Recent Publications

Rutgers University, Newark

Measuring performance in the public sector is a perennial issue. Practitioners and scholars have worked diligently to identify the key ingredients and proper methods for measuring and improving the productivity and effectiveness of government. Many highlight the importance of including the public in performance measurement and improvement processes. Others emphasize the critical and expanding role of public managers as experts of managerial techniques and supporters of deliberation and democratic values. Abundant examples and case studies of collaboration and partnerships between public institutions and citizens offer innovative models for adoption. The linkages between performance measurement techniques, the role of public managers, and citizen participation form the basis for the topic of "public performance measurement."

This collection of articles highlights three components of public performance measurement: the mechanics of measuring performance, the changing role of public managers, and the value of citizen participation. Each subject area includes journal articles, books, and Web-based resources, mostly published within the last five years. These resources offer theoretical and practical illustrations that are useful for students, scholars, and practitioners alike.

The public performance measurement collection is far from exhaustive. It serves, however, as a springboard for further inquiry and research as we analyze, promote, and demonstrate the inclusion of citizens in the process of measuring the performance of government.



Abma, T.A., & Noordegraa, M. (2003). Public managers amidst ambiguity: Towards a

typology of evaluative practices in public management. Evaluation, 9(3), 285-306.
Ahmed, A.M. (2002). Virtual integrated performance measurement. International Journal

of Quality & Reliability Management, 19(4), 414-441.

Amaratunga, D., & Baldry, D. (2002). Moving from performance measurement to performance management. Facilities, 20(5/6), 217-223.

Amaratunga, D., Baldry, D., & Sarshar. M. (2001). Process improvement through performance measurement: The balanced scorecard methodology. Work Study, 50(5), 179-189.

American Society for Public Administration's Center for Accountability and Performance. (1999). Performance measurement: Concepts and techniques (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: American Society for Public Administration.

Ammons, D.A. (2001). Municipal benchmarks: Assessing local performance and estab

lishing community standards (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Ammons, D.A. (2002). Performance measurement and managerial thinking. Performance

& Management Review, 25(4), 344-347.

Ammons, D.A. (Ed.). (1995). Accountability for perfornance: Measurement and monitoring in local government. Washington, DC: International City/County Management Association.

Berman, E. (2002). How useful is performance measurement? Performance & Management Review, 25(4),348-351.

Berman, E., & Wang, X.H. (2000). Performance measurement in U.S. counties: Capacity for reform. Public Administration Review; 60(5), 409-420.

Behn, R.D. (2002). The psychological barriers to performance management: Or why isn't everyone jumping on the performance-management bandwagon? Public Performance & Management Review, 26(1), 5-25.

Behn, R.D. (2003). Why measure performance? Different purposes require different measures. Public Administration Review, 63(5), 586-606.

Bititci, U.S., Nudurupati, S.S., Turner, T.J., & Creighton, S. (2002). Web enabled perfor

mance measurement systems: Management implications. International Journal of

Operations & Production Management, 22(11), 1273-1287.

Black, S., Briggs, S., & Keogh, W. (2001). Service quality performance measurement in

public/private sectors. Managerial Auditing Journal, 16(7), 400-405.

Blasi, G.J. (2002). Government contracting and performance measurement in human ser

vices. International Journal of Public Administration, 25(4), 519-538.

Bolton, M. (2003). Public sector performance measurement: Delivering greater account

ability. Work Study, 52(1), 20-24.

Bouckaert, G., & Peters, B.G. (2002). Performance measurement and management: The Achilles' heel in administrative modernization. Public Performance & Management Review, 25(4), 359-362.

Bourne, M., Neely, A., Platts, K., & Mills, J. (2002). The success and failure of performance measurement initiatives: Perceptions of participating managers. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(11), 1288-1310.

Boyne, G.A., & Walker, R.M. (2002). Total quality management and performance: An evaluation of the evidence and lessons for research and public organizations. Public Pea formance and Management Review, 24(1), 111-131.

Brackertz, N., & Kenley, R. (2002). Evaluating community facilities in local government: Managing for service enablement. Journal of Facilities Management, 1(3), 283-299.

Breul, J.D. (2003). The Government Performance and Results Act-10 years later. The

Journal of Government Financial Management, 52(1), 58-62.

Coe, C. (1999). Local government benchmarking: Lessons from two major multigovernment

efforts. Public Administration Review, 59(2), 110-123.

Collier, P.M. (2001). Police performance measurement and human rights. Public Money &

Management, 21(3), 35-39.

Coplin, W.D., Merget, A.E., & Bourdeaux, C. (2002). The professional researcher as change agent in the government performance movement. Public Administration Review, 62(6), 699-711.

Courty, P., & Marschke, G. (2003). Dynamics of performance-measurement systems. Ox

ford Review of Economic Policy, 19(2), 268-284.

Cozzens, S.E., & Melkers, J.E. (1997). Use and usefulness of performance measurement
in state science and technology programs. Policy Studies Journal, 25(3), 425-435.
Culotta, J. (1999). Performance measurement: A tool for managing county governments.

