This document contains email templates that you can use to promote the summit It alsohas recommended subject lines and send dates.
If you are an affiliate, be sure to replace ALL links with your affiliate link.
Multiple emails works best, but if you just want to do one email, then schedule email #1 or #2 on Oct 2 or 3, a few days before the summit launches.
Email #1 – Get Your Free Ticket
Email #2 – Don’t Miss This
Email #3 – I’m Speaking Tomorrow
Email #4 – All Access Pass Discount & Free Access Ending Soon
Email #1 – Get Your Free Ticket
Subj: Free Ticket to Traffic and Influence Summit (And I’m Speaking)
Subj 2: Join Me and 35+ Other Speakers for Free at the Traffic and Influence Summit
Subj 3: Free Event – 35 Speakers (Including Myself) Will Share How They Grew Their Traffic & Influence
Subj 4: Join Me for the Best Marketing Event of the Year (And It’s Free)
Subj 5: [Traffic and Influence Summit] How to grow your influence
Subj 6: Biggest summit of the year for growing your influence
Recommended Send Date: Sept 21, 2017 or any time soon after
Hey (name),
Great news!
I got you a free ticket to the Traffic and Influence Summit, where I’ll be sharing some of my best tips for driving traffic and generating influence along with 35+ other great speakers.
My friend Brian Lang has brought together over 35 successful influencers and business owners to share how they grew their traffic, became influential and grew their businesses to 6 or 7 figures. This online summit will teach you:
- The steps that influencers took to grow their personal and business brands
- How to build an audience and drive traffic to your website
- How to turn traffic and subscribers into paid customers
Did you know that 49% of people say that they rely on recommendations from influencers when it comes to making purchasing decisions?
Influence is one of the biggest challenges that both people and businesses struggle with when it comes to marketing.
Creating engaging content on an ongoing basis…
Picking which channels to promote on…
Figuring out how to monetize your traffic and audience…
And getting noticed with all the other competition out there.
Imagine what it would be like if leads just came to you and your business consistently.
Imagine if the stress of looking for customers or clients were gone.
If you’re like me…
You HATE having to worry about where your next sale is coming from. You want consistency.
You want stability and growth in your business.
And you probably know that influence is part of the solution…
And that being able to drive traffic and become influential will allow you to attract the right clients and customers.
That’s why I’m thrilled that Brian put this event together.
=> Be sure to grab your free ticket to the Traffic and Influence Summit
Sign up for the Traffic and Influence Summit so that you can learn how generate more traffic, become a thought leader and grow your business.
(your name)
Click here to grab your free ticket and learn from the 35 top influencers on how to grow your influence and traffic.
Email #2 – Don’t Miss This
Recommended send date: October 2, 2017. You can also send this on Sept 28 or so and change “in a few days” to “next week”
Subj 1: Don’t Miss This
Subj 2: Traffic and Influence Summit – Just a Few Days Away
Subj 3: 35+ Marketers Share Actionable Tips at the Traffic and Influence Summit
Hi (name),
Want to get more customers and grow your business?
Then you should sign up for the Traffic and Influence Summit
In just a few days, my friend Brian Lang will be sharing his interviews with 35+ marketing experts and business owners. And you can watch them from the comfort of your own home.
No travel is required for this event – everything goes straight into your inbox.
If you’re struggling with growing your traffic and influence, then you are going to get a ton of useful and actionable ideas from this event.
The summit will launch this week on October 6, 2017!
Here are just a few of the topics:
- How Benji Grew ThinkApps to Over 35,000 Unique Visitors in Just 6 Months
- How to Use Twitter to Send 20,000 Visitors a Month on Auto-Pilot
- How I Grew My Blog to Over 1 million page views with just 25 Blog Posts
- How I Used Sales Funnels and Facebook Marketing to Grow My Business to 7-Figures
And it all starts in a week or so…
Click here to grab your free pass to the Traffic and Influence Summit!
(your name)
P.S. Be sure to sign up now. The event is free from Oct 6-8, so grab your free ticket now by clicking here. After the event is over, the only way to view these interviews is to get the AllAccessPass for $297.
Email #3 – I’m Speaking Tomorrow
Recommended send date: The day before speaker’s presentation goes live. You can also schedule it to go out on the day it is live and change the subject to “My interview is live”.
Subj 1: I’m Speaking Tomorrow on (topic of interview)
Subj 2: Tomorrow is the day
Subj 3: [Traffic and Influence Summit] My interview will be live tomorrow
Hey (name),
I’m going to be speaking at the Traffic and Influence Summit about (topic)!
So be sure to grab your free ticket here.
In this interview, I’ll be sharing:
(insert bullet points from speaker page)
Building your traffic and influence is one of the best ways to build a sustainable business.
And the best part is that you can learn to do it from home without any travel expenses or time away from your regular life.
So if you are looking for the type of information that conferences usually charge thousands for, this FREE event is for you.
Click here to get your free pass and check out my summit interview
(your name)
P.S. This event is 100% free if you sign up by Oct 6 and ends on Oct 8. Get your free ticket now by clicking here.
Email #4 – AllAccessPass Discount & Free Access Ending Soon
Notes: Send this email on Oct 8 as the summit is closing.
Recommended send date: October 8, 2017, early in the AM
Subj 1: Traffic and Influence Summit – Free Access Ending Soon
Subj 2: Save $200 (50%) on Traffic and InfluenceSummitAllAccessPass
Subj 3: [Traffic and Influence Summit] Last Chance for Free Access or $200 off AllAccessPass
Hey (name),
I just wanted to let you know that free access to the Traffic and Influence Summit is ending soon.
If you’ve been learning about online marketing, then you’ve probably heard of some of the people speaking at this summit. Check out the names by clicking here.
Also, if you want lifetime access to all the interviews, you can get the AllAccessPass for just $97 ($200 off the regular price). After the summit is over, the price will go back up to full price and the only way to access the summit content will be through purchasing the All Access Pass.
Here’s the link where you can get the discounted AllAccessPass:
(your name)
P.S. Click here to check out the summit interviews while they are still free and listen to my interview about (presentation title).