16th March, 2006

Meeting commenced: 10.00 a.m.

" adjourned: 11.15 a.m.

" recommenced: 11.30 a.m.

" ended: 1.25 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Clague - in the Chair

Councillors Antrobus, K. Garrido, Heywood, Howard, Kean, B.J. Lea, McIntyre, Miller and Pooley

Mr. J. Wheelton - Salford Disabled Access and Motorist Association


Councillors Compton, Connor and Salmon


Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 16th March, 2006


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Broughton and Harold.


RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the meetings of the Panel held on 16th February and 2nd March, 2006, be noted.


(Full details of the matters referred to in this Minute and Minute 167 are contained in the report of the Director of Urban Vision Partnership Limited, as amended, in the case of the applications marked * in the supplementary report).

RESOLVED: THAT, pursuant to the powers delegated to this Panel, the undermentioned applications for planning permission, be dealt with as indicated:-

Applicant / Site / Development / Decision
Degussa Feb / Feb Limited, Albany House, Swinton Hall Road, Pendlebury, Swinton / Retention of external storage racking system and erection of roof at back / (i) Granted with an additional condition requiring the racking system to cover the entire rear of the site
(ii) THAT the concerns raised in relation to the chemicals on the site be forwarded to the Health and Safety Executive
T. Wallwork / 39 Greenleach Lane, Worsley / Erection of two-storey side extension, two storey rear extension, single storey rear extension, raised decking area / Granted by a unanimous vote subject to appropriate conditions in relation to (a) the three year time limit, (b) samples of materials, (c) details of the dormer extensions and (d) the removal of the decking
T. Wallwork / 39 Greenleach Lane, Worsley / Conservation Area Consent for the demolition of existing garage, removal of roof of house and erection of two storey side extension, two storey rear extension and detached double garage / Granted by a unanimous vote subject to an appropriate condition in relation to the three year time limit
Hochtief PPP Solutions Ltd / Buile Hill High School, Eccles Old Road, Salford / Erection of a replacement two storey high school / Granted
Mast Lift Co Ltd / Land at Lime Close, East of Hankinson Way,
Salford 6 / Erection of primary and community care facility, library, council offices and ancillary accommodation together with layout of car park and boundary treatment / Granted with additional conditions regarding the submission of (a) details of the front brick elevation and (b) a detailed treatment of the roofscape
Mast Lift Co Ltd / Land adjacent to Carnegie Library and War Memorial Square, to the East of Corporation Road and to the North Barton Lane, Eccles / Erection of primary and community care facility, library, council offices and ancillary accommodation together with laying out of car park and boundary treatment / Granted
Mast Lift Co Ltd / Carnegie Library, War Memorial Square, to the East of Corporation Road and to the North of Barton Lane, Eccles / Listed Building Consent for internal alterations and interface with existing gable / Granted
Easter Developments (Salford) Limited / Land to the North of Centenary Way, Centenary Park, Eccles / Erection of one light industrial/ warehouse unit with B1(c), B2 and B8 class uses together with ancillary offices, service yard and car parking / Granted
Urban Guide Ltd / Land adjacent to 7 Barton Road, Worsley / Retention of existing two/three storey building comprising five dwellings, but including amendments to the existing building comprising removal of forward projecting bay on front elevation and provision of rough render finish / Deferred for a site inspection to assess the impact of the proposed development on neighbouring residents
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart / 360 Liverpool Road, Irlam / Erection of a conservatory at the rear of the property / Deferred for a site inspection to assess the impact of the proposed development on neighbouring residents

+ Councillors Derek Antrobus, Joe Kean, Bernard Lea and Barbara Miller declared a non-prejudicial interest and did not vote on planning application number 06/52046, as the applicant was a personal friend.



The Director of Urban Vision Partnership Limited submitted details of an application for planning permission received from the Housing Market Renewal Team.

RESOLVED: THAT, pursuant to the powers delegated to this Panel, the undermentioned application be dealt with as follows:-

Applicant / Site / Development / Decision
Housing Market Renewal Team / Alley to rear of 1, 3 and 5 Lords Avenue, Salford / Erection of gate to secure alleyway / Granted


The Director of Urban Vision Partnership Limited submitted a report containing details of planning applications which had been determined by the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning, under delegated authority, during February and March, 2006, and were not, therefore, for consideration by the Panel.

