SCHOOL: Clinical Medicine
COLLEGE: Health Sciences


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NAME: RAJENDRA BHIMMA / POSITION TITLE: Associate Professor of Paediatrics
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) / YEAR(s) / FIELD OF STUDY
UNIVERSITY OF NATAL / M.B.Ch.B / 1985 / Medicine
COLLEGE OF MEDICINE OF SOUTH AFRICA / DCH / 1998 / Paediatrics and Child Health
COLLEGE OF MEDICINE / FCP (Paeds) / 1992 / Paediatrics and Child Health
UNIVERSITY OF NATAL / M.Med (Paeds) / 1995 / Paediatrics and Child Health
INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY / ISN Fellowship in Nephrology / 1999 / Paediatric Nephrology
HPCSA REGISTRATION / Paediatric Nephrologist / 2001 / Paediatric Nephrology
DOCTORATE IN MEDICINE / MD / 2003 / Paediatrics and Child Health



A. Positions and Honours. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with your present position.

List any honours. Include membership, over the last five years, on any National or International advisory or

professional committee.


1.  Medical Research Council grant - Pathogenesis of Hepatitis B virus associated nephropathy – 1995 (PI)

2.  Medical Research Council grant - Role of Inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of the Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome – 1996 (PI)

3.  David Hepburn Award - Pathogenesis of Hepatitis B virus associated nephropathy – 1997 (PI)

4.  International Society of Nephrology Fellowship Training Scholarship - Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada - 1999

5.  Schering Plough – Efficacy of Interferon alpha 2b in the treatment of Hepatitis B Virus Associated Nephropathy – 1999 (PI)

6.  Recipient of the Charlotte Roberts Travel Award The National Kidney Foundation of South Africa - 1999

7.  Nestlé Nutrition Scholarship Programme 1999 – Scholarship Awarded for 25 000 Euros.

8.  National Kidney Foundation – Ecology of Hepatitis B virus associated Membranous Nephropathy - 2000

9.  Certificate of Competence in Neonatal Resuscitation Program conducted in by the South African Paediatric Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics - 2001

10.  Adcock-Ingram Critical Care –Nominated as INTERNATIONAL MAN OF THE YEAR AWARD 2003 by the International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England 2002

11.  Medical Research Council - Award for the study of "Long-term outcome of Indian children with steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome" - 2003

12.  Voted as one of the top 100 achievers in SA by the Mail and Guardian – 2003

13.  National Research Foundation – Awarded R40000 over 3 years for being and NRF rated researcher - 2010

14.  Award 5000USD from the ISN GO Clinical R&P for the Project “The role of MYH9/APOL1 variants and mutations in the development of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in South African children with idiopathic and HIV related nephrotic syndrome” in February 2012. Roll over grant until 2014.


1.  Member of the Board of the Faculty of Medicine (2000 – present).

2. Member of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (2002 – present).

3.  Member of the Southern African Nephrology Society (2000 to present).

4.  President and Executive Member of the Southern Regional Paediatric Nephrology Association (2004- present).

5.  Member of the International Society of Nephrology and International Pediatric Nephrology Association (2001 – present).

6.  Member of the African Association of Nephrology and National Kidney Foundation (2000- present).

7.  Member of the South African Paediatric Association and Medical Association (1999 to present).

8.  Executive member of the Scientific Committee of the National Kidney Foundation: 2003 – 2012.

9.  Member of the South African Transplantation Society 2003 - 2012

10.  Member of the Post Graduate Education Committee of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (2003 – 2011)

11.  Member of the Bioethics Research Ethics Committee of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (2003 – present)

12.  Member of the Faculty Research Committee of the University of KwaZulu-Natal 2005 - 2006.

13.  Member of the KwaZulu-Natal Transplant Society – 2005 - 2014

14.  Chair of Faculty Research Committee of the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal 2006 - 2011.

15.  Executive Scientific member of the South African Transplant Society, September 2007- 2014.

16.  President of the KwaZulu-Natal Organ Donor Foundation Forum, August 2009 onwards

17.  Executive member of the Transplant Advisory Ethics Committee – October 2011 to 2014.


1.  External Examiner for final year examinations at the Medical University of South Africa (MEDUNSA) – 10 October 2014.

2.  Examiner for the Fellowship in Paediatrics by the College of Medicine of South Africa – March 2013

3.  Co-editor on the Editorial Board of ‘World Journal of Nephrology” 2011 – 2015

4.  National Co-ordinator and Examiner for the Fellowship in Paediatrics by the College of Medicine of South Africa in March 2012

5.  Reviewer for the National Research Foundation for South African Research Chairs in Science and Technology in 2011

6.  External Examiner to the Final Year Undergraduate Examinations at the Walter Sisulu University in 2011.

7.  Examination of M. Med Thesis by Dr J Mitchell on “Descriptive study of biopsy proven IgA and Henoch-Schӧnlein Purpura Nephropathy in two government hospitals in Johannesburg (South Africa), February 2010.