Washington, DC: National Associations of Counties.

de Bruijn, H. (2002). Performance measurement in the public sector: Strategies to cope with the risks of performance measurement. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 15(7),578-594.

deLancer, J.P, & Holzer, M. (2001). Promoting the utilization of performance measures in public organizations: An empirical study of factors affecting adoption and implementa

tion. Public Administration Review, 61(6), 693-709.

Fairfax County. (2004). Basic manual for performance measurement: 2004 edition. Available

at Manual.pdf, accessed September 15, 2004.

Feller, I. (2002). Performance measurement redux. American Journal of Evaluation, 23(4), 435-452.

Few, P .K., & Vogt, A.J. (1997). Measuring the performance of local governments. Popular Government, 62(2),41-54.

Fitzpatrick, S. (2002). Performance management in the public sector: What can we learn from the past? Eipascope, 2002(3), 21-24.

Franklin, A.L. (2000). An examination of bureaucratic reactions to institutional controls.

Public Performance & Management Review, 24(1), 8-2 1.

Garland, A.F., Kruse, M., & Aarons, G.A. (2003). Clinicians and outcome measure

ment: What's the use? Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 30(4),


Ghosh, D., & Ray, M.R. (2000). Evaluating managerial performance: Mitigating the "out

come effect." Journal of Managerial Issues, 12(2), 247-260.

Giancoli, D. (2002, October). Seeing is believing: The use of trained observer ratings for

performance measurement. Government Finance Review, 18, 18-23.

Griesemer, J.R. (1997, April). Performance measures: Tools for determining success. Min

nesota Cities, 82, 8-12.

Grizzle, G. (2002). Performance measurement and dysfunction: The dark side of quantify

ing work. Public Performance and Management Review, 25(4), 363-369.

Guajardo, S.A., & McDonnell, R. (2000). An elected official's guide to performance mea

surement. Chicago: Government Finance Officers Association.

Halachmi, A. (2002). Performance measurement and government productivity. Work Study;

51(2), 63-73.

Halachmi, A. (2002). Performance measurement: A look at some possible dysfunctions. Work Study, 51(5), 230-239.

Halachmi, A. (2002). Performance measurement, accountability, and improved performance.

Performance & Management Review, 25(4), 370-374.

Harbour, J.L. (1997). The basics of performance measurement. New York: Quality Resources.

Hatry, H.P. (1999). Performance measurement: Getting results. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press.

Hatry, H.P. (2002). Performance measurement: Fashions and fallacies. Public Performance & Management Review, 25(4), 352-358.

Hatry, H.P., Morley, E., Rossman, S.B., & Wholey, J. (2003). How federal programs use outcome information: Opportunities for federal managers. Managing for Results Series, IBM Endowment for the Business of Government. Available at www.businessofgovernment .org/pdfs/HatryReport.pdf.

Hernandez, D. (2002). Local government performance measurement. Public Management, 84(9), A 10-11.

Hirschmann, D. (2002). Thermometer or sauna? Performance measurement and democratic assistance in the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Public Administration, 80(2), 235-255.

Ho, A.T., & Coates, P. (2002). Citizen participation: Legitimizing performance measurement as a decision tool. Government Finance Review, 18(2), 8-11.

Ho, S.K., & Chan, Y.L. (2002). Performance measurement and the implementation of balanced scorecards in municipal governments. Journal of Government Financial Management, 51(4), 8-19.

Holzer, M., & Lee, S. (2004). Public Productivity Handbook (2nd ed.). New York: Marcel Dekker.

Holzer, M., &Yang, K. (2004). Performance measurement and improvement: An assessment

of the state of the art. International Review ofAdm.inistrative Sciences, 70(1), 15-31.
Ittner, C.D., & Larcker, D.F. (2003). Coming up short on nonfinancial performance mea

surement. Harvard Business Review, 81(11), 88-96.

Kaczmarczyk, S., & Murtough, J. (2002). Measuring performance in innovative work

places. Journal of Facilities Management, 1(2), 163-176.

Kalu, K.N. (2003). Entrepreneurs or conservators? Contractarian principles of bureau

cratic performance. Administration & Society, 35(5), 539-563.

Kelly, J.M. (2002). If you only knew how well we are performing, you'd be highly satis

fied with the quality of our service. National Civic Review, 91(3), 283-292.

Kelly, J.M. (2002). Why we should take performance measurement on faith: Facts being

hard to come by and not terribly important. Public Performance and Management Re

view, 25(4),375-380.

Kennerley, M., & Neely, A. (2002). A framework of the factors affecting the evolution of performance measurement systems. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(11), 1222-1245.

Kerssens-van, D., Inge, C., & Fisscher, O. (2003). Ethical dilemmas in performance measurement. Journal of Business Ethics, 45(1/2), 51-63.

Kopezynski, M., & Lombardo, M. (1999). Comparative performance measurement: Insights and lessons learned from a consortium effort. Public Administration Review, 59(2), 124-134.

