St Thomas Community Primary School

Additional Learning Needs Policy

The National Assembly for Wales Circular 47/2006,Inclusion and Pupil Support (2006) notes that the Welsh Assembly Government has adopted the term, ‘Additional Learning Needs’(ALN) in order to recognise the diverse and complex needs of learners and to reflect a more holistic approach to meeting individual pupils’ learning needs. This is a wider term than ‘Special Educational Needs’ (SEN) and encompasses all learners who require additional support because they have learning needs greater than the majority of their peers, either due to their circumstances or because they have a longer-term condition or disorder.The term, ‘SEN’therefore is a subdivision of ALN and continues to be used to identify those children and young people who have severe, complex and/or specific learning needs as defined in the Education Act 1996 and theSEN Code of Practice for Wales (2002).

Some learners with Additional Learning Needs may fall into vulnerable learner categories and vice versa. However, not all learners within vulnerable groups will necessarily have Additional Learning Needs.

Below is a list of groups identified within St Thomas Community Primary School as being vulnerable learner groups and/or groups with Additional Learning Needs. Accompanying this list is the provision that we provide to ensure that these groups are not disadvantaged in any way and that their individual learning needs are met. Provision has been sub-categorised into Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Other. At St Thomas we have also chosen to identify More Able and Talented pupils as having Additional Learning Needs and specific provision for this group has been included in a separate row. These lists and related provision are not definitive and St Thomas CPS will continue to respond to its changing community and the opportunities it has to develop and improve provision even further.

ALN Groups/Vulnerable Learner groups / Literacy / Numeracy / Science / Other
  • SEN
  • EAL
  • Pupils of families in difficulties
  • Pupils with a disability
  • Pupils with Medical Needs
  • Travellers
  • Asylum Seekers
  • LAC
  • CP
  • FSM
  • Poor Attenders
  • Pupils living in Deprived areas
  • IEP’s
  • Speech Link - KT
  • Language Link – KT
  • Project X Reading Scheme
  • Oxford R T scheme
  • Literacy Evolve Resources
  • Film Education Resources
  • Literacy Blackcat – IT resource
  • External visitors
  • Various educational visits
  • Theatre Na Nog theatre show
  • Pandemonium theatre show
  • Sherston Gogglebox
  • Intervention groups
  • Individual targets
  • Library reading
  • Guided reading
  • Reading Eggs
  • Differentiated spelling groups
  • LCP Phonic, Yellow Door
  • Parental Engagement Opportunities
  • 2Type, Tizzy
  • Easy Type
  • Project X Code/ Floppy Phonics
  • IEP’s
  • A range of concrete apparatus including numicon & multilink
  • Online Maths Packs
  • Sumdog
  • Mathletics – Yr 6
  • IEP’s
  • Numeracy Blackcat – IT Resource
  • Sherston Crystal ICT Channel
  • Differentiated Maths teaching
  • Percy Parker Tables CD
  • Intervention groups
  • Individual targets
  • Parental Engagement Opportunities
  • Interactive Resources
  • Sherston Goggle Box
  • Concept Cartoons
  • Digital Microscopes
  • Data Loggers
  • Sherston Crystal ICT Channel
  • A range of resources
  • Individual targets
  • Links to the Museum
  • Educational Visits
  • Annual Techniquest workshops
  • Biennial Science Week Theme
  • After school Science Club
  • Exchange Counselling Service
  • Behavioural Support Service
  • Pastoral Support Plans
  • Team Around the Family
  • Social Services
  • EWO & Project workers
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Speech & Language Support
  • Individual Health Care Plans
  • A range of online resources
  • HT/DH to attend all meetings ensuring consistency
  • Parental Engagement Opportunities
  • First Aid training for staff
  • Home School Link books

  • MAT
  • MAT Reading Groups – HT/Library
  • Reading Express –School Website
  • Individual Targets
  • Differentiated Maths teaching
  • MAT Maths problems – DH
  • Sumdog - School Website
  • Mathletics – Yr 6
  • Individual Targets
  • Interactive Resources
  • Crest Science Club – SH
  • Additional Opportunities as and when they arise eg art projects, sporting clubs & events, specialist visitors, peripatetic Music/Welsh teachers etc
  • Welsh Ambassadors

A paper copy of this policy is held in the ‘Policy Documents’ folder in the Head teacher’s office and a digital copy is available via the school website.

This policy is to be reviewed annually unless a change occurs which necessitates an earlier review.

Last review – June 2014

Next review – Summer 2015