GC Curriculum Committee Meeting

Friday, January 9, 2009; 9:00 – 11:00am

Graduate Student Centre, Room 200

Present:Stelvio Bandiera, Lindsey Lipovsky, Bill McKee, Ed Putnins, Bill Ramey, Gary Schajer, Susie Stephenson, Joyce Tom, Ian Townsend-Gault, Ginette Vallee, Jon Preston, Norman Wong, Ella Ho (minutes), Philip Loewen, Sandra Chamberlain

Regrets:Jenny Phelps, Cindy Prescott

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  1. Minutes of December 5, 2008 meeting- Approved
  1. Business arising
  1. New Proposals

College for Interdisciplinary Studies
Submitted by John Church
New courses in Cell and Developmental Biology
CELL 508 (1.5)
-minor edits made to Proposed Calendar Entry and Rationale
CELL 509 (1.5)
-minor edits made to Proposed Calendar Entry and Rationale
CELL 510 (1.5)
-minor edits made to Proposed Calendar Entry and Rationale
CELL 511 (1.5)
-minor edits made to Proposed Calendar Entry and Rationale
CELL 512 (1.5)
-minor edits made to Proposed Calendar Entry and Rationale
Action: Approved pending changes.
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Tim O’Connor
Anatomy and Cell Biology Program – Suspend
-Calendar entry should show that program admittance is suspended indefinitely (at least three years).
-We could re-institute it in the fourth year by simple request. Afterwards, program must come forth as a new program proposal.
-When will the suspension go into effect?
-Has there been approval from the Faculty of Medicine Faculty council, curriculum committee, or executive?
-Will any courses be affected?
-How will you handle notification? Will you direct students to an alternative program in the calendar or website?
-Please note that if a program gets deleted (vs. suspended), the Degree Quality Assessment Board should be notified
-Bill will circulate rules for suspending a program’s admission
Action: Hold.
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Dr. Edwin D. Moore
PHYL Graduate Program – Hibernate
-Calendar entry should show that program admittance is suspended indefinitely (at least three years).
-We could re-institute it in the fourth year by simple request. Afterwards, program must come forth as a new program proposal.
-When will the suspension go into effect?
-Will any courses be affected?
-How will you handle notification? Will you direct students to an alternative program in the calendar or website?
-Please note that if a program gets deleted (vs. suspended), the Degree Quality Assessment Board should be notified
-Bill will circulate rules for suspending a program’s admission
Action: Hold / .
Faculty of Land & Food Systems
Submitted by Marina von Keyserlingk
Credit change for MSc thesis
-What is the difference between a 12 and 18-credit thesis? Students and advisors need to know the basis for assigning credit to a proposed thesis. Please provide an advising statement for students and faculty who are deciding on credit value
-this would be a C (please see proposal)
Action: Approved pending clarification.
  1. Adjournment of Meeting
  1. Next meeting – Friday, January 23rd, 2009, Graduate Student Centre, Room 200