Kravchuk, R.S., & Schack, R.W. (1996). Designing effective performance measurement systems under the government Performance and Results Act of 1993. Public Administration Review, 56(4), 348-358.

Kuwaiti, M.E. (2004). Performance measurement process: Definition and ownership.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 24(1), 55-78.

Kyrillidou, M. (1998, April). An overview of performance measures in higher education and libraries. ARL: Bimonthly Newsletter of Research Library Issues and Actions, 197, 3-7.

Macpherson, M. (2001). Performance measurement in not-for-profit and public-sector or

ganizations. Measuring Business Excellence, 5(2), 13-17.

Maholland, L., & Muetz, P. (2002). A balanced scorecard approach to performance mea

surement. Government Finance Review, 18(2), 12-17.

Meagher, G., & Healy, K. (2003). Caring, controlling, contracting and counting: Govern

ments and non-profits in community services. Australian Journal of Public Adminis

tration, 62(3), 40-51.

Modell, S. (2001). Performance measurement and institutional processes: A study of managerial responses to public sector reform. Management Accounting Research, 12(4), 437464.

Modell, S. (2004). Performance measurement myths in the public sector: A research note.

Financial Accountability & Management, 20(1), 39-55.

Morley, E., Bryant, S.P., & Hatry. H.P. (2001). Comparative performance measurement. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press.

National Academy of Public Administration. (1999). Using performance data to improve

government effectiveness. Washington, DC: Author.

National Center for Public Productivity. (n.d.). A brief guide for performance measure

ment in local government. Available at

ing/brief-manual.pdf, accessed September 15, 2004.

Newcomer, K.E. (Ed.). (1997). Using performance measures to improve public and

nonprofit programs: New directions for evaluation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Norman, R. (2002). Managing through measurement or meaning? Lessons from experi

ence with New Zealand's public sector performance management systems. Interna

tional Review ofAdministrative Sciences, 68(04), 619-628.

Ott, J.S., Boonyarak, P., & Dicke, L.A. (2002). Public sector reform and moral and ethical

accountability: Performance measurement technology cannot ensure accountability for

contracted human services. Public Integrity, 3(3), 277-289.

Poister, T., & Streib, G. (1999). Performance measurement in municipal government: As

sessing the state of the practice. Public Administration Review, 59(4), 325-335. Poister, T.H., & van Slyke, D.M. (2002). Strategic management innovations in state trans

portation departments. Public Performance & Management Review, 26(1), 58-74.
Radnor, Z., & Lovell, B. (2003). Defining, justifying and implementing the balanced

scorecard in the national health service. International Journal of Medical Marketing,

3(3), 174-188.

Revilla, E., Sarkas, J., & Modrego, A. (2003). Evaluating performance of public-private research collaborations: A DEA analysis. Journal of Operational Research Society, 54(2),165-174.

Rivenbark, W.C. (Ed.). (2001). A guide to the North Carolina local government performance measurement project. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Institute Government.

Rivenbark, W.C., & Kelly, J.M. (2000). Performance measurement: A local government

response. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 12(1),


Rivenbark, WC., & Pizzarella, C.C. (2002). Auditing performance data in local govern

ment. Public Performance and Management Review, 25(4), 413-420.

Rodriguez, A., & Bijotat, F. (2003). Performance measurement, strategic planning, and

performance-based budgeting in Illinois local and regional public airports. Public Works

Management & Policy, 8(2), 132-145.

Rouse, P., & Putterill, M. (2003). An integral framework for performance measurement.

Management Decision, 41(8), 791-805.

Rubenstein, R., Schwartz, A.E., & Stiefel, L. (2003). Better than raw: A guide to measur-

ing organizational performance with adjusted performance measures. Public Administration Review, 63(5), 607-615.

Santos, S.P., Belton, V., & Howick, S. (2002). Adding value to performance measurement by using system dynamics and multicriteria analysis. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(11), 1246-1272.

Sharp, T. (2001). Linking performance measurement to budgeting. Government Finance Review, 17(2), 15-19.

Sheldon, D.R. (1996). Achieving accountability in business and government: Managing

for efficiency, effectiveness, and economy. New York: Quorum Books.

Stout, R.V. (2000). What city officials need to know about GASB's new reporting model.

IQ Service Report, 32(12), 1-15.

Streib, G.D., & Poister, T.H. (1999). Assessing the validity, legitimacy, and functionality of performance measurement systems in municipal government. American Review of Public Administration, 29(2), 107-123.

Studnicki, J., Murphy, F., Malvey, D., Costello, R.A., & Luther, S.L. (2002). Toward a population health delivery system: First steps in performance measurement. Health Care Management Review, 27(1), 76-95.

Sun, P .Y., & Scott, J.L. (2003). Towards better qualitative performance measurement in organizations. Learning Organization, 10(5), 258-271.

Toni, A.D., & Tonchia, S. (2001). Performance measurement systems-models, characteristics and measures. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 21(1/2), 46-71.

Townley, B., Cooper, D.J., & Oakes, L. (2002). Performance measures and the rationaliza

tion of organizations. Organization Studies, 24(7), 1045-107 1.