These are ‘guidelines,’ not hard and fast rules. Each book should be judged individually. For example, a classic book on a particular subject (e.g., Timoshenko’s Strength of Materials), while old, should be priced higher than the normal guideline for old textbooks because it is a classic. Coffee table books (lots of attractive pictures, oversize format) and books of local interest should normally be priced higher than regular hardback books. When in doubt, price upward. If in very serious doubt, put aside and one of the faculty or members of the Friends will make a determination. Note also, book cart prices are deliberately set a bit on the high side.

Finally, don’t worry if you don’t price them exactly as I would. From past experience, it is clear that no two people price alike, and your guess on price/demand/value is likely as good as mine for most items, and probably better on some.


1. Fiction

All Normal Paperback 25¢ 50¢ (except old or Harrlequin at 25¢)

Quality Lg. Paperback 50-75¢ $1.00 up (depending on how recent)

Old Hardback 25-75¢ 50¢-$1.00

Quality Newer Hardback $1.00 or up $2.00 - $3.00

2. Non-Fiction

Paperback, small 25-50¢ 50-75¢

Paperback, large, old 50¢-$1.00 $1.00-$2.00

Paperback, large, new $1.00-2.00 $2.00 up

Depending upon condition, importance, color illustrations, possible demand

Hardback, old* 50¢-$2.00 $1.00-$4.00

Hardback, newer $1.00-5.00 $1.00-$5.00

Hardback, high quality/

Or high demand books** $2.00-$10.00 $3.00-$10.00

*If very old and in good condition price should be significantly higher than the guidelines.

**books with lots of color photos, large format books, books of local interest

Depending upon newness and demand

Textbook, old 50¢-2.00 $1.00-$3.00

Textbook, newer $2.00-$5.00 $3.00-$6.00

[Note: Science and engineering texts are priced on the higher side of these guidelines since they are in the most demand. Business, Humanities, and Social Sciences are generally priced on the lower side of these guidelines.]

September 25, 2002

c:/my documents/friends/guidelines-book pricing Terry Reynolds