Dè tha dol?
Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 21 Faoilleach 2013
BBC ALBA head to give free talkThe head of BBC ALBA is to give a free talk on the use of Gaelic in the media as part of the Celtic Connections festival. Margaret Mary Murray, head of service at BBC ALBA, will look at the impact of Gaelic media, including radio, television and online provision, on Scottish cultural life and Gaelic speakers around the world.
“The Gaelic Language in the media” takes place from 7.00 to 9.00pm on Wednesday 23 January at BBC Scotland, Pacific Quay, Glasgow. The talk will be delivered in Gaelic and a simultaneous English interpretation will be available on request. The event is free, but ticketed. To book a place or find out more, visit
School Uniform
We would like to remind parents and pupils of the school uniform requirements. We have noticed a general deterioration in the appearance of some pupils and the wearing of items which are not part of the uniform. All pupils should have the school tie to wear with a white shirt and a black crested jumper or cardigan or a plain black jumper or cardigan without a loga. Please use the designated retailer, Gilmour Sports, for the crested uniform items. All other items e.g. skirts, trousers etc can be purchased from different retailers and should be black.
Gilmour Sports’ e-mail address is:
Deitichean airson an leabhar-latha
Wednesday 30 January c11.55 – 12.55, Mitchell Library, S2 pupils - George Wyllie Art
10 places at the Holocaust Memorial Day Event on Monday 28th January at the City Chambers.
The school photographer will be in on Tuesday 29th January from 9.00am to take group photos of Primary 1, Primary 7 and S6 pupils.
School nurse to speak to S3 about the DTP Tuesday 29th after Assembly for c 15 minutes
Three day drama project followed by a performance, similar to last year, carried out by Catriona Lexy Campbell. Funded by Glasgow Life to support Gaelic drama in the school.
The theme of the project is the 2014 Commonwealth Games, and debating skills will be taught to explore pupils’ views and knowledge of the Games.
- The three day project is from Tuesday 22nd - Thursday 24th January - all S3 pupils off timetable for those 3 days
- The performance will be held in the City halls on Fri 25th - pupils will be out of school from 12 noon onward.
Support for Advanced Higher pupils
Any S6 pupils undertaking Advanced Higher study can gain membership of the Glasgow University Library and use the printed collections, on a reference basis, towards completing their Advanced Higher dissertation or other written work. Access to the Library is available until June 2013.
Naidheachdan Spòrs
You can follow us on Twitter and receive live football scores as they happen, Athletics events and other events. Add us on @gaelicschool
Diluain 21
S4 Reports issued
Period 1. Rhona Simpson is coming in to talk to the whole of the High School about the Sky Sports Project. There will also be a short presentation from C MacKay and Laura Kennedy about volunteering for the Commonwealth Games 2014.
SfL Meeting with Deirdre Arnott (ASL Tech) madainn BS (TMC P7)agus AS (AN S4) Digital Exams MM
Beurla- Refugee Council, from 11.00– 12.00meeting Mrs MacKenzie’s S3 class. This is in connection with the study of 'Refugee Boy'.11.00am to 11.55. Mairi Macleod will interview them afterwards for an article for next magazine.
Fraingis Supported Study lunch time
Supported Study Matamataig Àrd Ìre an dèidh sgoil Mgr Mac a’ Ghobhainn
Supported Study Matamataig S4, Eadar 2 an dèidh sgoil Ms McSherry
Supported Study Grafaigs, Dealbh agus Dèanamh
Supported Study Music after school
Toryglen Girls’ Football After School
S1, S2 Gaelic Homework Club 3.05 – 4.05 Mrs Little
Dimàirt 22
Drama project - all S3 pupils off timetable today.
RBSMoneysense The Credit File Period 2, S4 Maths group
The Junior Art Club will move to Wednesdays.
Dodgeball lunchtime
S5/6 Supported Study Ealain after school
Supported Study Eachdraidh
Toryglen Girls’ Football after school
Modern Languages Revision
Presented by: Douglas Angus, SCHOLAR Online Tutor for Modern Languages.
Session 4:
When:Tuesday 22nd January at 7.30pm.
Theme: Preparing for the External Oral exam.
Subjects: Higher and Advanced Higher French, German and Spanish
Adobe Link (sign in as a guest):
This link will be open approx. 30 minutes before the session begins.
Diciadain 23
Drama project - all S3 pupils off timetable today.
The Junior Art Club is now on Wednesdays.
Buidheann Eco, Mrs Morrison
Fraingis Supported Study lunch time
Supported Study 3.05 – 4.05 Biology SF
Supported Study – Beurla
Supported Study Physics
Supported Study Grafaigs, Dealbh agus Dèanamh
S1, S2 Gaelic Homework Club today
Rugby and Athletics After School
Diardaoin 24
Drama project all S3 pupils off timetable today.
Paired Reading– registration - Rùm Mrs Monk
Debating club 1.00 pm
Duke of Edinburgh session for S4 4.00 pm KM
Parents’ Evening S4
Dihaoine 25
S3 Drama performance, City halls/Chambers- pupils will be out of school from 12 noon onward.
Paired Reading – registration – rùm Mrs Monk
Au Revoir Les Enfants at the GFT 10.15 – 12.30 S4/5 French,
Coinneamhan taic le tidsearan BS fad an là
Table Tennis and Rowing Lunchtime
Athletics Lunchtime
Ealain S4 Supported Study
Disathairne 26
Didòmhnaich 27
The SCHOLAR programme offers a number of subjects support at Advanced Higher, Higher and Intermediate 1 and 2. The list of currently available courses are listed below.
SCHOLAR provides an integrated set of materials and services which meet the needs of both students and their teachers. These resources include:
Comprehensive online interactive learning materials, activities, assessments and revision packs. Our learning platform gives access to online communities, resources, monitoring information and information tools. Study guides which contain key reference materials and learning activities.
Tutor notes with valuable curriculum and planning information. They also provide on line tutors to assist pupils with homework or learning.
Scholar is available to all our secondary schools, mainstream and ASL and there is no charge to schools or pupils. Pupils need to be timetabled for the subject or to be registered in school for a subject in order to be able to access the materials for that subject.
STEM Subjects
Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Human Biology, Information Systems, Maths, Physics
Business Subjects
Accounting, Art & Design (Textiles), Business Management, Economics, Psychology
ESOL (English for speakers of other languages), French, Gaelic (Learners), German, Mandarin, Spanish.