Fall Schedule

-November 12th- Personal Statement meeting before Psi Chi in room 230, Psi Chi meeting starts at 7:30

-Class scheduling discussion

-Best psychology classes

-Things to know about scheduling for next semester

-Holiday party

-Pizza, soda, and fun

-Create cards for kids

-Bring a toy for donation

-We will provide craft supplies

-Suggestions for our charity?

-Suggestion: Lansing VA collects toys for kids had a parent killed in combat

-2008 Women’s Leadership Conference

-November 23rd at the Union

-Theme: “Leadership Unexercised is Leadership Forfeited.”

-Keynote Speaker: Dr. Marcellette Williams

-Opportunity to submit a program proposal for the conference

-Contact for more information

-GRE Study Group

-Sign up to join a study group to help prepare for the GRE!

-DON’T FORGET: T-Shirts ($10) and portfolios ($15) available in room 100 psych bldg

-Check out the Psi Chi website for Salvation Army volunteer info!

-Possible Fundraisers:

-B-Dubbs fundraiser

-20% of food and alcohol funds go to charity of choice

-MSU Craft Show in Union

-December 5,6,7

-Help set up and earn money for Psi Chi!

-Speaker: Sharon Mitchell- Certified Master Hypnotist

-What is hypnosis?

-Every hypnotist would say something different

-She believes it is a super-relaxed state when frequency of brain waves

slow down

-Hypnosis is her passion

-Our minds are the driving force of what we are

-We have both conscious and unconscious minds

-When the conscious mind is not alert, subconscious steps up

-For example, when you get to work but don’t remember it

-Hypnosis has been used for centuries and for multiple purposes

-Surgeries have been performed with no anaesthesia

-Psychologists like Milton Erikson used hypnosis to eliminate some


-Olympic athletes have used it

-Today, doctors and nurses are being taught how to speak in operating


-Hypnosis is a way to regress someone

-This can receive a trauma and have them eliminate it

-Not portrayed correctly in the movies:

-Hypnosis cannot make you do or say something you do not want to do

-You always come out of it

-Why did she become a hypnotist and what does she do?

-She wanted to do something to help people

-She is a former EMT and hospice worker

-Helps with remembering, learning, weight loss, quit smoking, etc.

-Studied at the Institute for Hypnosis in Okemos

-She has used past life regressions

-She is willing to do “super-learning” parties if a group is interested

-Helps you learn faster and absorb more

-Stresses that you can hypnotize yourself by getting into a deeply relaxed state

-A lot of good can be done using hypnosis

Sally’s Announcements:

-Look into becoming an Olin Health Advocate

-1 credit each semester for psychology 490

-Join MSU literacy core

-1 to 2 credits for upper level TE credits

-Tutor 2 hours per week