RESOLVED: THAT the undermentioned applications be noted:-

Applicant / Site / Development / Decision and Date of Decision
Peel Holdings Ltd / Land between Manchester Ship Canal and David Lloyd Leisure Club, Trafford Way, Trafford / Article 10 Consultation received from Trafford MBC in respect of the erection of a 54 bed hotel with associated car parking and landscaping / No Objection
20th February, 2006
Whispers Developments / Eccles Mosque,
5 Liverpool Road, Eccles / Demolition of existing rear section of building and erection of part ground and first floor extensions, new boundary wall and railings / Approve
3rd March, 2006
S. and S. Assets / Flats 1-7 Morston Close, Worsley / Change of use of seven apartments into seven office units (Class B1) / Approve
1st March, 2006
M. Brady / 2 Linkfield Drive, Worsley / Erection of front porch and two storey side extension / Application Withdrawn
20th February, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Bramley / 3 Pheasant Close, Worsley / Erection of conservatory at rear of dwelling / Approve
28th February, 2006
N. Barghouti / 8 Standfield Shopping Centre, Worsley / Change of use from shop to shop for the sale of hot food / Refuse
3rd March, 2006
Motor Body Services (Salford) Ltd / Land adjacent to 263 Bury New Road, Salford / Outline planning application for development of land for motor sales and repairs / Approve
28th February, 2006
Burglary Reduction Unit / Alleyway to rear of 32-50 Welbeck Grove and 65-77 Wellington Street East, Salford / Erection of gates and fencing to secure alleyway / Approve
28th February, 2006
Burglary Reduction Unit / Alleyway to rear of 34-60 Wellington Street East, 1-33 Cardiff Street, 1-33, 2-34 King Street and 2-34, 1-31 Turner Street, Salford / Erection of 2.4m high maximum gates, meshes, brick wall and fencing to secure alleyways / Approve
28th February, 2006
Top Drawer Properties / Land adjoining 22 Griffin Street, Salford / Erection of two three-storey blocks to provide six apartments and alterations to existing vehicular access / Application Withdrawn
1st March, 2006
Housing Services Directorate / 17, 19, 35 Great Cheetham Street West, Salford / Retention of vehicular crossing / Approve - unconditional
21st February, 2006
Salford NHS Primary Care Trust / 2-3 Mocha Parade, Salford / Erection of a single storey rear extension and alterations to front elevation / Approve
28th February, 2006
Housing and Planning Directorate / 55-61 Kempster Street and 110 Clarence Street, Salford / Prior Notification for the demolition of dwellings / Approve
1st March, 2006
Woodscope Jordan / 19 Allotment Road, Cadishead / Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of land as a residential garden area / Authorise
3rd March, 2006
Andrew Woodcock / 97 New Moss Road, Cadishead / Erection of conservatory at rear and first floor side extension / Approve
20th February, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Birchall / 7 May Road, Pendlebury, Swinton / Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extension / Refuse
21st February, 2006
Dr. J. Behardien / 2A Broad Oak Park, Eccles / Erection of two storey front and side extension and alterations to roof / Approve
28th February, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Baines / 20 Westminster Road, Eccles / Erection of detached garage at side of dwelling / Approve
28th February, 2006
McDermott Developments Ltd / Former Playing Fields, Eccles College, Bradford Road, Eccles / Erection of 12 apartments and four town houses (substitution of house types on planning permission 03/46445/REM) and erection of bin store and cycle store / Refuse
6th March, 2006
Hurst Limited / 11-15 Sandwich Road, Eccles / Erection of two additional flats to new build block (Amendment to planning permission 04/49736/FUL) / Approve
21st February, 2006
A. Ross / 13 Rutland Road, Eccles / Erection of two storey rear extension, conservatory at side (Resubmission of 04/49770/HH) / Application Withdrawn
28th February, 2006
GMPTE / 108 Church Street, Eccles / Change of use from shop to ticket sales and advice centre with associated offices and alterations to front elevation / Approve
1st March, 2006
Mrs. E. Barnes / 55 Monton Green, Eccles / Crown raise to 4m retaining the overall shape, remove small rubbing branches and one branch growing directly towards the rear of 55 one sycamore (T1) / Approve
21st February, 2006
S. Canning and Ms. W. Hewitt / 1 Glenart, Eccles / Erection of single storey rear extension / Approve
28th February, 2006
Dr. C.T. Boyce / 12 Chatsworth Road, Eccles / 20% crown thin and shorten back branches to give 2m clearance from the building one sycamore (T1) / Approve
3rd March, 2006
Mrs. Jones / 3 Pennistone Close, Irlam / 5m crown raise 1 scots pine (T1) / Refuse
3rd March, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph / 127 Leicester Road, Salford / Erection of front porch and two storey side extension / Approve
