Minutes of the Council meeting held at Bronaeron, Felinfach, Lampeter,

SA48 8AG at 10.00 a.m. on Monday 11 August 2014

Present: Anthony Booth (Chair), Ann Bigley (Vice Chair), David Blair,

Steve Everitt, Stewart Franklin, Angela Kember, John Kirk,

Dania Leyson, Peter Morgan, Lisa Reed, Elizabeth Russell,

Gilly Thomson, Gethin Williams

Apologies: David Roberts, Jo Sheil, Mary Redvers (President),

Dai Harris (President Elect),

In Attendance: Bethan Jones (Acting Principal Officer)

Minute Taker: Jayne Willis (PA)

Welcome & Apologies

A minute’s silence was held in respect of E.T.R. Jones of Pwllgwyn Stud and all members recently departed.

Action Points
It was proposed by Elizabeth Russell, seconded by Gethin Williams, with all in favour, that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting, subject to the following corrections:
p.3 9194 Members Services, Exhibition Unit – to read “It was felt that costs should be split between the four standing committees.”
p.1 9193, re 9113 - XXX
p.3 9194 Promotions, Family Fun Day – Mrs Jones reported that the booking for the Three Counties Showground had been cancelled as there had been no interest at all, and she had been able to reduce the cancellation fee to £250 from £500. / ACB to action
p.4 9194 Finance & HR – It was reported that cheque mandates are now in place for Anthony Booth and Elizabeth Russell.
p.5 9196 RWAS letter – Bethan Jones to action.
Gethin Williams stated that he could not accept the minutes of the 7 July meeting, as they do not conform to the Charity Commission’s guidelines which note that the motion, the proposer and seconder, should be clearly stated.
Further discussion ensued and it was agreed that the last line of the 7 July minutes should read “Council unanimously agreed the recommendation, which was proposed by Gethin Williams and seconded by Stewart Franklin.”
Lisa Reed claimed that Members were unhappy that standing committee minutes are not discussed, proposed and seconded by Council as they had been previously.
Following a suggestion by Gilly Thomson, it was proposed by Angela Kember, seconded by Lisa Reed that, in future, Standing Committee minutes should be circulated to all Trustees for information, and should include proposers, seconders and the vote. All in favour. / Office to action
It was proposed by Elizabeth Russell, seconded by Gilly Thomson, that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting, subject to the following corrections:
p.1 The death of Bleddyn Pugh, Dirion Stud was reported but not recorded.
·  IT Review – Meeting to take place in Warrington on 12 August 2014 with Peter Cooper and Gary Atkinson, following input from staff.
·  Junior Membership – Fee reduced from £20.50 to £12 with a gift to the value of £5.
·  Standing Committee Budgets – To be progressed.
·  Old Journals – Agreed to reduce cost of old Journals to £10 for 2013, and £6 each for 2010, 2011 & 2012.
It was proposed by Steve Everitt, seconded by Elizabeth Russell, that 50 copies of each of the above editions be kept on bookshelves in the corridor, and the rest pulped.
The office to email all Area & Overseas Associations noting that copies are free and available to collect from the Exhibition Unit, or copies can be posted, but the Associations must pay postage. / Office to action
Office to action
Mr Booth reported that Jo Sheil-Morgan had stood down as Chair of Education & Welfare due to domestic changes XXXX.
·  Terms of Reference – circulated.
·  Welfare Co-ordinators – Job descriptions produced.
·  Judging & Showing Handbook 2015 – Revision to be addressed at 15 September meeting, in preparation for the November print date. It was suggested that the probationary judges/dress code section be reviewed given recent issues. / J&S to action
·  Gwent Area Show Complaint – Steve Everitt to write further to the Show’s Chair; draft to be sent to office to action.
·  Ron Moorhen Internet postings – It was confirmed that the identity of the individual is known, but cannot be proved. / ASE to action
·  Staff Dress Code on the Exhibition Unit - Male staff members attending HOYS to wear shirt and tie and black trousers, and female staff members to wear blouse and black skirt /trousers. The Society to supply the shirts and blouses which will be embroidered with the Society’s logo. This dress code to be extended to staff at all events at which the Exhibition Unit attends. / BJ to action
·  Policies & Procedures – Mrs Russell noted that following a review, all current policies & procedures should be set aside and new ones produced, but she will not be able to address the issue until the winter months. In addition all employees should have a staff handbook, with a maximum of 15 pages, and all policies should be signed and acknowledged as read. / EAR to action
·  Show Software – Brian Dowding, Peter Cooper and Gary Atkinson to meet to discuss software package requirements for the shows, and report back to Lisa Reed. XXXX
