University Curriculum Committee
Minutes of the January 21, 2011 meeting
PRESENT: Michael Allsen, Marshall Anderson, Scott Bradley, Bruce Bukowski, Jessica Cole representing Jodi Hare, Ellyn Dickmann, Carol Elsen, Liz Hachten, Caitlin Kaufman, Travis Lange, David Nordstrom, Elizabeth Olson, Ellie Schemenauer, John Stone, Meifang Xiang.
ABSENT: Jolly Emrey,Ray Baus, Danielle Costello,Jianzhou Zhu, Andrew Whaley (WSG Student Representative), Jodi Hare.
GUESTS: John Chenoweth, Linda Reid, Jan Olson, William Skelly
John Stone called the meeting to order at 2:20 p.m. John introduced himself as the new UCC Chairperson and Interim Associate Vice Chancellor replacing Barbara Monfils who has stepped down as the Associate Vice Chancellor and Chair of the University Curriculum Committee. This change was effective January 16, 2011. Introductions were made by the committee and the guests.
Dr. Stone asked the Committee to review theagenda. It should be noted that under Curricular Action – Changein Existing Course – Course Revision –HISTRY 125– American History Since 1877 has been REMOVEDfor the second time from the UCC agenda per Elizabeth Hachten. Further discussions need to be made between the History Department and the Diversity Committee before this proposal can move forward.
Under the Department of Political Science – Change in Submajor –Social Studies Broadfield Major (BSE)(For Approval), Elizabeth Hachten pointed out the title should be changed from: History with Social Studies Emphasis I to Political Science – Social Studies Emphasis
The Committee will approve those agenda items with the amended changes.
TheDecember 3, 2010meeting minutes were approved as read by a motion made by Ellie Schemenauer and seconded by Ellie Dickmann. The motion carried and was unanimously approved as read.
1. For the curriculum proposals from the Department of Biology,Marshall Andersonmade the motion
with a second by Lila Waldman to approve the following proposal:
Department of Biology:
New Course (For Approval)
BIOLOGY 315 - “Birding in Southern Wisconsin”
No discussion was needed. The motion carried and was unanimously approved.
2. For the curriculum proposals from the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice,
Elizabeth Olson made the motion with a second by Ellie Dickmann to approve the following proposals:
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
New Course(For Approval)
ASIANSTD 210– “Intro to Asian Studies”
Change in Existing Course -
Anthropological Theory(Receive and Record)
Deletion of Existing Course
Sociology 290 (Receive and Record)
Sociology of Pacific Asia
After some discussion the motion carried and was unanimously approved.
3. For the curriculum proposals from the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Marshall
Anderson made the motion with a second by Michael Alsen to approve the following proposal:
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
New Course (For Approval)
PHILSPHY 381 – “Philosophy of Gender and Race”
The question was asked as to why a new course was needed. Elizabeth Hachten presented the case.
After some discussion, the motion carried and was unanimously approved.
4. For the curriculum proposals from the Department of Chemistry, Beth Olson made the motion with a
second by Ellie Schemenauer to approve the following proposals:
Department of Chemistry
New Course (For Approval)
CHEM 454 – “Biochemistry of Macromolecules
Change in Existing Course (For Approval)
BIOLOGY/CHEM 456– Biochemistry
This is a Course Revision and contact hour change and or Credit Change
Change in Existing Course (Receive and Record)
CHEM 456– Biochemistry of Metabolism and Signaling (Cross-listing: Biology 456)
This is a Pre-requisite Change and Title Change from Biochemistry to Biochemistry of Metabolism
and Signaling)
New Course(For Approval)
CHEM 458– (Cross-Listing: Biology 458) “Research in BioChemistry”
After some discussion re: CHEM 456 and the need for two proposals (going on a Form 4A and
Form 4R) – it was decided that having the need for two course proposal forms will need to be
reviewed by the Associate Vice Chancellor at a later time.
The motion carried and the proposals were passed unanimously.