27th February, 2006
K. Hasan / 18 King Edwards Buildings,
Bury Old Road, Salford / Change of use from a shop to a shop for the sale of hot food / Approve
27th February, 2006
The Governors, St. Phillips R.C. Primary School / St. Phillips R.C. Primary School, Cavendish Road, Salford / Erection of a single storey extension / Approve
28th February, 2006
Mr. Berger / 9 Hanover Gardens, Salford / Demolition of existing garage, erection of first floor rear extension, construction of extension in roof space, erection of single storey rear extension and construction of new roof on rear succah / Approve
1st March, 2006
Mrs. Gluckstadt / 119-121 Leicester Road, Salford / Erection of single storey rear extensions / Approve
28th February, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. McDonough / 5 Mesnefield Road, Salford / Fell one oak (T1) / Refuse
21st February, 2006
William Sutton Housing Association / Land on Florin Gardens, Salford 6 / Erection of a detached bungalow / Approve
2nd March, 2006
C. Bailey / 18 Mortlake Close, Worsley / Erection of two storey side extension and canopy to front elevation / Approve
21st February, 2006
A. Sheibani / 147 Eccles New Road, Salford / Change of use from shop to shop for the sale of hot food / Approve
2nd March, 2006
British Telecom PLC / Dial House,
21 Chapel Street, Salford / Construction of a disabled access ramp and external canopy / Approve
1st March, 2006
Miss Rebecca Thorne / The Bell Tower, 357 Chapel Street, Salford / Retention of 1 x 48 sheet internally illuminated backlight display unit / Refuse
20th February, 2006
K. Todd / City Walk Garage, Pendlebury, Swinton / Outline planning application for the erection of a three storey building comprising eight apartments together with associated car parking / Approve
3rd March, 2006
Mr. J. Williams / 3 Kilcoby Avenue, Swinton / Erection of conservatory at rear of dwelling / Approve
28th February, 2006
D. Ogden / Land on North Side, Fitton Crescent, Clifton, Swinton / Erection of a terrace of four three-storey town houses together with associated car parking / Approve
28th February, 2006
Hall Fire Protection Ltd / Unit 2, Wardley Industrial Estate, Holloway Drive, Worsley / Construction of a new car park / Approve
28th February, 2006
Mrs. E. Casey / 10 Normanby Street, Swinton / Retention of single storey rear extension / Approve
22nd February, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Hodgin / 12 Moss Bank Grove, Wardley, Swinton / Erection of conservatory at the rear of dwelling / Approve
28th February, 2006
Mr. P. Morris / 15 Fernlea Crescent, Swinton / Erection of single storey rear extension and alteration of the roof for existing single storey extension / Approve
1st March, 2006
Mr. D. Horsfield / 1 Bowden Road, Swinton / Erection of two storey side extension and erection of single storey detached building in rear garden / Refuse
3rd March, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Ng / 184 Folly Lane, Swinton / Erection of front canopy, retention of roller shutters and retention of fume extraction unit / Approve
28th February, 2006
S. Thompson / 22 Ashdown Drive, Swinton / Erection of first floor rear extension / Approve
1st March, 2006
Groundwork Manchester Salford and Trafford / 2-18 Bolivia Street and 1-17 Hazel Grove, Salford / Erection of gates and fencing to secure alleyway / Approve
1st March, 2006
St. Gilberts R.C. Primary School / St. Gilberts R.C. Primary School, Cambell Road, Eccles / Construction of infill to courtyard / Approve
3rd March, 2006
Salford PCT / 152A Manchester Road East, Little Hulton / Construction of a disabled access ramp with steel handrail / Approve
20th February, 2006
Mr. M. Bentley and Mrs. C. Parkinson / Land adjoining the South Side of 41 Windmill Road, Worsley / Erection of a single storey building for use as a children’s day nursery together with associated car parking and alteration to existing vehicular access / Refuse
27th February, 2006
BT Payphones / Pavement adjacent to Units 29-31 Ellesmere Shopping Centre, Bolton Road, Worsley / Re-siting of one BT telephone kiosk / Approve
3rd March, 2006
Mr. S. Naylor / 7 Ashley Avenue, Swinton / Erection of a single storey side/rear extension / Approve
3rd March, 2006
Mr. Quelcutti / 92 Houghton Lane, Swinton / Erection of single storey side extension / Approve
27th February, 2006
Mrs. M.E. Love / Craigielea Boothsbank Farm, Leigh Road, Worsley / Continued use as a dwelling without complying with condition 2 (Agricultural worker occupancy) on planning permission 17/4/4588 / Approve
1st March, 2006
G.O. Roscoe / 80 Broadway, Worsley / Demolition of existing garage and erection of two storey side extension / Approve
1st March, 2006
Colin Fairclough / 16 Medway Road, Worsley / First floor extension construction of three new dormers in roof space / Approve
28th February, 2006