·  Young Ambassador/ Young Achiever – Application forms and information sent to all Area Associations for distribution to their members.
Gethin Williams proposed, seconded by Ann Bigley that Council accepts the Members Services report of its meeting held on 7 July 2014. All in favour. / CER to action
·  Calendar of Publications – This has now been produced and will be circulated to all Trustees for their input.
·  Journal Review – It was agreed that all stud adverts should be in the Journal, and non-stud adverts in the magazine.
·  Breed leaflet – The Society’s breed leaflet is to be reproduced in a similar manner to the colourful and informative Rare Breeds Survival Trust leaflet. A quote of £263 per 1000 had been received, and a draft will be supplied at the 15 September Promotions meeting, with copies available at HOYS.
·  It is hoped that an electronic copy of the Australian leaflet could be acquired in order to reproduce something similar.
·  Horse & Country have expressed an interest in working with the Society.
·  NFU – Ann Bigley had recently met with the Susan Barley, NFU and learnt that a review is taking place with results due in the autumn. In addition an official letter should be sent to the NFU by the Chair, Anthony Booth, outlining the way forward and noting the Society’s recent successes at shows etc.
·  HOYS Merchandise – The office will work with the Promotions Committee to ensure there are suitable items to sell at the HOYS event to take place on 8-12 October 2014 at the NEC Birmingham, including umbrellas.
·  Society Magazine – Option 1 - Redpin’s quote for the magazine came in at £3,850 and they keep the advert revenue.
Option 2 - The designer would charge £1,000 and the printer £2,025, totalling £3,200 with the advert income going direct to the Society
It was proposed by Peter Morgan, seconded by Elizabeth Russell that the Society goes with option 2, design and print, for the next edition of the magazine. All in favour.
It was proposed by Ann Bigley, seconded by Peter Morgan, that Ceri Fell and Jackie Kirk be approached to be co-opted onto the Promotions Magazine committee. All in favour. / BJ to action
BJ to action
ACB / BJ to action
Promotions / office to action
BJ to action
Promotions to action
Lisa Reed reported that the committee had met on 24 June and 20 July 2014, and agreed a £1,500 bi-annual scholarship. They are also organising a fundraising raffle which will be drawn at either the Cob Sales or the Winter Fair. Mrs Reed suggested that the Young Ambassador, chair of the committee, could be invited to report to Council, or that Council could attend one of their meetings.
It was agreed to accept the minutes subject to the following corrections:
p.5 Unknown speaker (x2) to be recorded as such.
p.9 J Evans, Stud to be amended to Caeglas Stud (x2)
p.21 Unknown speaker to be recorded as A J G Williams
p.22 Unknown speaker to be recorded as A J G Williams
·  Welsh Belgium - Anita Aerts reported on export issues in Belgium, and it was agreed that Carl Trock would email an English translation of the “questions for potential buyers” currently on the Danish website to the office at Bronaeron for forwarding to all Overseas Associations.
·  18th International Show, Denmark – To take place on the weekend of 8/9 August 2014 at Vilhemsborg, Denmark’s National Equine Centre. With the International Meeting taking place on the Friday 7 August 2014.
·  2014 International Workshop – This will take place at the RWAS Pavilion at 10am on Thursday 16 October 2014, the day before the Cob Sales.
Anthony Booth reported that the Secretary information was sent to 155 applicants, with 15 written applications received. An independent recruitment individual will be selected to attend the interviews to join Ann Bigley, Anthony Booth, and Dai Harris. The interviews will take place on 11 & 12 September 2014.
Dania Leyson proposed, seconded by Gethin Williams, that Stewart Franklin be added to the interview panel, replacing Elizabeth Russell. All in favour.
Discussion ensued regarding the classes and it was confirmed that they are intended as a fun addition to the programme of events, they will be judged in the same way as all the other classes are judged, following the same rules.
It was further noted that comments on the Internet suggested that people were very pleased with the introduction, and they had enjoyed previous classes.
Kent County were the only show that could stage it this year – many shows not being able to add it in time - and it was very well received by all there, with 13/14 entrants in the C&D section. It was added as a bit of fun and the judge reportedly enjoyed the class.
It was agreed to add “and should be treated as a fun class” to the end of the supplied text.
It was proposed by Gilly Thomson, seconded by John Kirk, that trotting classes are not added to the handbook. All in favour.
