FFA: Farm to School Event

What: The National FFA Organization will host an FFA: Farm to School event, in conjunction with the Region IV National Association of Agriculture Educators (NAAE).

When: June 23-26, 2015

Where: Moline, Illinois

Who: Approximately 100 participants representing Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri and Ohio. Invited participants to the FFA: Farm to School event will include, but not limited to; agriculture educators/FFA advisors, state FFA staff, school cafeteria representatives and identified Farm to School trainers.


  1. Understand the Farm to School movement
  2. How to develop strong partnerships for sustainability (including funding opportunities)
  3. Highlight best practices for replication
  4. National FFA chose to partner with and highlight West Virginia’s state-wide Farm to School program because of their success in developing sustainable and reciprocal Farm to School partnerships from the grassroots local level up through state and national stakeholders. The other aspect of West Virginia’s Farm to School efforts that is appealing to FFA is their effort to broaden the term “farmer” to include youth as producers.
  5. Aid in the development of state-wide Farm to School plans to
  6. grow the next generation of farmers - connecting local youth producers/FFA members to school food buyers
  7. increase the amount of local foods served in school cafeterias through youth producers

Presenters: Presentations will be made by West Virginia Department of Education personnel, West Virginia Farm to School Community Development Group, current Farm to School program participants and the National FFA Organization.

Follow-Up: FFA will utilize technology to host a series of at least three follow-up webinars focused on developing state level partnerships, working through obstacles and effective program evaluation.

Farm to School Staff

Funding is contingent on including Bob Gorman, USDA Farm to School Regional Lead, Mountain Plains Regional Office, in your planning process. Please describe the planning process and how USDA staff will be involved.

Planning Process

  • Four committee meetings via conference call and webinar leading up to the event
  • Each meeting will last no longer than 1.5 hours and will be scheduled well in advance
  • Committee members will be asked to serve on sub-committees that may have more frequent communication via email.

Planning Committee

Name / Association/Organization / Roles
Stefonie Sebastian / National FFA Organization / Event and planning manager
Michele Sullivan / National FFA Organization / Event and planning co-manager
Jason Hughes / West Virginia State FFA Advisor / Strategic partnership development specialist
Dan Chabot / National FFA organization / Supervised Agricultural Experience specialist
Terrie Hauser / Tucker County High School
WV FFA Advisor/Ag. Educator / Content knowledge and best practice application. Current Farm to School participant in WV.
Beth Massey / Greenbrier East High School WV FFA Advisor/Ag. Educator / Content knowledge and best practice application. Current Farm to School participant in WV.
Scott Stone / NAAE Region IV Vice President / Coordinate logistics regionally for collaboration with NAAE
Parker Bane / NAAE Region IV Secretary / Coordinate logistics regionally for collaboration with NAAE

Outline of major milestones for each of the four planning meetings:

  • February/March
  • Confirmation of venue and dates
  • Sub-committee reports on progress towards goals
  • Discuss needs from committee members and next steps
  • April
  • Confirmation of content and facilitators
  • Sub-committee reports on progress towards goals
  • Discuss needs from committee members and next steps
  • May
  • Finalize site logistics, workshop delivery and evaluation
  • Sub-committee reports if needed
  • Discuss needs from committee members and next steps
  • June
  • Final preparation leading up to event
  • Successfully host the event and evaluate the impact

Tentative Agenda for FFA: Farm to School Event

Day 1- Workshop Session during NAAE Region IV conference (1 hour)

Farm to School Basics: understanding the Farm to School model and how it fits within the three circle model: FFA, Agriculture Education and SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience)

Day 2 - Workshop Session during NAAE Region IV conference (1 hour)

Farm to School at a State Level: learn how West Virginia planned and implemented a state level Farm to School program and their views on youth as producers.

Day 3 – FFA: Farm to School All Day Event

Welcome – Review of goals and objectives of the event:

Goal: To help to grow the next generation of farmers and increase the amount of local foods served in school cafeterias through youth producers

Objectives: Upon completion of the event, participants will have:

  • Knowledge about the Farm to School movement and how their FFA chapters can participate;
  • Understanding of how state level support and partnerships help to grow and sustain Farm to School programs;
  • Awareness of Farm to School best practices for replication to increase locally grown food in school food programs;

Session 1: Farm to School Overview – learn about the mission and goals of the Farm to School program

Session 2: Farm to School and FFA – learn how the two programs support each other and provide opportunity for youth to engage in production and provide service to their school community

Session 3: Developing strong state and local partnerships – learn from West Virginia state leaders on how the developed strong sustainable partnerships to further grow the Farm to School movement in their state

Session 4: Farm to School Best Practices – hear from successful FFA Farm to School programs that have effectively implemented the Farm to School program into their school community and have demonstrated impact

Session 5: Farm to School Funding – learn for national and state leaders on funding opportunities to support local Farm to School programs

Session 6: Farm to School Planning – take time to discuss and begin planning how you can successfully implement a Farm to School program in your school. Promote series of three follow up webinars for continued support