8.  Convener for College of Medicine Examinations: FCP (Paeds) Part 1 for September 2009.

9.  Coordinator and Examiner for the Part 1 Fellowship in Paediatric Examinations by the College of Medicine, South Africa. September 2009

10.  External Examiner for Certificate in Nephrology Examinations by the College of Medicine South Africa March 2008 and March 2009.

11.  Examiner for thesis: The Association of various HLA-A, -B, and –DR loci with Membranous Glomerulonephritis (MGN), IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) and Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in KwaZulu-Natal Renal Patients (Ms V Allen), March 2008.

12.  Internal examiner for the thesis: The Impact of Pneumonia in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Hiv-1) Infected Pregnant Women on Perinatal and Early Infant Mortality – 2007 by Dr Munira Khan.

13.  Convener and Examiner for the FCP (Paeds) Certificate of Nephrology Examinations March 2007

14.  Examiner for the FCP (Part II) College of Medicine Examinations, October 2006.

15.  Examiner for the Final Year students at the Walter Sisulu University, Eastern Cape, July and October 2006

16.  Examiner for the FCP (Part 1) College of Medicine Examinations, September 2005.

17.  External Examiner for MSci Thesis from University of Witwatersrand in 2004: Molecular methods to determine the presence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotypes in the serum of a HBV-infected Chacma baboon (Dr T. J. Naicker)

18.  Reviewed over twenty articles for international journals and protocols for the MRC and the National Kidney Foundation 2004 – 2009

19.  B.Sci. (Hons) Thesis: “The impact of HIV/AIDS on Urinary Tract Infections in children. (Ms K Asharam)

20.  Recognized by the Sacoor Medical Group (A Major Pharmaceutical Company) as one of the Opinion Leaders/Experts involved in the management of Hepatitis B Virus disease 2003.

21.  External Examiner to the University of Transkei (UNITRA) for final year examines for medical students (9 – 12 June 2003).

22.  Examiner for the Fellowship in Paediatrics Part I for the College of Medicine (CMSA) – March and October 2002 and October 2004

23.  Examiner for the Fellowship in Paediatrics Part II for the College of Medicine (CMSA) – March 2001.

24.  Examiner for the Diploma in Child Health for the College of Medicine (CMSA) – September 2000.

25.  Supervised 4 students for Masters in Public Health at University of Michigan, 3 of who graduated in 2000.

26.  Liaison office and team leader for the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Initiative for Minority Groups – 1998.

27.  External Examiner for the Masters in Medicine at the Medical University of South Africa (MEDUNSA) – September 1998.

B. Peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order with latest dates first) since last promotion. Do not include publications submitted or in preparation. Please highlight publications since previous promotion or appointment into current position. If publications are included that have been accepted for publication, proof must be attached.

Entries should be numbered and co-authors shown, where applicable. The length of the various publications should be indicated by means of the inclusion of page numbers. Candidates should quantify their individual contribution to any joint publications. List teaching/learning publications under heading D.

1.  Bhimma R. Pediatric Hepatorenal Syndrome. Medscape Reference. Updated March 19, 2015. Available at:

2.  Bhimma R. Renal Glucosuria. Medscape Reference. Updated March 02, 2015. Available at:

3.  Bhimma R (2014) Urinary Tract Infections in Children: A Changing Paradigm. Adv Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Safety 3: 163. doi:10.4172/2167-1052.1000163

2.  Bhimma R. Renal Glucosuria. Medscape Reference. Updated October 17, 2014. Available at:

3.  Bhimma R (2014) Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome in Children. J Nephrol Therapeutic S11:003. doi: 10.4172/2161-0959.S11-003

4.  Bhimma R. Pediatric Hepatorenal Syndrome. Medscape Reference. Updated May 23, 2014. Available at:

5.  Bhimma R. Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome in Children. J Nephrol and Ther (2014) Open Access: 10.4172/2161-0959.S11-003 (in press).

6.  Bhimma R. Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis. Medscape Reference. Updated March 26, 2013. Available at: R. Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis. Medscape Reference. Updated Februery 26, 2014. Available at

7.  Bhimma R, Naicker Elaene, Ramdial K Pratistadevi. Mycophenolate mofetil therapy in children with idiopathic membranous nephropathy.Clin. Nephrol, 2013;80,44

8.  Bhimma R, Purswani MU, Kalu U. Kidney disease in children and adolescents with perinatal HIV-1 infection. J int Aids Soc 2013 Jun 18;16;18596. Doi:10.7448/IAS.16.1.18596.

