Our Eco-Practice Policy

What is an Eco-Practice?

To us, Eco-Practice is a promise that we make to ourselves and to you, our patient, in how we run our practice and how we choose what to buy and use in our office. The ultimate goal being to limit our carbon footprint, reduce waste and utilize recycled products.

What type of things do we do to be an eco-practice?

At our practice, we only use paper that is 50-100% recycled post-consumer product. This includes all our printer paper, paper plates, cups and paper towels. In addition, we recycle all paper (even the stuff you or your doctor sends us!) through a document shredding and recycling company and use “green” cleaning products.

We utilize only energy star computers, printers and faxes.

We participate in Dell’s “Use and Return” toner program to keep old toner cartridges out of the land fill.

We select office products that are made from renewable/recycled resources, made locally or are transported by natural gas vehicles (yes, you can actually see how products are transported!)

We rely heavily on an electronic health record, billing system and our patient portal system to reduced mailed paper records and statements. Our paper usage is approximately 25% of a standard medical practice use.

Live plants! We have the real-deal living plants in our office instead of the fake plastic ones (we think they look nicer too!). We do have one recycled faux “center piece” in the reception area.

Does this cost more to do?

Yes. On average our costs are about 20% higher to be “greener”. In the end, we think this is the right thing to do for our environment and our patients and feel that the increased costs are justified. We do not pass the cost on to the patient though and recoup this extra cost by limiting overall use.

What are some other interesting facts about an Eco-Practice?

Every ton of paper recycled saves up to 17 trees

Recycled paper requires 50 percent less energy, and up to 75 per cent less water than making it from virgin tree fiber

We avoid the cost of waste disposal in landfills and incinerators.

How can you, our patient, help?

Utilize our secure patient portal to pay balances on-time, communicate with us and review your results.

Have your records and personal correspondence sent to us electronically (via fax) which goes directly into your chart without the need to be printed out first.