Alpena High School Weekly Lesson Plan Form

Kevin Nichols / 8/22 – 8/26/2016
Teacher / Certification Area / Week Beginning Date
Subject: / World History / Period(s):
Day / Framework or Strand / Student Learning Expectation or Objective / Teaching Strategy and Activities / Bell ringer & Assignments / Materials or Resources
Monday / Era6.1.WH.1
Era6.1.WH.7 / Analyze the motivations that led to the exploration and the expansion of empires
· Belief systems
· Economic
· Political
Analyze the social, economic, political, and geographic transformations of regional connectionsinto global trade networks.
Analyze the social, economic, political, and geographic effects of the expansion of empires inthe eastern and western hemispheres from 1450-1770.
Analyze complex and interacting factors that influenced the perspectives of people.
Analyze ways in which current interpretations of the past are limited by the extent to whichavailable historical sources represent the perspectives of people at the time. / European Exploration Notes (Spain, Portugal, etc.) / Portion of guns, germs and steel video
Tuesday / Era6.1.WH.1
Era6.1.WH.7 / Analyze the motivations that led to the exploration and the expansion of empires
· Belief systems
· Economic
· Political
Analyze the social, economic, political, and geographic transformations of regional connectionsinto global trade networks.
Analyze the social, economic, political, and geographic effects of the expansion of empires inthe eastern and western hemispheres from 1450-1770.
Analyze complex and interacting factors that influenced the perspectives of people.
Analyze ways in which current interpretations of the past are limited by the extent to whichavailable historical sources represent the perspectives of people at the time. / European Exploration Notes (Conquistadors and Effects) / Portion of guns, germs, and steel video
Wednesday / Era6.1.WH.1
Era6.1.WH.7 / Analyze the motivations that led to the exploration and the expansion of empires
· Belief systems
· Economic
· Political
Analyze the social, economic, political, and geographic transformations of regional connectionsinto global trade networks.
Analyze the social, economic, political, and geographic effects of the expansion of empires inthe eastern and western hemispheres from 1450-1770.
Analyze complex and interacting factors that influenced the perspectives of people.
Analyze ways in which current interpretations of the past are limited by the extent to whichavailable historical sources represent the perspectives of people at the time. / European Exploration Notes (Conquistadors and Effects) / Portion of guns, germs, and steel video
Thursday / Test Review / Test Review / Test Review
Friday / Test / Test / Test
Subject: / AP World History / Period(s):
Day / Framework or Strand / Student Learning Expectation or Objective / Teaching Strategy and Activities / Bell ringer & Assignments / Materials or Resources
Monday / Key Concept 1.1
Key Concept 1.2
Key Concept 1.3 / Period 1. Technological and Environmental Transformations, to c. 600 B.C.E.
1.1. Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Key Concept
1.2. The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies Key Concept
1.3. The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral and Urban Societies / 1st week Packets are due, Vocabulary Quiz, Create a SPICE Chart over Indus River Valley Civilization / Homework Create a SPICE Chart over Egyptian Civilization
Tuesday / Key Concept 1.1
Key Concept 1.2
Key Concept 1.3 / Period 1. Technological and Environmental Transformations, to c. 600 B.C.E.
1.1. Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Key Concept
1.2. The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies Key Concept
1.3. The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral and Urban Societies / Document Analysis over Code of Hammurabi and Discussion Questions, Video Clip over how the code impacts modern laws
Wednesday / Key Concept 1.1
Key Concept 1.2
Key Concept 1.3 / Period 1. Technological and Environmental Transformations, to c. 600 B.C.E.
1.1. Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Key Concept
1.2. The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies Key Concept
1.3. The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral and Urban Societies / Notes over Early China / In class discussion Questions
Thursday / Key Concept 1.1
Key Concept 1.2
Key Concept 1.3 / Period 1. Technological and Environmental Transformations, to c. 600 B.C.E.
1.1. Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Key Concept
1.2. The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies Key Concept
1.3. The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral and Urban Societies / Quiz over 1st week notes and 1st week packet. Map Review and basic understanding
Friday / Key Concept 1.1
Key Concept 1.2
Key Concept 1.3 / Period 1. Technological and Environmental Transformations, to c. 600 B.C.E.
1.1. Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Key Concept
1.2. The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies Key Concept
1.3. The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral and Urban Societies / Map Quiz / Map Quiz
Subject: / 8th Grade US History / Period(s):
Day / Framework or Strand / Student Learning Expectation or Objective / Teaching Strategy and Activities / Bell ringer & Assignments / Materials or Resources
Monday / Era4.1.8.1
Era4.1.8.6 / Analyze multiple factors that affected territorial expansion and influenced the
perspectives of people (e.g., Election of 1800).
Evaluate the historical significance of individuals, groups, and events. / PPT Notes over what the electoral college is and how it works (George Washington PPT) / Electoral college video Bellringer and wrap-up with another electoral college video and questions
Tuesday / Era4.1.8.1
Era4.1.8.6 / Analyze multiple factors that affected territorial expansion and influenced the
perspectives of people (e.g., Election of 1800).
Evaluate the historical significance of individuals, groups, and events. / PPT Notes over the people and parties involved in the Election of 1800 / Bellringer questions about Electoral College
Wednesday / Era4.1.8.1
Era4.1.8.6 / Analyze multiple factors that affected territorial expansion and influenced the
perspectives of people (e.g., Election of 1800).
Evaluate the historical significance of individuals, groups, and events. / PPT Notes over the issues and problems that happened during the Election of 1800. / Bellringer differences in current Electoral college and founding Electoral College and Mudslinging video
Thursday / Era4.1.8.1
Era4.1.8.6 / Analyze multiple factors that affected territorial expansion and influenced the
perspectives of people (e.g., Election of 1800).
Evaluate the historical significance of individuals, groups, and events. / PPT Notes over why this was a disputed election, how this election changed future elections (e.g. 1876 & 2000), and why some people refer to this election as a Revolution. / This Day in History Bellringer
Friday / Era4.1.8.1
Era4.1.8.6 / Analyze multiple factors that affected territorial expansion and influenced the
perspectives of people (e.g., Election of 1800).
Evaluate the historical significance of individuals, groups, and events. / Students will be broken into two political parties. The job is each group will be to create a party platform, nominate two candidates for mock class election. All students will create campaign posters and slogans. The students will then demonstrate the difference between the Electoral College processes back then compared to the Electoral College today. (Differences and Similarities) / Handout Activity guidelines and rubric
Subject: / 7th Grade Geography / Period(s):
Day / Framework or Strand / Student Learning Expectation or Objective / Teaching Strategy and Activities / Bell ringer & Assignments / Materials or Resources
Monday / WST.1.7.1
WST.1.7.3 / Evaluate the characteristics, functions, advantages, and disadvantages of various geographic representations and geospatial technologies for analyzing spatial patterns and distributions (e.g., maps, diagrams, aerial photographs, remotely sensed images, geographic visualization, global positioning systems, geographic information systems).
Explain relationships between places and regions using geographic representations. / PPT Notes over Hemispheres, Latitude/Longitude, and Basic Components of Map (Legend, etc.). Discussion over the importance of knowing and understanding these elements / Map questions over the following topics provided by teacher in PPT.
Tuesday / WST.1.7.1
WST.1.7.3 / Evaluate the characteristics, functions, advantages, and disadvantages of various geographic representations and geospatial technologies for analyzing spatial patterns and distributions (e.g., maps, diagrams, aerial photographs, remotely sensed images, geographic visualization, global positioning systems, geographic information systems).
Explain relationships between places and regions using geographic representations. / In groups of two students will take an Arkansas Road Atlas and determine the distance between select cities by using the distance scales. Students will also discuss and calculate the difference between the distance scales mileage and highway mileage distance between the select cities. / Arkansas Road Atlases
Wednesday / WST.1.7.1
WST.1.7.3 / Evaluate the characteristics, functions, advantages, and disadvantages of various geographic representations and geospatial technologies for analyzing spatial patterns and distributions (e.g., maps, diagrams, aerial photographs, remotely sensed images, geographic visualization, global positioning systems, geographic information systems).
Explain relationships between places and regions using geographic representations. / Read pg. 16-19 aloud in class over special purpose maps. Discussion over the importance of knowing and understanding these different types of maps. PPT Notes over Topographic Maps / Topographic Map Worksheet
Thursday / Test Review and Book Review / Test Review and Book Review / Test Review and Book Review / Test Review and Book Review / Test Review and Book Review
Friday / Chapter 1 Test / Chapter 1 Test / Chapter 1 Test / Chapter 1 Test / Chapter 1 Test
Subject: / Economics / Period(s):
Day / Framework or Strand / Student Learning Expectation or Objective / Teaching Strategy and Activities / Bell ringer & Assignments / Materials or Resources
Monday / EDM.1.E.1
NE.5.E.2 / Evaluate the roles of scarcity, incentives, trade-offs, and opportunity cost in decision making (e.g., PACED decision making model, cost/benefit analysis).
Evaluate the impact of advancements in technology, investments in capital goods, and investments in human capital on economic growth and standards of living. / Read pg. 15 and 16 covering Trade-offs, Group Activity creating a trade-off scenario, Read pg. 25-26 over different types of Economic resources / Pg. 27 #3 and Give examples of Renewable and Nonrenewable resources
Tuesday / Test Review / Test Review and Book review questions / Test Review and Book review questions / Pg. 28 #1-14 and pg. 29 Doing the Math #1 & 2
Wednesday / Chapter 1 Test / Chapter 1 Test / Chapter 1 Test / Chapter 1 Test / Chapter 1 Test
Thursday / PFM.8.E.1
PFM.8.E.2 / Analyze the impact of education, training, and other factors on productivity and income potential
(e.g., interpersonal skills, workforce readiness skills, ethics).
Evaluate a variety of strategies for making personal financial goals to build short-term and long-term wealth. / Dave Ramsey Video Part 1 and 2, Discussion questions over the Importance and Reasons for Saving and Ways to Save / Worksheet
Friday / PFM.8.E.1
PFM.8.E.2 / Analyze the impact of education, training, and other factors on productivity and income potential
(e.g., interpersonal skills, workforce readiness skills, ethics).
Evaluate a variety of strategies for making personal financial goals to build short-term and long-term wealth. / Dave Ramsey Video Part 3 and 4, Discussion questions over Saving when young as compared to saving when your older / Worksheet
Subject: / Period(s):
Day / Framework or Strand / Student Learning Expectation or Objective / Teaching Strategy and Activities / Bell ringer & Assignments / Materials or Resources
Subject: / Period(s):
Day / Framework or Strand / Student Learning Expectation or Objective / Teaching Strategy and Activities / Bell ringer & Assignments / Materials or Resources