9.  Julius B, Bhimma R, Naicker E. Challenges Facing the Management of Steroid resistant Nephrotic Syndrome in children. Quarterly J Med, 2013

10.  Bhimma R. Renal Glucosuria. Medscape Reference. Updated March 25, 2013. Available at:

11.  Bhimma R. Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated September 21, 2011. Available at:

12.  Bhimma R. Pediatric Hepatorenal Syndrome. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated June 04, 2012. Available at:

13.  Bhimma R. Renal Glucosuria. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated August 19, 2011. Available at:

14.  Ramsuran, R. Bhimma, P.K. Ramdial, E Naicker, M. Adhikari, J. Deonarain, Y. Sing and T. Naicker (2012). The Spectrum of HIV- related nephropathy in children in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Pediatric Nephrology, 2012, Volume 27, Number 5, Pages 821-827

15.  Ramdial PK, Sing Y, Deonarain J, Bhimma R, Chotey NA and Sewram V. Cryptococcosis: Novel Manifestations in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Era. INT J SURG June 2011;19(3): 386-392

16.  Ramsuran D, RamdialPK, Bhimma R, Adhikari M,andNaicker T(2010). Ultrastructural renalphenotype in paediatric HIV related nephropathy. Microscopy Society of Southern Africa-Proceedings 40-4D.

17.  Maligavhada NJ, Bhimma R. Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus and Renal Osteodystrophy as a complication of Chronic Kidney Disease due to obstructive uropathy. Paediatric Quarterly 2010, vol 2, no.1.; 27-30.

18.  N Gous, R Bhimma, M Kew, A. Kramvis. Retrospective characterisation of the S open reading frame of HBV isolated from children with membranous nephropathy treated with interferon-a2b. Antiviral Therap 2010, 15:61-69

19.  Bhimma R. Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated February 12, 2009. Available at: Accessed January 2010.

20.  Bhimma R. Hepatorenal Syndrome. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated July 19, 2010. Available at:

21.  Bhimma R, Sairam VK, Travis L. Hemorrhagic Fever With Renal Failure Syndrome. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated May 07, 2010. Available at:

22.  R Bhimma, Adhikari M. Immunisation challenges in renal transplant recipients. Specialist Medicine, September 2010: 10(9); 39-47

23.  R Bhimma, M Adhikari. Immunosuppression in paediatric renal transplant patients Part II. Specialist Medicine,2010, 9; (6), 37- 43. Bhimma R. Newer Insights into Acute Renal Failure in Children. Pediatric Oncall, vol 6, issue 4, Dec 2009, 59-65.

24.  Bhimma R. Newer Insights into Acute Renal Failure in Children. Pediatric Oncall, vol 6, issue 4, Dec 2009, 59-65.

25.  Bhimma R. HIV associated Renal Disease. The Paediatric Quarterly, 2009, vol 1, No 4, 15-19

26.  Bhimma R. Renal Glucosuria. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated February 12, 2009. Available at: Accessed February 17, 2009.

27.  Bhimma R, Adhikari M. Newer Perspectives in Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome in Children. Specialist Medicine, Vol 8, 2008: 34-39.

28.  Bhimma R, Adhikari M, Asharam K, Connolly CA. The Spectrum of Chronic Kidney Disease (stage 2-5) in children in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Ped Nephrol (2008) Oct; 23(10): 1841-6.

29.  Bhimma R, Vellore K Sairam, Luther Travis, MD Haemorrhagic Fever with Renal Failure Syndrome. eMedicine. 14 May 2008 http://www.

30.  Bhimma R. Immunosuppression in Paediatric Renal Transplant Patients. Pediatric Oncall [serial online] 2008 [cited 2008 June 1];5. Available from:

31.  R Bhimma, M Adhikari. Immunosuppression in paediatric renal transplant patients Part I. Specialist Medicine 2008, 9; (6), 37- 43.

32.  Bhimma R. Immunosuppression in Paediatric Renal Transplant Patients. Pediatric Oncall [serial online] 2008 [cited 2008 June 1];5. Available from:

33.  Bhimma R, Vellore K Sairam, Luther Travis, MD Haemorrhagic Fever with Renal Failure Syndrome. eMedicine. 14 May 2008. http://www.

34.  Bhimma R, Adhikari M. HIV and renal diseases in children. Specialist Medicine 2008 Sept; 21(9): 768-770.

35.  Bhimma R. HIV Nephropathy in Children [serial online] 2007 [cited 2007 October 15]1;1. Available from:

36.  Bhimma R. Immunisation Challenges in Kidney Transplant Patients. Transplant Reviews vol. 6 No. 1 Issue 20 2007

37.  Bhimma R, Adhikari M, Asharam K. Management of Steroid Resistant Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Children using Tacrolimus. Am J of Nephrol 2007;26: 544-551.

38.  Bhimma R. Immunisation Renal Transplant Patients (Part II). Transplant Reviews vol. 6 No. 1 Issue 20 2007, 102-104