Penndale Home & School Meeting Notes

Thursday, October 20, 2011 - IMC, 7pm – 8pm

The objective of the Penndale H & S Association is to 1.) promote the welfare of Penndale students in the school, home and community and 2.) provide a forum for the free exchange of ideas between home and school.

1.  Principal’s Report – Dr. O’Sullivan

a.  Busing Update – Bus pick up times were adjusted to make sure that all children arrive on time. The adjustments have been successful so far.

b.  The 9th grade field trip will be going to Dorney Park this year. In the past, the students went to Great Adventure. We want to maximize the time spent at the park rather that driving to the park. Dorney is also more cost effective than Great Adventure. Last year the price was $60 per student and this year it will be about $55-$57 per student. The children will not be permitted in the water park area.

c.  The next monthly newsletter will be coming in early November. Email Dr O’Sullivan if you do not receive it.

d.  The end of the marking period is 11/11. For the 1st and 2nd marking period, the students will bring home the report card. For the 3rd and 4th marking period, they are mailed home. These report cards will be sent home on 11/23. Contact your child’s teacher with any questions about grades.

e.  Parent/teacher conferences will be held on 11/1. Call the teacher to schedule a conference. Teachers have contacted parents for those students which require a conference.

f.  There has been an increase in the number of students that are not making it to class on time. Today, any students in the hallway after the bell rang got a warning. If there is a 2nd or 3rd offense, the student has consequences.

g.  Penndale is a green school. There is a student committee working with faculty on ideas to become more energy efficient. The goal is to become an Energy Star rated school.

2.  Secretary’s Report – Approval of September minutes – Motion was made by Dana and 2nd motion by Deb. Minutes were approved,

3.  Coordinating Council Update – Sherri Helt gave the update.

a.  The October meeting focused on busing issues. Any questions on busing should be sent to Mr. Sherpinsky or Dr. Dietrich.

b.  In September, the director of the Tech school attended the meeting. H &S organizations are encouraged to take advantage of their products and services. More detail is available in the CC meeting notes posted to their website.

c.  H&S are able to store food in the school refrigerators. Prior notice must be given and it can only be stored for 24-48 hours.

d.  They reviewed the policy not to have political speakers at H&S meetings. This was not mandated by the school district. CC has decided to take the more conservative approach as we do not want to negatively impact our tax status.

e.  Louse Buster was purchased to remove live lice. It is $10 to use, it is free for students approved for reduced or free lunches. Contact the school nurse if you need to use it.

f.  No bus passes are issued for early dismissal days at Penndale. The policy is different for elem schools.

g.  An alternate revenue committee is being formed at the district. A resume must be submitted if you are interested in joining the committee.

h.  The speaker in November is Tom Schneider.

4.  New Business –

a.  Dining out nights are still being scheduled. We will have more information at the next meeting.

b.  Volunteers Needed –

i.  Book Fair – We are in need of a chairperson for book fair. We are using Jabberwocky this year. They sell less toys and gadgets. We earn 25% cash and the rest in books. It will be running for 2 days and 2 nights during the week of December 7th. This is the week of the 7th and 8th grade concerts. Jabberwocky does the setup and break down for us.

ii. 9th grade semi-formal needs a chair. This is held in April.

iii.  H&S dance is on 11/4. The DJ is lined up and Cheryl Fleming is the chair. She is in process of lining up volunteers.

iv.  Mrs. Kenney is doing a field trip and needs chaperones on November 2nd and 3rd. This is for the 9th grade FCS minors. She was unable to get any 9th grade parents. The students will walk to The Malvern School, work with preschool children. Email if you are interested in helping.

v. American Ed week is coming up. There will be a treat buffet, need donations of candy, desserts of any kind, drinks and fruit. We need food for 200 staff members. The buffet will be held on Friday 11/18. Donations can be brought to the H&S meeting on 11/17. Sherri Shields will approach some of the local food stores for donations.

5.  Old Business

a.  Cash Back Programs

i.  Giant A+ Rewards – Sherri Sheilds has signed us up with Giant. We are registered with the Hatfield Giant only as she was only able to select one store. We will receive 1% of the grocery bill. Parents need to register their Bonus card at and select Penndale. You are able to select 2 schools for the program.

ii. Redner’s Receipts – We are setup with Redners. Receipts must be collected and there is a container in the main office. Tom will follow up with Sheryl Welsh to ensure that she is owning this process.

6.  Treasurer’s Report – Christine motioned to approve and Tom seconded. The reports were approved. We are concerned that we are behind in fundraising this year. There are additional KidStuff books available for purchase.

7.  Open Discussion

a.  We discussed the low attendance at the meetings. For the next meeting, Christine will include the agenda along with the reminder on Monday of that week. We will also publish “draft” meeting notes from the October meeting. We will consider some guest speakers as well.

8.  Upcoming Events:

a.  Oct 28 – SGA Powder Puff Game 3pm

b.  Nov 4 – H&S dance

c.  Week of Nov 13 – American Education Week

d.  Nov 17 – H&S Meeting

e.  Nov 18 - American Ed Week Treat Buffet

f.  Dec 6-8 – Book Fair