North American Energy Standards Board

1301 Fannin, Suite 2350, Houston, Texas 77002

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TO: NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Transmission Segment, IOU Sub-segment (Please see distribution list)

FROM: Denise Rager, Meeting/Membership Administrator

RE: Ballot for Voting For IOU Open Board of Directors Seat in the WEQ Transmission Segment

DATE: January 16, 2008

Dear WEQ Transmission Segment, IOU Sub-segment Members:

The WEQ Transmission Segment has one available IOU seat for the Board of Directors for which two candidates have been named - Edward J. Davis of Entergy Services, Inc. and Jerry Smith of Arizona Public Service Company. The term begins on January 1, 2008 and ends on December 31, 2009. Please vote for your candidate and forward the attached ballot to the NAESB office by end of business January 30, 2008. Supporting documentation for the ballot including biographies of the candidates is included with the ballot.

Since this seat is allocated to the IOU Sub-segment within the Transmission Segment, please note that to be eligible to vote in this election, you should be a member in good standing of the WEQ Transmission Segment and IOU Sub-segment with a membership application on file at the NAESB office.

The candidate receiving the most votes will be announced on January 31st as the new Board member.

Best Regards,

Denise Rager

NAESB WEQ Transmission Segment IOU Ballot – January 16, 2008

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North American Energy Standards Board

1301 Fannin, Suite 2350, Houston, Texas 77002

Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail:

Home Page:

NAESB WEQ Transmission Segment, IOU Sub-segment Ballot

For the Board of Directors

Please check ONE of the boxes below for the Board of Directors:
Edward J. Davis, Policy Consultant, Entergy Services, Inc.
Jerry Smith, Alliance/Partnership Manager, Arizona Public Service Co.

Member Company : ______

Representative : ______

Representative Signature : ______

Date : ______

Please fax your ballot to the NAESB Office by end of

business January 30, 2008.

Fax: 713-356-0067


Candidates for the Board of Directors

Name: Edward J. Davis

Title: Policy Consultant

Organization: Entergy Services, Inc.

Candidate For: WEQ Board of Directors

Segment: Transmission Segment IOU


Ed Davis is a Policy Consultant in the Transmission Regulatory Compliance Department of Entergy’s Transmission Business unit. Mr. Davis represents the Entergy Transmission Business unit in various forums of the electric power industry including the NERC and NAESB standard development processes. He assists in the establishment, implementation and interpretation of policies and practices for the Transmission Business unit consistent with industry rules, regulations, and OATT. He has been active in electric power industry restructuring since FERC issued the Open Access NOPRs leading to Orders 888 and 889. Mr. Davis is the Transmission Segment - IOU Sub-segment representative on the NAESB WEQ Executive Committee and he is a former representative of the Transmission Owners Segment on the NERC Standards Committee. The majority of his 30 year career in the electric power industry has been performing power system analyses, generation planning studies, transmission planning studies and designing generators. Mr. Davis has a Masters of Engineering in Power Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is a registered professional engineer in the State of Louisiana.

Name: Jerry Smith

Title: Alliance/Partnership Manager

Organization: Arizona Public Service Co.

Candidate For: WEQ Board of Directors

Segment: Transmission Segment IOU


Jerry Smith is Alliance/Partnership Manager at Arizona Public Service Company (APS). Mr. Smith is responsible for representing APS in several forums associated with the development of market enhancements in Arizona, the Southwest and throughout the Western Interconnection.

Arizona Public Service Company

Mr. Smith joined APS in 1978 and has held leadership and engineering positions in both resource and transmission system operations. Mr. Smith earned his Bachelor of Engineering from the University of New Mexico. In addition to his engineering responsibilities, Mr. Smith served as Acting Supervisor of the Resource Scheduling group, a Supervisor of Resource and Transmission Operating Engineers, an Acting Manager of Transmissions Operations and an Alliance Partnership Manager working in all of the above mentioned arenas to represent the needs of APS, the Southwest and WECC.


Mr. Smith is active in the WestConnect Market Enhancement Initiatives. He chairs the WestConnect Transfer Capability Process and Virtual Control Area work groups. He is an active member in the Pricing, Flow Based Investigation, Transmission Products and Market Monitoring work groups.

Arizona Corporation Commission.

Mr. Smith has represented APS at the Arizona Corporation Commission in the areas of direct retail access, distribution generation interconnection and the formation of the Arizona Independent Scheduling Administrator. Mr. Smith currently serves on the Board of the Arizona Independent Scheduling Administrator Association.


Mr. Smith represented APS at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on the development of generator interconnection procedures, as well as other matters associated with the operation of the transmission system. Most recently Mr. Smith sat on the FERC Technical Panels regarding ATC and California ISO Seams Issues.


Mr. Smith is an active member of the ATC Standards Development Task Force and is a member of the NAESB Business Practices Subcommittee.


Within the WECC, Mr. Smith is Vice Chair of the Market Interface Committee (MIC), the MIC Steering Committee and chair of the Seams Issues Subcommittee.

Wholesale Electric Quadrant

Transmission Segment, IOU Sub-segment Members

January 16, 2008

Organization / Name
Allegheny Energy, Inc. / Terri Grabiak
Arizona Public Service Company / Mark W. Hackney
Cleco Power, LLC / Cindy Guillot
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. / Scott Butler
Empire District Electric Company, The / Bary K. Warren
Energy East Management Corporation / Marjorie Perlman
Entergy Services, Inc. / Edward J. Davis, Narinder Saini
Florida Power & Light Company / Marty Mennes
Idaho Power Company / Tessia Park
National Grid / Edward Kremzier
Northeast Utilities Service Company / David Boguslawski, Calvin A. Bowie
Northwestern Corporation / Mike Cashell
Oncor / Ellis Rankin, Debbie McKeever
Otter Tail Power Company / Daryl Hanson, Larry Larson
PacifiCorp / Brian Weber
PHI Power Delivery / Ken Gates
Portland General Electric / Frank Afanji
PPL Electric Utilities Corporation / Ray Mammarella
Progress Energy / Nina M. McLaurin, Phillip W. Lewis
Public Service Electric and Gas Company / Kenneth D. Brown
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. / George Marshall, Bob Harshbarger
Sierra Pacific Resources / Patricia Englin
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company / S. Porcher Stoney
Southern California Edison / Weston Williams
Southern Company Services, Inc. / R.D. (Dean) Ulch, John Lucas, James Y. Busbin, JT Wood
Tucson Electric Power Company / Raquel Aguilar, Judy Fregoso, Ed Beck

NAESB WEQ Transmission Segment, IOU Sub-segment Ballot – January 16, 2008

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