Annual Report for grants between £1,000 - £15,000
Please complete all fields. Advisory notes are in blue / italics.
1. Grant Summary
1.1 Name of Organisation in Wales1.2 Name of lead contact (the person accountable for overseeing this project from Wales)
Title / First name / Surname
1.3 Contact Details:
Tel / Email1.4 Project Title
1.5 Amount of Funding received from Hub Cymru Africa?(annual allocation) / £ / Amount of funding from other sources? / £
1.6 Please provide a breakdown of how you spent your Hub Cymru Africa grant monies within this project to date.
These should reflect the expenditure areas authorised from your original application (or subsequent authorised amendments), and should be specific to the funds from your Hub Cymru Africa grant. Please note, spot audits may require production of original receipts in all areas of expenditure, and these should be retained in your financial records for 7 years.
Budget item or activity / Amount / Breakdown / ExplanationIf you have any project accounts or up-to-date financial reports for your link group that show how the grant has contributed to the ‘wider picture’ of your organisation’s work and / or financial health, you may attach these for reference.
1.7 Please provide a breakdown of any unspent Hub Cymru Africa grant monies.Area of Expenditure / Amount / Breakdown / Explanation
2. Results
2.1What have you achieved(so far) towards your project goal?Please refer to the agreed project plan and fill out the following table to demonstrate how your activities contributed to your outcomes and your overall goal.Please delete examples below and add extra lines as needed.
What change did you expect to achieve?(Up to 30 words per statement) / What change did you achieve? (Indicators – one per box)
(Up to 20 words per indicator) / How do you know you achieved it? (Means of Verification)
(Up to 20 words per indicator)
Overall Goal
e.g. 10% increase in the number women giving birth in the health clinic in X village / e.g. % of village women giving birth at the health centre / e.g. Comparison of health clinic records at start and end of intervention
- e.g. Increase number of qualified midwives available at the health centre by 20%
- e.g. Improve local opinion on the benefits of attending the health clinic
- e.g. Train 50 midwives to WHO standards to be present at the health clinic
- e.g. Run community based awareness raising sessions on the risks of maternal mortality
2.2 Please provide one illustrative example of how your project has made an impact.
Give an overview in 2-3 paragraphs. Please feel free to use quotes and partner and beneficiary feedback. This could include information from people in Africa who have been supported by your work or simply someone in Wales who has attended an event. You are welcome to attach any photos or videos alongside this form.
2.3How do you plan to continue this impact in the future?Give an overview in 2-3 paragraphs. Do you plan to monitor the project after the life of the funding? How will you ensure the positive impact you have had is sustainable?
2.4 What challenges have you faced and what lessons have you learnt during the activities of the project?
Give an overview in 2-3 paragraphs. Did the project vary from your original proposal, or have any unintended impacts (positive or negative), that have enabled your organisation to learn / develop new approaches?
3. Participation and Inclusion
3.1 Please list your direct beneficiaries by group in both Wales and Africa.
Beneficiaries are the people who directly benefited from the project e.g. women’s cooperatives, teachers, market traders, craftsmen and women, trainees, pupils, nurses & midwives, etc., in Wales and Africa. Note that this could include people who have benefited from your work by being informed about international development or Fair Trade issues. Please delete examples below and add extra lines as needed.
Welsh Beneficiaries / How do they benefit and what is the wider benefit to Wales? / Child / Adult / Male / Female / TOTALe.g. Teachers / 2 / 2 / 2
e.g. Students / 63 / 35 / 28 / 63
African Beneficiaries / How do they benefit? / Child / Adult / Male / Female / TOTAL
e.g. Teachers / 5 / 2 / 3 / 5
e.g. Students / 280 / 166 / 114 / 280
3.2 Please give us any information about indirect beneficiaries of your work (e.g. people who have or are expected to benefit from project although they have not actively participated such as families of people you have trained, students of teachers who have taken part in events). Leave blank if there are none.
3.3 Please highlight any practical actionstaken to make your project inclusive. (e.g. people living with HIV/AIDS, LGBT, Disability, Women, Elderly, minority communities, multiple faiths and Diaspora).4. Organisational Development and Capacity Building
4.1How has the advice and events offered by the Hub Cymru Africa team supported your project and your organisation?Please give specific examples.
Identify the services you have received and whether they have been supportive for your work and your organisation (e.g. training, advice, resources, facilitation, events, etc.).
4.2Are there any services you would like Hub Cymru Africa to provide that would better serve your organisation?
Please let us know anything that we could do better and share any ideas you have with us for future Hub Cymru Africa activities.
4.3 If relevant, please tell us how has this grant helped you support your African partners to increase the capacity of their organisation? Please give specific examples.
4.4 Have volunteers/members of your organisation gained any of the following skills as a result of this project activity? Please tick all that apply.
Time management / Leadership / Communication Problem solving / Teaching/training / Cross-cultural working
Personal development e.g. confidence, motivation, global awareness, cultural sensitivity – please specify ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Practical skills e.g. animal husbandry – please specify …………………………………………………………………………..
Other skills – please specify …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Have any of these acquired skills enabled volunteers/members of your organisation to gain new employment? Please give specific examples.
4.5 Have you accessed any further external funding as a result of receiving a grant from Hub Cymru Africa?
5. Looking Ahead
5.1What’s next for your activities / organisation in Wales?
5.2What’s next for your activities / partners in Africa? (if relevant)
6. Profile and advocacy
6.1 Please provide an overview of your activities to raise the profile of your work in Wales and in Africa.
This could include links to any media coverage, copies of press releases issued, details of meetings or photo opportunities with local politicians or celebrities, public talks, school assemblies, stalls etc.
Please return completed report to your Grants Manager or or post to:
Hub Cymru Africa, Temple of Peace, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3AP.
Hub Cymru Africa is partnership hosted by the WCIA and funded by the Welsh Government’s Wales for Africa programme to catalyse actions from Wales which contribute to development outcomes in Africa.