A manual handling assessment is required where you cannot avoid a manual handling task and there is a risk of injury. The assessment should look at the Task, Individual, Load and Environment. Each of these factors should be considered in the assessment. HSE booklet Getting to Grips with Manual Handling offers guidelines on the weights a reasonably fit individual should be capable of carrying.

The assessment should consider factors that can affect the level of risk including twisting, bending, stooping and the individuals.

Hazard = anything that could cause harm, such as chemicals, electricity, an open drawer etc.

Risk = the chance, high or low, that somebody could be harmed by these and other hazards, together with an indication of how serious the harm could be.

Location: / Air Works Hillingdon
Department: / Shop

Activity or task:

Detail the activity being assessed:

Unloading and carrying stock from van to storage area on first floor.

Does the task involve?

Stooping / X / Bending
Twisting / Long distance travel / X
Holding away from the body / Strenuous pushing or pulling
Prolonged effort / Repetitive handling
Reaching to height

Individual capability affecting task:

Unusual strength / Medical condition
Pregnant / Young person
Other (list) Pregnant women would not be permitted to do these tasks.


Heavy / X / Bulky / X
Rough surfaces / Hot or cold
Contains hazard / Difficult to hold
Other (list) Shop Manager and van driver carry most of the incoming stock upstairs


Hot or cold / Uneven floor
Steps / Slippery / X
Poor lighting / Obstructions
Other (list) Outside walkway at rear can be icy in winter.


List the hazards associated with the activity or task:

Unsafe lifting and carrying techniques used.
Sack truck is not always being used for deliveries.
Boxes of books delivered by van can be heavy.

Those at risk:

List who is at risk (e.g. staff, public, others):

Shop manager and van drive.

Control measures:

List current control measures in place:

Reduce strain of carrying long distances.
Control weight of loads.
Control trip hazards on stairs and set housekeeping standards.
Vulnerable workers not permitted to carry stock up or down stairs.
Reduce risk of slips at rear during icy weather.
Provide Manual Handling training and information.
Are the above controls adequate to control the risk? / No

Measures required:

List any further control measures required:

Sack truck to be used for van deliveries.
Shop Manager to instruct team to break large loads down into smaller ones before lifting.
Manager to buy salt before the winter to keep by the rear door.
Manager and van driver to attend a course within 2 months.
Manager to instruct shop team in basic safe lifting and carrying techniques within 3 months.

Assessment record:

Name of Assessor: / Lee Poi
Date of Assessment: / 10/02/14
Signature: / Lee Poi

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