January 21, 2015, at 3:30 PM in the LCMS Staff Work Room

1.  Call to Order, Pledge, Invocation , & Roll Call

2.  Approve Agenda (& revisions, if necessary)

3.  Approve December Minutes

4.  Student Spotlight: SOM; Aca Team District Gov's Cup; Art work still in papers; Spotlight School in Ky’s CSH Jan. 2015 Newsletter; Please see Facebook/Twitter, Website/IC Portal/Agenda/Newsletter, & Good News Reports, etc.

5.  Concerns from Guests—Open Forum (5 minutes)

6.  SBDM Communications & school comment box

7.  Reports: FRYSC, Media Specialist, Guidance, Curriculum Specialist, Attendance, PTSO (CIPL), ESS, Tutoring, ILP, RtI, PBIS, Walk-Throughs/Inst Rounds, PL/PD Action Plan , CURRICULUM-moni concepts, interdisc & curr map, Inst Time, Class loads, Plan Time, Staffing, Courses based ILP/Community Data, BMI & wellness goals, Reflect/Support/Inform Prog Areas, SE, 504, GT, ELL, Clubs, Academic Team, Athletics, Cheerleading, Research/Top 20, School Safety, School Discipline, Athletics, Surveys, Grants, Assemblies/Field Trips, Technology by Oct. 31, Monthly Good News & Newsletters, Donations, FR, FT, TEXTBOOK PURCHASING PLAN, etc.

8.  Committee Reports (ABRI, Program Review, Learning Environment, Academic Performance, Efficiency, Advisory, CSH, DLT, ): SISI self study – uploading narratives and evidence to OneDrive LCMS SISI Group; minutes in packet

9.  PLC Report (7th, 8th, Math, ELA, Science, SS, SE, etc.): Minutes on OneDrive SISI Group

10.  CSIP [Exec Summary, Needs Asmt, The Missing Piece, Impv Plan Stk Inv, Goals & Plans, C&A – MS, KDE Assurances, Safety (WITH Progress Notes in Mar, June)] - Posted on website & in SBDM NB: APPROVAL NEEDED of CSIP March 1, 2015, Progress Notes

11.  KDE Closing the Achievement Gap Report: in ASSIST by Sept 30 of each year

12.  Procedure, By-Law, and Policy Review/Revise/Create or Approval (base on MVCGB, CSIP, & Data): None

13.  5 GOALS as of Jan. 17, 2015: ***1200 Volunteer Hours is 783.3 hours; 98% Attendance is 95.09% ; No office referrals [see data on bulletin board: 263 events (38 types) involving 96 students & 25 staff]; No Ds or Fs is (see data); Great Test Scores/100% ILP parent review/Testing Effort/Compliments from visitors/staff/Improving Data, etc.

14.  Social Media Data: 177 followers on Twitter with 1057 tweets; 292 likes of our Facebook page with multiple posts

15.  SBDM Newsletter; 32 PD-sub days allotted by district; 15 staff absences to qualify for Live Red attendance incentive

16.  Title I Report, survey data, & PtGT Data: Title I Schoolwide KDE Report is separate report in ASSIST this year and is due on Jan. 3, 2015

17.  Safety Report (Current with drills & documents on ASSIST by Oct. 15)

18.  Program Review Reports: OneDrive (SBDM must answer questions for World Language this year; due June 1, 2015): Approval

FREE resources on KET-Arte y Mas KET Instructional TV | ¡Arte y Más! and Saludos, KET Instructional TV | Saludos. I did hear a middle school teacher say that she used SaludosThere is also Destinos and it is targeted 9-12.

19.  School Report Card: As of Jan. 17 (# PT Confs= 189 unique & 287 total (10-8th and 6-7th not conf), SBDM parent voters on April 17, 2014=17, # parents comm.=12, vol hours=above, etc.)

20.  Monthly budget & financial reports – monitor its effective use & involve all in development

a.  Section 6 (SBDM alloc 19530)

b.  School Activity Funds (PTSO, Athletic, etc.), PD ($1100), ESS ($), Title I ($), Donations ($), Instructional ($6944)

c.  Extra Allocation: $6825 – Americorps, Mag Subsc, Reading Plus, Calculators, Agendas

d.  Approval Needed: Monthly Budget Reports

21.  Professional Learning Update: Sept22-23,Feb19-Learning 360 with Steve Olsen; May 7/July 21 Standards Based Grading with Ken Mattingly; July 28 (SWAT grant) literacy integration with C. Alexander & OD Writing with D.Cothron in PLCs, M.Powell to OD writing PD, J.Walker to Ky Reading Conf, All trained on Reading Plus on Sept 24, B.Heppner to SS Network, J.Walker to Science NW, R.Robertson to Science Academy, J.Strickland/R.Robertson/S.Lawton to 2 week MSU Math/Science Academy, L.Flatt on Nov. 13, etc.

22.  Grant/Donation Watch :Got “Leader In Me”5 Year grant (2015/16 beg) & have applied for Gear UP; ME & CS are applying for Tech grant

23.  School Info: LCMS Home page/Social Media/IC portal/One Call; PD 360 focus on engagement and WOW, Feedback, Management, Eng

24.  Instruction: Instructional Rounds, Monthly Walk-Throughs TPGES, Peer Observations, Learning 360, WKSEC co-teaching & clrm management/engagement; Constance Alexander; ABRI; ERL and ERS

25.  Spring 2014 School Data: SCHOOL REPORT CARD LINK below (up in 3 of 4 areas – achievement, growth, gap AND only 1.8 points from a proficient school ranking 184/329 MS). Also, see Executive Summary and Needs Assessment of CSIP [School Report Card, K-PREP, EXPLORE, STAR, Reading Plus, ABRI, Open House, TELL, KIP, ILP, Gallup, PTG, RtI, CIITS, PD 360, IC (clrm grades, attendance, behavior), KCMP, surveys (Parent through ASSIST, Title I, PL, FRYSC, PRC, TRC, Student Voice Surveys, CSIP stakeholders, KCSS], Clrm vs MAP vs Explore vs K-PREP, etc. SRC LINK:

26.  Personnel Action – Americorps (Sept 1-June 30), Vacancies/Hires: Inst Coach Leaves: None District Hires: LCMS SE Teacher

27.  Key of Proficient SBDM Council (16 keys): Does its work through a PROCESS that includes …

a. Meetings that are inclusive and lawful.

28.  Standards & Indicators for School Improvement (SISI – 9 standards in 3 clusters w/ 88 indicators) Standard of Focus

4.1f: The school intentionally assigns staff to maximize opportunities for all students to have access to the staff’s instructional strengths.

29.  Reminders for all meetings – notify absence so we can cancel if no quorum (at least 4: 1 teacher, 1 parent, chair/vice chair)

Confirm next meeting date, time, Quorum, location & UPDATE contact information ): Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015, at 3:30 PM in Work Room

30.  Adjourn