Monday31January 2011 7pm – 9pm
Manor House Library
Old Road, London SE13
Record of Meeting
Present: Councillor Pauline Beck (Chair), Cllr Jim Mallory, Cllr Sven Griesenbeck,David Ford, Mary Petty, Andrea Hughes, Peter Richardson, Karen Pollock,Kathryn Glover, Denise Atkinson, Ade Joseph (Assembly Coordinator, Muhammad Rahmani (LBL Youth Service)
Apologies: Anna Manola
Item / Action1 / Welcome & introductions
Cllr Beck welcomed everybody to the meeting and invited them to introduce themselves
2. / Update on Leegate / Mayor’s Fund Spend
Cllr Jim Mallory introduced this item and gave a brief summary what has been done o move forward the Lee Green Community Centre as follows:
- Lee Green Lives took over the day to day running of the Community Centre on 17 December from MakeBelieve Arts, and have set up a management committee;
- The group has carried on with MBA’s programme, with the potential to attract more activities to the Centre;
- An agreement from the Council that Lee Green Lives could employ a part-time worker from existing funds to help run the centre has been gained and an interim worker, pending the appointment of a Coordinator/Administrator (likely end of February) has been engaged;
- St Modwen’s have agreed to extend the lease for the centre from June 2011 for a further 12 months;
- A "partners" event is planned for 28 February – called “Lee Green Lives. Interested local groups, shopkeepers, residents groups, churches, etc – as well as St Modwen's and the Council will be invited to discuss shaping a way forward for Leegate;
- The group are in the process of creating a website, and have plans to produce leaflets to publicise events and activities happening at the centre, etc.
Ade reminded the meeting of the criteria in the Mayor’s Fund guide which stated that the fund cannot be used for activities that require ongoing revenue support. The group felt that further clarity is needed before a decision can be made on whether the present funding bid submitted to further support the Community Centre will be classed as a continuity of present fund granted for the engagement of an interim worker pending the appointment of an administrator. Ade was asked to get clarity on this point from Liz Dart (service head) and feedback to the coordinating group.
The group decided that whilst they are awaiting clarity on above point that the bid is presented to the assembly at the meeting on 17th February. / Ade
3. / Update on Youth Priority
Muhammad updated the meeting on the various ongoing activities delivered to young people at the Lee Green Youth Club in Leegate. He mentioned that although the club is facing low attendance for the Tuesday night session following Christmas closure, every efforts is being made by workers to attract young people to the project. The staff has been doing outreach in the community and encourage young people to use the facility. The Friday night multi-sports session at ColfeSchool is still popular amongst young people and has good attendance.
The meeting was told that during the past two years Lewisham Youth Services with the help of various partners has managed to secure several funding to ensure different type of activities can be delivered for the young people in Lee Green. The club has spent some of the fund secure towards the purchaseof equipments for the youth project which is hoped will last for a good few years.
However, the revenue funding for staffing the facility comes to an end at the end March 2011. it was highlighted that the project may face closure if further funding is not secured on time to keep the provision staffed.Although Muhammad had received a verbal arrangement from Lewisham Head of youth Service that they will be responsible for this cost, however this arrangement is uncertain in the current climate of budget cuts.
Muhammad asked the coordinating group to consider a bid from the Mayor’s Fund for the sum of £12,120.50 to cover the cost of staffing until March 2012 as a back up should in case the Youth Service could not find money in their budget to keep the staff going after March 2011. The meeting expressed the view that it is essential for this provision to continue as it a high priority for the assembly and it would be a shame to see all he hard work that has gone into securing this facility go to waste.
Following a vote by show of hand, all members of the group supported this bid and are happy for it to be presented before the assembly at the meeting on 17February.
4. / Update on Environment
C / ManorParkBuilding
Ade informed the meeting that the refurbishment of the building in ManorPark is now complete. Glendale are awaiting the installation of telephone pole in the park to get connection to the building for their staff who will have a base in the building. Glendale have received keen interest from café operators, local schools and groups for use of the Green Classroom. It is envisaged that the building would be opened for public use by the beginning of March 2011.
A question was raised as to whether the Arc next to the building will be blocked off or whether a door will be installed to keep away trespassers. Ade was asked to find out and feedback to the group.
Ade feedback the update received from Martin Hyde on this project. The planning permission submitted for this project before Christmas has been granted. However, there has been a hold off on the project concerning a piece of land belonging to adjacent property which the Council had no knowledge of at the time of submission of planning application. The Council is in negotiation with the land owner and if an agreement is not reached it could jeopardise the whole project from going ahead.
The meeting asked Ade to ask for the contact details of the landowner from Martin Hyde so that they can be approached by a delegate from the assembly coordinating group.
Karen Pollock informed that meeting of the £600 funding secured for this project from the Capital Growth award and a further £900 award from the Locality Funding. Both funding will be paid into the Lee manor Society bank account. The meeting were told about the current situation with lease of the land for the garden. Lee Manor Society have asked the Council to amend the lease to fit the purpose proposed for usage. Some of the points which was raised in the lease was the prohibition of holding rain water and provision of water supply on the land. To overcome this condition, one of the adjoining property have offered to pass a water hose from their garden onto the land to supply water for gardening. Karen to keep group updated on future progress. / Ade
5. / Parking and CPZ update
Ade presented a briefing paper produced on the recent consultation conducted on parking across Lee Green ward. The returns from some of the areas showed that a clear majority were against the introduction of controlled parking in a small section of Manor Lane. The general view however, from some of the areas was that parking situation in some of the roads did not warrant consideration of controlled parking.
The result further showed that in some areas that resident supported the idea of a further CPZ consultation. This area consists of Hedgley Street, Taunton Road, Wantage Road, Effingham Road, Southbrook Road, Handen Road and Micheldever Road. This request will be presented before Mayor and Cabinet for their agreement to carry out a detailed CPZ consultation in these areas.
It was mentioned that the review of the extension to the Hither Green east, Old Road and Bankwell Road will commence in February 2011.
The meeting raised concern about the current time of CPZ operation from 9pm till 7pm in residential area. They felt that the time restriction was too long and would like the Council to consider other options such as the two hours time operation. The meeting requested that a senior officer from Council parking team attend the assembly meeting on 17 February to respond to citizens concerns on parking matters. Cllr Griesenbeck and Kathryn Glover offered to raise group concern with Council Parking team. / Kat Glover & Cllr Sven
6. / Planning Assembly Meeting 17 February
B. / Door to Door publicity - Assembly door to door leaflet was unavailable at this meeting. Ade to put together and circulate to coordinating group members for their comments and amendment. It is envisaged that distribution will take place on Tuesday 8 February.
Meeting Agenda – The following agenda was agreed:
- Updates on Leegate / Youth provision
- Mayor’s Fund funding bids (Leegate /Youth)
- Updates on Environment (ManorParkBridge / Building & CommunityGarden
- Parking & CPZ
- Any other business
7. / AOB
Peter Richardson informed the meeting about the “Save Our Library” campaign events planned for Saturday 5 February. All Libraries across the borough will be holding a reading session in solidarity against the proposed closure of five Libraries in the borough.
Declaration of Interest
Denise Atkinson declared an interest by stating that she works for Lewisham Council Regeneration division which includes Parking and CPZ.