Spanish 3 Honors Syllabus

Mrs. Valerie Dix (Sra. Dix)

Room 119


Phone: 864-250-8947

Course description:

Welcome to Spanish class! Spanish 3 Honors is an accelerated course designed to help further the student’s knowledge of the language, vocabulary, and culture learned in previous Spanish courses. Students will improve listening, reading comprehension and communication skills through varied activities. Since communication is an important part of learning the language, it is necessary that you participate in class. Students are encouraged to use Spanish when possible. The course has been divided into the eight units listed below:

Unit 1 - ¿Quién soy?
3 weeks / Tenses:
·  present
·  preterit
·  imperfect
·  ser/estar / Vocabulary:
·  100 most useful words
·  family
·  school objects
·  adjectives
·  numbers
Unit 2 – Memorias
3 weeks / Tenses:
·  preterit vs imperfect uses
·  hace que…
·  por/para / Vocabulary:
·  Sports/pastimes
·  Places around town
·  Errands
·  Chores
Novela – Carmen / Tenses:
·  all / Vocabulary
·  all
Unit 3 - ¿Adónde voy?
3 weeks / Tenses:
·  Future tense
·  Conditional tense
·  “to become” expressions
·  Demonstrative adjectives
·  Ir + a + infinitive review / Vocabulary:
·  Professions
·  Workplace terms
·  Job terms
·  House terms
Unit 4 – La salud
4 weeks / Tenses:
·  Nosotros commands
·  Informal(tú) and formal(ud. / uds.) commands
·  Object Pronouns
·  Negative words
·  Sino/pero / Vocabulary:
·  Food
·  Health
·  Body parts
·  Injuries
·  Illnesses
·  Exercises
Review Week / Cumulative Midterm
Unit 5 – El ambiente
5 weeks / Tenses:
·  Perfect tenses
·  Past participles with ser/estar
·  Passive/impersonal ‘se’ / Vocabulary:
·  Animals
·  Environment vocabulary
Unit 6 – Las esparanzas
4 weeks / Tenses:
·  Review present indicative irregular conjugations
·  Present subjunctive
·  Present perfect subjunctive / Vocabulary:
·  WEIRDO expressions
·  Adjective review
·  Adverbial clauses
Unit 7 – Problemas
5 weeks / Tenses:
·  Review Preterit conjugations
·  Past subjunctive
·  Conditional review
·  ‘si’ clauses
·  Past perfect subjunctive / Vocabulary:
·  WEIRDO expressions
Unit 8 – Novela – La casa en Mango Street
2 weeks / Tenses:
·  All tenses / Vocabulary:
·  All vocabulary
Review week / Cumulative Exam


¡Avancemos! textbook

1in. 3 Ring Binder

4 tabs labeled

Notes/Verb conjugations



Student Dictionary

Student Notebook Spanish Dictionary – must have 3 holes and fit into 3 ring binder

(4.99 – Walmart/Amazon)

Notebook paper


Notebooks: All Spanish 3 students are required to keep a notebook throughout the course. You should bring your notebooks to class every day. The notebook should be a 1” three ring binder with 4 sections labeled Notes/Verb conjugations, Vocabulary, Tests/Quizzes, and Dictionary. Students need a notebook to keep up with notes, vocabulary and documentation for the end of year performance.

** Every year I have students ask for extra credit. I do not offer extra credit, but I will allow extra credit for those who have maintained an organized notebook at the end of each semester. **

Teacher Website:

All assignments will be posted on my website at the following link:

Parents and students please subscribe to your specific class period in order to get updates.

Office Hours:

I will be available every Wednesday from 2:50–3:50. Office hours are available for students who need extra help with a concept or who have dropped below 80%. It is your responsibility to sign up in advance. Please see the student handbook for more information about Office Hours at GTCHS.

Grading Policy:

10% - Class activities and participation

15% - Homework

30% - Quizzes (vocabulary, grammar, oral, listening)

45% - Tests /Projects

Rules and Expectations:

1. Respect and encourage the right to teach and the right to learn at all times.

2. Be actively engaged in the learning: ask questions, collaborate, and seek solutions.

3. Be on time to fulfill your daily commitments.

4. Be appropriate; demonstrate behavior that is considerate of the community, the campus, and yourself.

5. Be truthful; communicate honestly.

6. Be responsible and accountable for your choices.

7. Speak Spanish whenever possible!

8. Online translators are not allowed! Students may use as a reliable online dictionary source.


1.  Warning and conference with teacher. (parents contacted)

2.  After school detention assigned.

3.  Administrative referral.

Classroom Procedures:

1. Be in your seat and be ready for class when the bell rings.

2. Get out notebook and writing utensil. (Sharpen all pencils before class begins.)

3. Turn in any assignment due in the appropriate class period tray at the front of the class.

4. Complete bell work assignments.

Late Work Policy:

In order to prepare students for college and the workforce, students are required to turn in all work on time. Five points will be deducted each day that the work is late until it is worth nothing. A zero will be given for all work not turned in.

Missed Assignments:

When absent, please come before or after school to get all missed assignments/notes. Please remember that students are only allowed five days to make up any missed work.

What can you already do with the language?

Below is a list of statements that require basic to complex skills of Spanish students. Some of these skills are repeated from one year to the next in order to develop the skill in each student. Check each box that applies to you.

ð I can introduce myself and describe my preferences.

ð I can guess vocabulary by looking for cognates.

ð I can use and recombine frequently practiced words from memory.

ð I can describe my activities and when/ how often I do them.

ð I can tell a story in the past.

ð I can ask and answer simple questions.

ð I can use mostly memorized phrases and lists.

ð I can talk about what will happen.

ð I can create sentences by putting words I know together.

ð I can communicate in an organized persuasive way.

ð I can write an organized essay.

ð I can speak on a topic for 2 minutes.

ð I use varied vocabulary.

ð I can comprehend what I hear.

ð I can comprehend what I read.

ð I can write a letter, email or postcard.

ð I can discuss cultural perspectives (in Spanish).

ð I can hold an unrehearsed conversation.

ð I can compare and contrast.

ð I can summarize, synthesize and reflect.

ð I can describe cultural products (in Spanish).

ð I can role-play.

ð I can ask and answer detailed questions.

ð I can communicate in three time frames.

ð I can be understood by sympathetic native speakers used to foreigners.

ð I can understand and be understood by native speakers.

ð I can write a formal letter.

ð I can ask and answer common simple questions.

ð I can read a variety of literary styles.

ð I can read narratives.

ð I can debate and support my arguments by citing evidence.

ð I can make connections and inferences.

ð I can ask for and give directions.

ð I can describe in detail.

ð I can use appropriate register-¿Ud. o tú?

ð I can inform and persuade.

ð I can agree / disagree and give opinions.

ð I can handle an unexpected situation.

ð I can speak with connected sentences.

ð I can hypothesize.

Please sign, complete and return the bottom portion of this document for my records.

I have read and understand the syllabus and expectations for Sra. Dix’s Spanish class.


Student name (please print) class period / day (A or B)


Student signature date


Parent/Guardian name (please print)


Parent/guardian signature date