5. For the curriculum proposals from the Department of Political Science, a motion was made by Lila
Waldman and second by Meifang Xiang to approve the following proposals:
Department of Political Science
New Course(For Approval)
POLISCI 280 (Cross-Listing RACEETH 280) – “Politics of Urban Inequality in the U.S”
This course was approved by the University Diversity Committee.
Change in Submajor – Social Studies Broadfield Major (BSE)- (For Approval)
Political Science with Social Studies Emphasis (Proposal has the amended change in title from
History with Social Studies Emphasis I)
Change in Major (For Approval)
Political Science BSE
There was no discussion and the motion carried. The proposals were passed unanimously
6. For the curriculum proposals from the Department of Physics, a motion was made by Marshal Anderson and second by Scott Bradley to approve the following proposal:.
Department of Physics:
New Course(For Approval)
PHYSCS 424 – Vibrations and Waves
After some discussion the proposal was passed unanimously.
7. For the curriculum proposal from the College of Business and Economics, the following proposal was
brought to the table. Jan Olson presented the proposal and after some discussion, Lila Waldman made the motion and second by Marshall Anderson to approve the proposal:
Curriculum Proposals from the College of Business and Economics
Administrative Action (For Approval)
To allow Business Majors to Minor in Select Business Majors
The current wording is “Students majoring business may not earn a business minor” the proposal is tochange the last sentence to ”Students majoring in business may not earn a business minor except for water business, international business, or information technology.”
The motion carried and the proposal was approved unanimously.
8. For the curriculum proposal from the Department of Information, Technology and Business Education,
John Chenoweth presented each of the proposals. After some discussion, Lila Waldman
made the motion and second by Michael Allsen to approve the policies as follows:
Department of Information Technology and Business Education
Change in Major (For Approval)
BBA – Information Technology.
This proposal requests to rename the Information Technology Infrastructure program to Information Technology. It will also allow more elective options for students to take courses that have recently been developed.
New Course (For Approval)
ITBE 320: Business Analysis
New Submajor: (For Approval)
Emphasis/Track- Information Technology – Networking and Security Emphasis
Change in Existing Course (Receive and Record)
ITBE 451 – Managing Information Technology Systems
This is a Pre-Requisite Change. From Prerequisites: ITBE 331 and ITBE 332 to Prerequisite: ITBE 385.
Change in Existing Course (Receive and Record)
ITBE 493 - IT Internship – This is a Title Change.
From: ITI Internship toIT Internship.
The motion carried and the proposals were unanimously approved.
9. The next proposal was presented by Linda Reid.
New Submajor Minor (For Approval)
Water Business Minor
After some discussion, a motion was made by Marshall Anderson and second by Meifang Xiang to approve the proposal. The motion carried and was unanimously approved.
9b. The next proposal was again presented by Linda Reid.
New DegreeMinor (For Approval)
International Business Minor
John Chenoweth pointed out that that there were some incorrect classes listed in the original proposal. This link will have the corrected proposal. A motion was made by a Marshall Anderson and Mike Allsen to approve the proposal. The motion carried and was unanimously approved.
10. For the curriculum proposals from the Department of Management, the following proposals were reviewed. At this point John Chenoweth pointed out an error in OSCM: Emphasis in Project Management. Correction will be made. A motion was then made by Meifang Xiang and second by Lila Waldman to approve the proposals:
Department of Management (For Approval)
Other Curricular Action - Change in Name of Minor - from Professional Business Minor – Production Management to
Operations and Supply Chain Management (For Approval)
Change in Submajor (For Approval)
OSCM: Emphasis in Project Management
Add Mangemnt 471 to a list of electives for the submajor
Add Unique Requirements; 1. Math 243 or Math 250 or Math 253 (Calculus
The motion carried and was unanimously approved.
11. For the curriculum proposals from the College of Education
Other Curicular Action – New Submajor – Certificate Program (For DPI Licensure)
in Alternative/Accelerated Program in Business Education (For Approval)
Lila Waldman presented the above proposal. Elizabeth Hachten addressed the content requirement
and with further discussion a motion was made by Lila Waldman and second by Ellie Dickman to approve the course. The motion carried and was unanimously approved.
12. The next proposal should be noted that this was a RECEIVE AND RECORD item. William Skelly
presented the policy change with further discussion made by members of the committee.
