
For My Sister Molly Who in the Fifties

by Alice Walker

(page 882-885)

Once made a fairy rooster from
Mashed potatoes
Whose eyes I forget
But green onions were his tail
And his two legs were carrot sticks 5
A tomato slice his crown.
Who came home on vacation
When the sun was hot
And cooked
And cleaned 10
And minded least of all
The children's questions
A million or more
Pouring in on her
Who had been to school 15
And knew (and told us too) that certain
Words were no longer good
And taught me not to say us for we
No matter what "Sonny sayd" up the
road. 20
For my sister Molly who in the fifties
Knew Hamlet well and read into the night
And coached me in my songs of Africa
A continent I never knew
But learned to love 25
Because "they" said she could carry
A tune
And spoke in accents never heard
in Eatonton.
Who read from Prose and Poetry 30
And loved to read "Sam McGee from Tennessee"
On nights the fire was burning low
And Christmas wrapped in angel hair
And I for one prayed for snow. 35

Who in the fifties
Knew all the written things that made
Us laugh and stories by
The hour. Waking up the story buds
Like fruit. Who walked among the flowers
And brought them inside the house 41
And smelled as good as they
And looked as bright.
Who made dresses, braided
Hair. Moved chairs about 45
Hung things from walls
Ordered baths
Frowned upon wasp bites
And seemed to know the endings
Of all the tales 50
I had forgot.

Literary Analysis

1. What is the author’s purpose for writing this poem?



2. How does the speaker feel about her sister?



3. What does the speaker admire about her sister? Give at least 6 examples, 2 from each stanza. Beside each example write a character trait.







4. ______




6. ______


4. Recall and describe a pleasant vivid memory with a family member from your younger years.





Name ______Period______

Dedication Poem Assignment

You will write a dedication poem patterned after “For My Sister Molly Who in the Fifties” by Alice Walker (Literature Book page 882, and Packet page 16).

Topic choices:

·  Dedication to a family member

·  Dedication to your family (each stanza a different person)

·  Dedication to a family tradition

·  Dedication to a person who has inspired you


Notice how Walker constructs her piece… You should try to incorporate some of these same techniques in your poem while describing the particular individual(s) or tradition.

·  Several examples of traditions with specific details and precise wording

·  Create images using sensory details

·  Use sentences covering many lines with each line creating a specific image

·  3 stanzas minimum

·  Capitals at the beginning of each line

·  30 lines minimum & 120 word minimum

·  Use your Appendix: Sensory Words-14; Vivid Verbs-23; Character Traits-27; Feelings-28-30

Final Copy:

·  2 copies due ______, (the second should be Xeroxed)

·  May be typed (any font, any size), or written with blue or black ink on composition paper – or

you can try calligraphy!

·  Pictures or borders may be included.


Sensory Imagery
5 examples (5 pts. each) / 25
Content and Precise Wording / 20
3 well-constructed stanzas (4pts.) / 4
30 Lines (4 pts.) / 4
120 Words (4 pts.) / 4
Oral Presentation ok(3) – good (6) – excellent (9) / 9
Total / 66

During the week of ______, you will present your poem to the class –

YES – aloud YES – everyone presents NO – you may not "pass"

This will make a great holiday gift for your family!

Author’s Name______Period______

Partner’s Name______

Dedication Poem – Conferencing Activity

--Sitting across from one another, the Partner will read the Author’s piece aloud to the author. As the poem is read, either the partner or the author may suggest changes, both in content as well as with the grammar.

For the partner:

1. Did the author include five (5) good sensory images? 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 - 5

2. Rate the content and precise language. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 - 5

3. Rate the tone and emotion created by the author 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 - 5

4. Partner’s favorite part…

5. Author’s 3 best vocabulary words

6. Partner’s suggestion…

For the author:

7. What do you like about your piece?



8. How else can you improve your poem?


9. How many changes did you and your partner make? ______

You should work for _____ minutes on one poem, then switch and work on the other’s poem so that you have finished proofreading both poems during one class period.