The Gerald Averay Wainwright Near Eastern Archaeological Fund

Research Grant Application Form 2017

Please read the guidance notes before completing the application form, even if you have applied before. The application procedures, information requested and deadlines are contained in the notes.

Name of Applicant: ______Date of Application(dd/mm/yy): ______

Title of Project: ______

Postal Address for Correspondence: ______




Email address:______

Phone number: ______N.I. number or nationality: ______

Title of main project (if applicable): ______

Director of main project (if applicable): ______

Sponsoring Body: ______

Sources of Finance for Previous Seasons: ______




Have you applied to the Wainwright Fund before? If not mentioned in the above section, please give details of all applications with dates, whether the application was successful or not.



The Gerald Averay Wainwright Near Eastern Archaeological Fund

Application Form

Forthcoming Season:

Permit Needed? Yes/No Permit Applied For? Yes/No

Total Cost (please supply a concise breakdown of costs on a separate sheet): £______

Total amount requested from The Wainwright Fund: £______

Planned dates: From ______To ______

Note: The Wainwright Fund will not normally award grants to a project for more than three consecutive years, and will not normally award grants greater than £4000.00.

Other Bodies approached for funding (including amounts requested and awarded):

1. ______Requested ______Awarded ______

2. ______Requested ______Awarded ______

3. ______Requested ______Awarded ______

4. ______Requested ______Awarded ______

5. ______Requested ______Awarded ______

Please attach your electronic application and email it to: . If your electronic application is over 4000 KB, please send a hard copy to the address below.

The NEWdeadlines for applications are 1st APRIL (for the Trinity Term meeting) and 1stOCTOBER (for the Michaelmas Term meeting). Failure to meet these dates will mean that your application cannot be considered until the next meeting. The deadline applies to both applications and references.

Additional Information Required:

  1. Description of the Project (not more than 100 words)
  1. History of the Project including a) aims and results of previous work

b) programme for next season

c) number of future seasons planned

d) importance of project sponsorship

3. Publication details including a) status of projects where research results remain unpublished

b) plans for publication of research results for Wainwright funded projects

  1. Referees, including names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers.

Please note that The Wainwright Fund will not request or chase references. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that references are received by the Fund in advance of the appropriate deadline.

The G.A. Wainwright Fund

Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE
