Arts academy at Benjamin rush girls soccer

The purpose of this letter is to provide helpful information for you and your parents/guardians in preparing for our

Varsity Soccer team.


1)From now until tryouts are over, all communication will be done via email. I will usually use Jupiter grades. Please make sure the email on Jupiter grades is the same you listed on the registration form (for you and your parents/guardians)

2)Our team has a website (link listed in heading of this letter) which contains the full team schedule for both practices and games, handouts and other useful information. Please use it for schedule.

3)Once tryouts are completed, if you make the team, each of you will be asked for your cell phone numbers. Group texts will be usedfor quick changes of locations of practice, early dismissal permission, cancelations, etc. Parents may choose to sign up as well if they wish.


The Fall sports season begins in August. Heat Acclimation conditioning/training begins Tuesday, August 11th.

See the website for the entire training, tryout, practice and contest schedule.

All players signed up may participate in the annual “AlumKnights” game where former players who graduated come back to play a scrimmage game on August 12th.


In order to tryout, the permission from both parents/guardians and a doctor must be handed in the first day you are in attendance for any activity in August. These forms (the EH80 and PIAA forms)are available from me or our website. Please recall the date MUST BE after 5/31/2015 on the doctor’s physical.

We need to keep 15 players to be permitted to have a team. We normally keep 18-20. Aside from skilled soccer players, we are also looking for fast, aggressive, athletic, coachable, cooperative and committed student athletes.

What equipment do I need to get:

You need soccer shin guards, soccer cleats, and 1 or 2 pairs of soccer socks (any color) for practice.

Soccer Shin guards must be NOCSAE approved and have the NOCSAE embossed logo on the front of the shin guard (no stickers). The school has a limited number of approved shin guards and white soccer cleats if you need them and do not want to or cannot purchase them.

It is also suggested you wear a sports bra during all practice/games, refrain from wearing any jewelry, and bring your own water (although water will be supplied for summer practices.

Can my friends sign up that are coming to the school next year?

ABSOLUTLEY by going online to the website and pressing register then getting the proper forms. They should also email me directly.

Anything I should do to prepare?

There is a handout called pre-season prep on the website. It lists ideas on how to prepare both on and off the field.

ANY QUESTIONS???? DO NOT HESITATE to email me at any time.

Thanks for trying out!