It was further proposed by Gilly Thomson, seconded by Lisa Reed, that an item regarding the new fun traditional trotting classes be inserted in the next edition of the magazine. All in favour. / To next magazine,
DB to action
Steve Everitt to prepare a draft for the website, to be brought to the next meeting for approval. / ASE to action for October agenda
a)  XXXX
c)  Barber Titley Solicitors, Legacy – Letter received
d)  Meikles Solicitors, Legacy – Letter received
e)  Mr Stein Langørgen – It was proposed by Gethin Williams, seconded by Stewart Franklin, that unfortunately Council is unable to make an exception.
f)  Mrs J M Filmer – Council thanks her for the letter but unfortunately this is a matter in which the Society has no standing, and would refer her back to HOYS / Kent County.
g)  Mrs J Hill, WPCS Australia Assessments - Trustees agreed that the Australian Judges Assessment should run with the newly implemented system for this year, but looks forward to receiving a report on the assessment when complete.
It was proposed by Gethin Williams, seconded by Angela Kember that Council leaves it for now as the request is too early, and revisits the issue when a report has been received following this year’s assessment. All in favour.
h)  WPCV Netherlands, Harmonisation of the Stud Book – Following a discussion it was proposed by Anthony Booth, seconded by Gethin Williams, that 30 pedigree spot checks are done by Bethan Jones and if all correct, bring it back to the next Council meeting to sign off. All in favour. / Office (NT) to reply
Office to reply
Office to email reply
BJ to action, back to next Council
It was proposed by Stewart Franklin, seconded by Angela Kember, that the applications for membership be accepted. All in favour. / Members accepted
a)  Royal Show Auction – It was reported that the Royal Show had pulled the WPCS trophies from the sale, and they need to meet before returning the trophies to the Society.
b)  Christina Nixon Catering – The “members only” ruling for the Pavilion had noticeably affected her income during Royal Welsh week this year. The office had supplied 300 Visitor badges, but they were not used.
It was agreed to bring the matter to the attention of the Royal Welsh at its meeting with the Society in October. / To RWAS meeting agenda
c)  RWAS Pavilion – The current lease does not expire until 31 December 2023. Elizabeth Russell noted that the issue was discussed at the Finance & HR meeting on 8 July 2014, and it was agreed that she would write to the Royal Welsh.
The Society needs to go to tender for architects, engineers and designers for a one storey and a two storey building. It was agreed that the Estates Group would arrange to meet at the Royal Welsh Showground and report back to Council.
It was agreed that John Kirk would provide an estimate for the demolition and removal of the existing Pavilion and report back to Council. It was further noted that if the building is demolished a marquee could be placed there for 2015. / EAR to action
Estates Group to action
JK to action
d)  JMB Meeting – Angela Kember tabled a report on the recent meeting and noted that funds are required for Ring 5 at Hickstead, and asked Council for their guidance as to how she should vote on its behalf at the JMB October meeting. Majority against, with two abstentions: Mrs Kember - reason - involved. Mrs Russell – reason – do not understand. / AJK to action
e)  Journal Printing Costs – Cambrian Printers £15,614, two weeks to print; Gomer £16,675; for design in colour, £58 per page; for design in black and white, £50 per page.
f)  Timetable for Minutes – Following a request from Gilly Thomson it was agreed that a timetable for minutes be circulated.
g)  Jobs Growth Wales – Discussion ensued regarding the provision of an additional staff member, paid for by the Welsh Assembly Government under the Jobs Growth Wales scheme for six months.
h)  Disciplinary Policies – Ann Bigley asked where the committee was up to with the revision, and it was confirmed that they would be meeting after Council.
i)  Forensic Audit – It was confirmed that Mrs Russell had spoken with Claire Phillips at Broomfield & Alexander, who suggested that the Society should start with this financial year, and go further back if we wish, and it will then count towards this year’s audit. / Office to action
The next meeting will take place on 15 September 2014 (introduction of new Secretary to Council) followed by 13 October 2014.
With no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 5.45pm
This report is prepared solely for the purpose of Council. It is private and confidential to members of Council. They must not be
reproduced or disclosed to any other individual. The remarks made by any specific members of Council as reported in these Minutes are their personal views and not the views of the Society unless ratified by the Society.