West End Horticultural Society Historical Review
75th Anniversary, May 2008
By Mary Sawczyszyn, Treasurer
In 1933, the West End Horticultural Society was founded. The effects of the great depression were still being felt and the populace was forced to supplement their food supply with vegetables grown in gardens wherever vacant land was available.
A group of citizens with foresight banded together and decided that it would be to their advantage to start up a garden club. It would be named the West End Horticultural Society. The first executive committee of this Society consisted of:
· President: A.R. Reese Taylor
· Vice-President: Mrs. ].V. Paul
· Secretary Treasurer: L. Balmond
· Asst. Secretary Treasurer: W.R. Kyle
· Committee Members: Mr. & Mrs. Laney Hibbard, Chas. E. Loyd and Mrs. Clare White
The first meeting was held at the Trinity Memorial Church. The following year the Society moved to Wesley United Church where it operated for many years until 1996. Management changes at the church imposed too high a financial commitment and the Society moved to Knox Crescent Kensington Church.
A strong part of our membership support came into being in 1935 with the inauguration of the N.D.G. Garden Club. The members of the N.D.G. Garden Club grew vegetables and flowers on an appointed piece of land in N.D.G. Many of these gardeners were also members of the W.E.H.S. and would enter their flowers and vegetables in the Society's garden competition and annual flower and vegetable show. The Society and Garden Club existed alongside each other.
The Society thrived and held Spring Garden, Rose Garden, Summer Garden and Flower Show competitions which were juried by professional judges from the Montreal Botanical Gardens.
The Society's members came from Hampstead, Cote. St. Luc, Montreal West, N.D.G. and Westmount. Throughout the years, members donated 22 silver trophies in memories of loved ones covering different categories such as: Best Rose, Best Gladiola, Best Plant, Best Arrangements, etc. Our members were keen competitors vying for the silver trophies.
Financial support came from membership fees (now $15.00 per person annually), military whists, raffles, perennial sales and annual grants from the Quebec government. Our first big annual perennial sale was held in May of 1977 under the leadership of then president, Edda Mark. This annual activity is now one of our largest fundraisers.
The W.E.H.S. has had many fine speakers over the years at our monthly meetings. Some of these include Dawn Smith of Smith Brothers Florist who gave her first presentation in November 1978 for a sum of $20.00, Stuart Robertson in March 1979, Elwood Quinn in 1981, as well as ex-mayor Bourque who was a supporter of the Society while he directed the Montreal Botanical Gardens. Aside from Mayor Bourque, many of these speakers have returned numerous times to address our group. We believe that Dawn Smith wins the prize for kindly returning to us almost annually for her much sought-after floral design presentations.
The N.D.G. garden club initially existed on land belonging to Loyola College but when the school started to expand, the garden club had to move. Mr. Ross Morell and Mr. Hector Paradis found land for the gardeners on Fielding Ave. followed by a move to Cote St. Luc and then another one to Somerled Avenue. The gardeners were certainly nomadic!
The club members thought they had found a permanent spot when Mr. Reg Herman spearheaded a move on to the property of the Montreal Association for the Blind. However, in 1972, the Lethbridge Centre was being constructed and the gardeners moved on to the Julius Richardson grounds. Finally, in 1978, a permanent home was found and the garden club thrived on the property of the Salvation Army Eventide Home on the border of N.D.G. and Montreal West. In 1998, the property was sold to the Parmalat conglomerate and in 2001, the garden club was forced to disband.
The garden club members were not interested in locating yet another property and preparing the land for their flowers and vegetables. As a result, entries into the W.E.H.S.'s annual shows declined drastically and the 1998 and 1999 shows had poor participation and mediocre displays. The expense in terms of rime and dollars to put on one of these shows was no longer justified. The exhibitions were discontinued in 2000.
However, long rime members and new members have banded together and today our Society is thriving and growing with an increased number of members, numerous activities for our members and friends of the Society, and top-notch speakers presenting an array of diverse topics. In addition, our annual tour of gardens has been reinstated for the third year running now and each year, attendance is growing. As well, we are attracting (and still seeking) members and non-members to place their garden on tour this summer. We are proud to have resumed this much celebrated annual event.
As was mentioned in our Spring newsletter, how beautiful that a love of flowers has sustained and maintained our humble "club" for 75 years! Former and more recent presidents, such as Edda Mark, Nancy Lamont, Nanette Jessop and Rhonda Jessop have ail contributed heartily to the success of this Society. Our current president, Suzanne Csik, will happily follow in their muddy footprints. Our Society, with all of its wonderfully supportive members, has played and continues to play an important role in the community by helping to beautify the west end of our fair city where flora and fauna is appreciated and cultivated by its members. With your important and active participation and support of our activities, l sincerely hope that we will be planning our 100th anniversary shortly
Happy 75th Anniversary to all!