
Making the Link: the role of Housing Support within Local Housing Strategies

Tuesday 8th December 2009

10.45am – 3.30pm

The Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor Hotel, Grosvenor Street, EdinburghEH12 5EF

The Housing Support Enabling Unit, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations and the Scottish Housing Best Value Network will jointly deliver this national forum to bring together key officers and stakeholders to raise awareness of housing support issues in the broader housing strategic planning process.

The event aims to:

  • Promote importance of housing support within the context of the Local Housing Strategy
  • Provide a networking opportunity for key officers across a range of organisations
  • Provide an opportunity for officers and service providers to learn more about the LHS process and how they can engage with it
  • Identify challenges associated with ensuring housing support is given appropriate consideration within local housing strategies


The event will involve presentations from the Scottish Government, from a local authority and from housing support providers. The event will also involve delegates in discussion groups around key topics with an opportunity for everyone to post comments and questions on a discussion board. A record of key points and comments will be created and circulated afterwards.

Target audience

The event will be of particular interest to local authority officers involved in the production of the LHS, Registered Social Landlords and other housing support providers. In addition to this officers from Community Health Partnerships and Social Work officers with a key role in housing support assessment and/or provision will also be invited.

Making the Link: the role of Housing Support within

Local Housing Strategies

Booking Form

Delegate Name:
Delegate Email:
Job Title:
Invoice Address:
Event Date / Delegate Fee
8th December 2009 / £40.00
Invoicing Arrangements: On receipt of this booking form we will confirm your place on the course via email. Your Invoice and other relevant documents will follow after approximately one week by the same method. If these documents are not received please contact us immediately. Do not hesitate to contact us if you require clarification of any point.
Cancellation Policy: The full fee is payable if cancellation is advised to us eleven days or less prior to the event date.
Special Requirements
Please specify whether you have any special requirements (wheelchair access etc). As lunch will be provided please also include any dietary requirements
Please return the completed form to:
Post the completed form to Liz at: Housing Support Enabling Unit
8 – 12 Torphichen Street
Edinburgh EH3 8JQ