Safeguarding Refugee Protection in Bulgaria

Advocacy and Lobby Workshop on Integration of Refugees

Rila Hote, Adakta Hall, 10th – 11th of March 2010


Lecturer :
Els Backx, Manager Integration Department, Dutch Council for Refugees
Wednesday 10th of March: primary integration support
09.30 – 09.50 / Introduction & Expectations
09.50 – 10.00 / Greetings from Milagros Leynes, Representative, UNHCR Representation in Bulgaria
10.00 – 10.15 / Integration of refugees in Bulgaria, presentation by Kina Sabeva
10.15 – 10.50 / Integration of refugees in the Netherlands , presentation by Els Backx
10.50 – 11:10 / Coffee break
11.10 – 11.45 / Integration of refugees in Bulgaria: HOUSING
·  Presentation by Marinela Radeva
·  Els Backx, projects that worked in Netherlands , focus on lobby
·  Els Backx, focus on mainstreaming of vulnerable groups
·  Discussion
11.50 – 12.30 / Integration of refugees in Bulgaria: EMPLOYMENT
·  Presentation by Mariana Stoyanova
·  Els Backx, projects that worked in Netherlands , focus on lobby
·  Els Backx, focus on mainstreaming of vulnerable groups
·  Discussion
12.30 – 13.00 / Integration of refugees in Bulgaria: EDUCATION
·  Presentation by Maya Topalova
·  Els Backx, projects that worked in Netherlands , focus on lobby
·  Els Backx, focus on mainstreaming of vulnerable groups
·  Discussion
13.00 – 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 – 14.20 / Integration projects in the Netherlands , presentation by Els Backx
·  focus on education, housing and labour
·  focus on mainstreaming of vulnerable groups
14.20 – 15.10 / Splitting group in 3, asking them to develop project ideas focussed on housing, employment & education
15.10 – 15.30 / Presentation & feedback on proposals
15.50 – 16.10 / Coffee break
16.10 – 16.40 / Presentation & feedback on proposals
16.40 – 17.00 / Summarising & feedback
Thursday 11 of March, second-line integration support
09.30 – 10.00 / Introduction & feedback
10.00 – 10.50 / Lobby for Integration of refugees in the Netherlands (presentation by Els Backx)
·  municipal vs. national lobby
·  cooperation with authorities
·  role of civil society
10.50 – 11:10 / Coffee break
11.10 – 11.40 / Integration of refugees in Bulgaria – ideas & implementation by Anna Andreeva
11.40 – 12.10 / Role of NGOs in integration of refugees in Bulgaria, presentation by Svetlana Gyoreva
12.10 – 13.00 / Discussion on role of NGOs, state & society in the integration of refugees. Moderator : Alex Ongiro
13.00 – 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 – 15.00 / Splitting group in 3, asking them to develop lobby plan for activity they developed previous day
15.00 – 15.50 / Presentation of lobby plans & feedback
15.50 – 16.10 / Coffee break
16.10 – 16.30 / Presentation of lobby plans & feedback
16.30 – 17.00 / Evaluation

This project is financially supported by the Social Transformation Programme (Matra)

of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs