: (520) 628-5774, e-mail: , or visit the Arizona History Convention web site: or Bruce Gjeltema, phone: (505) 863-7648, e-mail: , or visit the Historical Society of New Mexico website:

A number of prizes are available.Following notification of acceptance, presenters wishing to be considered for a prize must submit a completed paper of no more than 12 double-spaced, typed pages (exclusive of notes) to Bruce Dinges by February 1, 2013. If a PowerPoint presentation is to be considered as part of the judges’ consideration, the PowerPoint must be submitted with the paper. The prizes include:


A panel of judges will award a $750 prize to the best convention paper on Arizona or New Mexico history. All accepted papers (except those by college students) are eligible.


A $500 prize goes to the best paper on an Arizona or New Mexico topic by a college (graduate or undergraduate) or junior college student. Indicate the advising professor and institution on the proposal and completed paper.


The $500 prize will be awarded for the best paper dealing with the territorial period of Arizona or New Mexico history. Papers dealing with geography, broadly defined, or cartography are particularly encouraged. Anyone wishing to contribute to this memorial can send a check, made out to the Arizona History Convention, Inc., to Chairman John C. Lacy, DeConcini McDonald Yetwin & Lacy, 2525 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 200, Tucson, AZ 85716.