Introduction to Greek Tools --GB ????

Online Course Summer 2017

Instructor: Dr. George Goldman

Office: Ezell 220

Phone: 615-966-5747 (office) 615-545-9028 (cell)


Response time: My goal is to respond to all emails within 24 hours.

Office hours: Meeting times available through Google Hangouts by appointment

Required Texts:

Mounce, William D. Greek for the Rest of Us: The Essentials of Biblical Greek, 2nd edition. Zondervan, 2013. ISBN: 9780310277101

Accordance Bible Software (?)

Course Overview: An introduction to the tools for using Koine Greek to understand the Bible (especially, the New Testament). Students will learn how to use software for Bible study, how to find the meaning of the Greek words that lie behind English translations, grammatical terms that apply to exegesis, and how to understand scholarly commentaries based on the Greek text. This class differs from a traditional Introduction to Greek class by requiring much less rote memorization. Students will not be required to memorize vocabulary or paradigm forms, but rather be expected to use tools to look up the necessary information. This class will focus on how to use that information to understand the Bible.

Students completing this course will be able to: / HOW DELIVERED / HOW
1)  Use the language tools essential for exegesis of the Greek New Testament. / Readings and lectures. / Quizzes, Homework Grades, Exams / Minimum grade:
2)  Better understand the complex process of translating from Greek to English. / Readings and lecture / Exams, Quizzes, Homework exercises / Minimum grade: 70%

Course Requirements:

1.  The class will follow a 12 week format. Every week will cover 2-3 chapters from the textbook.

2.  Quizzes: There will be occasional quizzes over things that require memorization, such as the alphabet.

3.  Homework: The main part of the grade will be based on completion of homework exercises.

4.  Tests: Tests will be "open book" and attempt to assess the student's ability to use the tools.


Quiz average: 15%

Homework average: 45%

Test average: 40%

Grades will be based on the following scale:

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

Academic Integrity: In keeping with our identity as a Christian University and our goal to help shape lifelong disciples of Christ, academic integrity will be taken very seriously in this class. Cheating on exams or assignments and plagiarizing on written assignments will, depending on the severity of the case, result in penalties ranging from a significantly reduced grade on the assignment to failing the course. Decisions in these matters rest with the instructor.

Students Requiring Accommodations: If you are a student with a documented disability who will require accommodations in this course, please register with Kaitlin Shetler, Director of Disability Services (615-966-6301), for assistance in developing a plan to address your academic needs.

Dropping the Course: Deciding to stop participating in the class does not constitute dropping the course. After May 10th, a drop/add form (available in the Registrar's Office) must be signed by the teacher and processed in the Registrar's Office before the drop is official. If your name is still on the roster at the final grading time you will be assigned a grade based on the policies of this syllabus.

May 10--Last day to drop on the web (no drop form necessary) July 6--Last day to drop

Extra-credit policy: No extra-credit opportunities will be available in this course.

Learner Support: For any and all technical problems with your computer or Blackboard, consult the IT department at Lipscomb University (615-966-1777). Although I would like for you to inform me if you are having significant technical problems that are impeding your ability to do all the work of the class, I am neither capable nor qualified to fix such problems.

Student’s Responsibility for Notification of Extended Absence: Students who find themselves in circumstances which would cause them not to be able to participate for an extended period of time (e.g., missing a week or more due to illness) should contact the person noted below who will communicate the student's situation to the appropriate faculty members and administrators.Students are expected to provide timely notification regarding any extended absence and may be required to provide supporting documentation for their absences. Contact: Steve Prewitt, Associate Provost for Student Academic Support, (; 615-966-6121)