Leading by Managing the Work of Others

National Staff Conference

Lunch & Learn, November 13, 2015

Facilitators: Tom Horn & Tom Yeakley


Lead - One of the components of the Lead function ismanaging the work of others.

  • Manage= supervise—ensure that the work of others is completed well

Share with a neighbor a memory when you were supervised well:What happened that helped to make this a positive memory?


1. Grow in motivation to manage the work of others (why).

2. Understand the important components of managing the work of others (what).

3. Enhance skills for better supervision (how).

1. Why must we manage the work of others and supervise well?

  • Our Calling requires it.
  • To advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost.
  • False dichotomy: Leader vs Manager
  • The Bible teaches it.
  • Mark 6:6-13,30-31 -
  • People deserve it.
  • Proverbs 27:23 -

2. What responsibilities should be included in managing other’s work well?

How you manage/supervise is a reflection of personality and personal history (how you have been managed). One’s skill level is not as important as one’s commitment to empower others to succeed, and one’s learning posture.

Accomplishing a Task:P.O.L.E.

1) Plan development of aims and objectives; listing of activities to meet the objectives; placing the activities into a schedule or timetable

Nehemiah 2:1-9

2) Organize development of an organizational structure; putting people in your plans; delegating and coordinating; defining expectations; resourcing

Nehemiah 3

3) Lead decision making; communicating; motivating; developing others for responsibility; overcoming obstacles

Nehemiah 2:17-18; 4:6,10-14; 6:1-4

4) Evaluate reflecting; correcting; analyzing performance standards based upon the original objectives; learning lessons; celebrating victories

Nehemiah 6:15; 7:1-3

3. How can a manager empower a person being led?

  • Through delegation without enabling (frustration)
  • Through coercion or shame (disengagement)
  • Through micro-management(resentment)
  • Through empowerment (blessing)

4. Practical ideas for managing the work of others

  • Become proactive, not reactive,in your supervision!
  • Think ahead / scenario planning / What will we do if...?
  • Hope for the best and plan for the worst!
  • Be both macro- and micro-focused
  • Attend to the big picture, systems and systemic thinking, but also being attentive to an appropriate level of detail
  • Bring clarity when needed regarding purpose, process, or outcomes
  • Provide oversight of the person and the task
  • Pay attention to your “leadership wake” of people and task
  • Thriving people and mission accomplished!
  • Ensure the executionand completion of a task
  • When we intend to dig 10ft holes, we don’t stop until completed—no 3ft holes!
  • Establishappropriate outcomes, urgency, timelines, deadlines, and consequences
  • Bring accountability for completion of a task
  • Give feedback (correction, improvement/affirmation) related to responsibilities and desired outcomes
  • Giving helpful feedback is an art and a science
  • Alignment of people, resources, and task (doing the right things) to our mission
  • Align up, down,and sideways within the organization
  • Help create collaboration with other people/functions in the organization
  • Bridge the field ministry and HQ support ministry gap
  • Empower people to accomplish their responsibilities and make their contribution
  • Give authority and providethe needed resources for the work
  • The “golden question”—What will this look like if done well?
  • No micro-managing or meddling or doing someone’s job for them
  • Remove obstacles that your team is not able to remove themselves
  • Provide excellent stewardship of God’s resources
  • Optimize process, budgeting, positioning people to succeed, time management
  • Create healthy team dynamics
  • Ensure that team members are working well together as a team
  • Create synergies and collaboration within the team
  • Position people to contribute in their strengths
  • Protect each other in our weaknesses and vulnerabilities