For Discussion – Curriculum Proposal – Course Description Change
PEGNRL 193 – Intercollegiate Athletic Participation
Marshall Anderson made the motion to approve and second by Scott Bradley. The motion carried and
was unanimously approved.
13. For the curriculum proposals from the College of Arts and Communication, Mike Allsen presented
all the Music proposal changes. There was no discussion needed. Ellie Schemenauer made the motion and was second by Marshall Anderson to approve the proposals. The motion carried and was unanimously approved.
Proposals from the Department of Music
Other Curricular Action (For Approval)
Creating of MUSED Subject Area Prefix– and application of that prefix to several existing Music and Curriculum and Instruction courses; changing one course number, changing course prerequisites and catalog descriptions as necessitated by the prefix change.
Change in Major (For Approval)
Revision of the BM Instrumental Degree:
Adapting catalog copy to reflect the new MUSED prefix, and making minor revisions to the accompanying notes.
Change in Major(For Approval)
Revision of the BM Choral Degree:
Adapting catalog to reflect the new MUSED prefix, deleting one course from the degree and making minor revisions to the accompanying notes.
Change in Major (For Approval)
Revision of the BM Music Education Emphasis:
Adapting catalog copy to reflect the new MUSED prefix, deleting one course from the degree, and making minor revisions to the accompanying Notes.
New Submajor (For Approval)
Creation of a newAccompanying Certificate
Change in Existing Course - Change in Repeatability (For Approval)
MUSC 458 –Jazz Improvisation
Change in Existing Course – Change in Repeatability (For Approval)
MUSC 461 – Advanced Jazz Improvisation
New Submajor (For Approval)
Addition of a new Jazz Certificate
New Course (For Approval)
MUSC 344 – History of American Jazz
New Submajor(For Approval)
Addition of a New Music Business Certificate
New Course (For Approval)
MUSC 431 –Music as a Business
Pre-Requisite Change (Receive and Record)
MUSC 447 – Music of the Classical Period
Pre-Requisite Change(Receive and Record)
MUSC 448 –Music of the Romantic Period
Description Change (For Approval)
MUSC 347 –String Pedagogy
Other Curricular Action – Add General Education Option(For Approval)
MUSED 111- Fundamentals of Music
Pre-Requisite Changes(Receive and Record)
Pre-Requisite Change(Receive and Record)
MUSC 186 –Beginning Class Piano
Pre-Req: Enrolled BA Music, BM, or Music Minor; or consent of instructor or department.
Pre-Requisite Change AND Title Change(Receive and Record)
MUSC 187 –Class Piano II
( from Class Piano I) Prereq: MUSC 186 or consent of instructor
Pre-Requisite Change AND Title Change (Receive and Record)
MUSC 188 – Class Piano III
(from Class Piano) Prereq: MUSC 187 or consent of instructor.
Pre-Requisite Change (Receive and Record)
MUSC 189 – Functional Class Piano
Prereq: MUSC 188 or consent of instructor.
Pre-Requisite Change (Receive and Record)
MUSC 151 –Theory I
Prereq: Enrolled BA Music, BM, or Music Minor; or consent of instructor.
Pre-Requisite Change (Receive and Record)
MUSC 153 – Aural Skills I
Prereq: Enrolled BA Music, BM, or Music Minor; or consent of Instructor. CoReq: MUSC 151.
Other Curricular Action (For Approval)
Addition of an Audition Requirement for the Music Minor
New Course (For Approval)
MUSC 385 -Accompanying and Collaborative Piano Practicum
14. For the curriculum proposals from the Art Department, and with some discussion re: ARTHIST 203 re: Sophomore standing rquirement, a motion was made by Lila Waldman and second by Elizabeth Olson to approve the following course proposals:
Proposals from the Art Department:
New Course (For Approval)
ARTSTDIO 230 - Printmaking: Introductory Survey
Change in Major (For Approval)
BA-Art – No emphasis
Pre-Requisite Change (Receive and Record)
ARTHIST 203 – Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Art– PreReq: Sophomore standing.
