Selectboard, Town of Plymouth
Monday, April 24, 2017
Regular Meeting Minutes
6:00 PM
Members: Ralph Michael, Chair; Larry Lynds; Russ Tonkin
Others: Jay Kullman; Sandie Small
- Ralph called the Meeting to Order at 6:00 pm.
- Those present were introduced.
- The only change to the Agenda was that Mary O’Brien would not be attending.
- The Minutes from the Meeting of 4/10/17 were approved. Larry motioned to accept said Minutes; Ralph seconded; so voted.
- The SB appointed Jay Kullman to the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The SB also made the following Town Officer appointments for 2017: Russ motioned to accept said appointments; Larry seconded; so voted.
- Road Foreman – Lawrence Lynds
- Health Officer – Russ Tonkin
- Zoning Administrator – Jim Allen
- Planning Commission – Michael Coleman, Chair; Anne Brown; Keith Cappellini; Tom Derlinga; Lee Kafer; Richard Kaminski; Jay Kullman; Rick Martin; Judy Michael
- Zoning Board of Adjustment – Michael Coleman, Chair; Anne Brown; Keith Cappellini; Tom Derlinga; Lee Kafer; Richard Kaminski; Jay Kullman; Rich Martin; Judy Michael
- Fence Viewer – John Dupont
- Pound Keepers – Richard Olmstead, III; Justus Pingree
- Tree Warden – John Dupont
- Weigher of Coal – Mary Jo Schimpfhauser
- Emergency Coordinator – Al Poirier
- Service Officer – Marguerite Marrone
- Jay Kullman spoke about the mapping of trails by F & W for use by residents and visitors; trail markers had been purchased. Russ mentioned that he, Bob Lambert, and Jay could work on the mapping, together with Pete Fellows; Jay stated Bethany Birches will also provide data. The only caveat will be that the trails would be shutdown to residents and outsiders during the camp schedule from the end of June to about the middle of August. Ralph said he would prepare a 2015 map for Jay.
- Russ motioned to adopt the Certification of Compliance for Town Road and Bridge Standards and Network Inventory for the Town of Plymouth; Larry seconded; so voted.
- There were no appearances by local citizens or visitors.
- Mail was reviewed and tended to. Kathy Lynds wrote a note requesting guard rails along Lynds Hill; Larry stated this was most difficult because there is no place to secure the rails due to the layout of the road; Ralph will advise Kathy. Russ motioned to accept the Excess Weight Permit application of Martin Excavating; Larry seconded; so voted. Russ motioned to approve the Liquor License Renewal Applications for Plymouth Notch; Larry seconded; so voted.
- Under new business: The SB agreed that an informational meeting should be scheduled with VTrans to discuss the Route 100A project; the SB advised that the Town of Plymouth does not have any ordinance about gun, bow, and/or shooting in Plymouth; the Town of Plymouth decals were approved by the SB. Larry requested permission to purchase a covering for the mower for the tractor; Russ motioned to approve; Ralph seconded; so voted.
- Warrants were reviewed, approved, and signed.
- Under old and unfinished business: there will be an investigation meeting at Birch Landing on Friday, April 28, with regards to the dog bite issue and Russ will email Richard Olmstead about attending same; the SB agreed not to rescind the late filing penalty of the Homestead Declaration; the SB reviewed and edited the Action Item sheet. Russ mentioned that he had not received a response from the Collector of Delinquent Taxes to his letter; he would like to have quarterly statements on delinquent accounts; he inquired if the Town should appoint, not elect, the Collector of Delinquent Taxes. Russ also inquired about hiring a Town Manager, part time.
Larry motioned to adjourn the Meeting; Russ seconded; so voted. The Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.
Draft written by Sandie Small
Ralph Michael, Chair
Larry Lynds
Russ Tonkin