Change in Existing Course – Adding General Education Option (For Approval)
ARTSTDIO 213 - Intro to Digital Photography
Change in Existing Course – Prerequisite Change (Receive and Record)
MAGD 270 –Web Development
Change in Existing Course – Prerequisite Change (Receive and Record)
MAGD 271 – Flash Development
Change in Existing Course –Title Change (Receive and Record)
ARTSTDIO 331 –Intaglio Printmakingfrom Printmaking I: Intaglio
Change in Existing Course – Title Change (Receive and Record)
ARTSTDIO 332 From: Printmaking 1: Reliefto Relief Printmaking
Change in Existing Course – Title Change (Receive and Record)
ARTSTDIO 333 – Title Change From: Printmaking 1: Screenprinting toScreen printing
New Course (For Approval)
ARTSDIO 389 –Typographic Solutions
New Course (For Approval)
ARTSTDIO 411 –Professional Studio Practices
Change in Existing Course – Repeatability Change (For Approval)
ARTSTDIO 445 -Sculpture V: Research– to a maximum of 9 units in major/degree.
Change in Existing Course – Repeatability Change (For Approval)
ARTSTDIO 455 –Ceramics V: Research–– Repeatable for maximum of 9 units in major/degree.
Change in Existing Course – Pre-Requisite Change (Receive and Record)
ARTSTDIO 455 –Ceramics V: Research
Change in Existing Course – Repeatability Change (For Approval)
ARTSTDIO 475 – Metal and Jewelry V: Research–– Repeatable for a maximum of 9 units in major/degree.
15. For the proposals from the Communication Department:
Change in Existing Course - Adding General Education Option (For Approval)
COMM 228 –Interpersonal Communication
A motion was made by Marshall Anderson and second by Meifang Xiang to approve the policy. With no further
discussion the motion carried and was unanimously approved.
16. Elizabeth Olsen moved to receive and record, with a second by Ellie Schemenauer the following
Note that RACEETH Travel Study 491/691 – Civil Rights Legacy has been removed.
Special courses approved from 12/01/10 – 01/18/11 (Information Only)
BIOLOGY Workshop 490/690 / Water Quality Assessment / 2113 / 12/01/10
BIOLOGY Workshop 490/690 / Using Biology Software / 2113 / 12/01/10
BIOLOGY Workshop 490/690 / Insect Short course / 2113 / 12/02/10
CIGENRL Travel Study 691 / Experiential Learning: Outward Bound / 2113 / 12/09/10
Polisci, Sociolgy, PAX, Special
Study 496 / Environmental Racism / 2113 / 12/10/10
PEGNRL Workshop 490 / Intermediate Pilates / 2111 / 12/14/10
CIGENRLWorkshop 490/690 / Language Policy Dev / 2113 / 12/14/10
RACEETH Travel Study 491/691 / Civil Rights Legacy / 2111 / 12/16/10
CIGENRL Workshop 490 / Running Records I / 2111 / 12/14/10
PEGNRL Workshop 490 / Beginning Mat Pilates / 2111 / 12/14/10
BIOLOGY Special Study 496 / Bionanotechnology / 2117 / 12/30/10
EDUINDP Workshop 490/690 / Teach Cooperatives / 2113 / 12/30/10
EDFOUND Workshop 490 / Educ, Identity, Happiness / 2117 / 01/18/10
Regarding COMM 496 (History of Cinema), General Education Review Committee members Elizabeth Hachten and Elizabeth Olson noted that the GERC Committee had not approved the course to be offered fulfilling the General Humanities requirement. Minutes from the November 2, 2010 GERC meeting, however, indicate that the course was approved for a GH designation, and the Registrar’s Office has been notified accordingly.
Ellie Schemenauer – asked how many times can a workshop 490 be offered? Bruce Bukowski gave some history, but at one point in time, a workshop could not be offered more than three times, then it must become a regular class offering.
John Stone thanked everyone for attending. Today was a deadline for the Fall2011 course proposals and the reason for so many proposals for being reviewed.
Without further topics to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m. on a Marshall Anderson/Travis Lange motion. The motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schrank