Meeting held in Cernay La Ville, France,

on Thursday March 6th 2003 from 14:00 to 17:00

Present:Les PurfieldRSC Chairman

Mark SullivanAA/AM WG Chairman

Uwe SchneiderAX WG Chairman

Rick WallaceBX WG Chairman

Masashi KakudaScoring WG Chairman

Jean Claude WeberStatutes, By-Laws and Sporting Code-WG Chairman

Observers:Mathijs De BruijnCIA Competitor Subcommittee Chairman

David LevinGerald Sturzlinger

Patrick KearleyEric Decelieres

Tom DonnellyDavid Bareford

  1. 2002 RSC Minutes.

2002 RSC Minutes were approved

  1. RSC-Working Group’s summary of recommendations.

a)AA/AM-WG summary of recommendations.

(i)That the 47th Gordon Bennett Rules be approved with the addition of Rule 4.1:

“Each balloon shall carry a backup GPS which will be supplied by the organizers. This backup GPS shall be suspended approximately 10M below the basket.”

ii)Entry process for WAG should be 3 per country as per S1 5.6.1.

b)AX-WG summary of recommendations.

(i)That the following rules be approved with the amendments as submitted.

  • Europeans 2003 - Recommend that the rules are approved with the amendments as submitted except for some wording proposals by AX-WG in rules II.2, II.6, II.7, II.15 and II.17, except for defining power lines as red PZ and except for using only the local radio frequency for recall procedure.
  • Mobilux 2003 - Recommend that the rules are approved with the amendments as submitted except for some wording proposals by AX-WG in rules II.12 and II.17.
  • Mildura 2003 (premier sporting event) - Recommend that the rules are approved with the amendments as submitted. (AX-WG has wording proposals in rules II.6 and II.7.)
  • HUN Nationals 2003 - Recommend that the rules are approved as submitted except for some wording proposals by AX-WG in rules II.3 and II.9.
  • Motegi 2003 - Hot Air Balloon International Championship. - Recommend that the rules are approved as submitted.
  • Coupe d’Europe and Ladies World Cup (rules not yet received)
  • MOL Cup Hungary (rules not yet received)

The organisers of all listed events would like to base their rules on the AX MER 2003 and ask for approval to do so. Also event organisers of Coupe d’Europe and MOL Cup, who did not hand in their set of rules yet will do so within the next days. In both cases AX-WG would monitor that only the allowed and approved changes would be made in the event rules, RSC will approach the bureau for final approval and the relevant jury will check final compliance with the changes agreed.

(ii)That the following AX MER rule changes be approved.

Besides minor editorial and grammar corrections the following rule changes and definitions have been changed:

Rule II.5 now asks for CLP coordinates and altitude in feet MSL

Rule 6.8 GPS-Loggers modified to read: A GPS logger is a device that logs the track and altitude of a balloon. GPS loggers may be used in competition as an observation tool to monitor compliance with the rules, for task setting and for achieving a score or result. For task setting and achieving a score or result, specific rules are required. Competitors shall comply with the operational instructions on their use.
In World and Continental Championships, GPS loggers shall not be used for task setting and achieving a score or result.

Rule 7.3.4 and 7.3.6 Added description:

7.3.4 A RED PZ is a restricted airspace and will include an upper altitude limit which a competitor shall not fly below.

7.3.6 A BLUE PZ is a restricted airspace and will include a lower altitude limit which a competitor shall not fly above.


Unless otherwise stated, directions are expressed in degrees referenced to the grid system printed on the competition map.

Rule 9.17.1 rephrased to read:
The launchmaster will give each competitor permission to take-off according to the signals as published. The competitor may then take-off at will, subject to any instructions from the launchmaster at the time.

2nd part of former Rule 9.17.1 now renumbered as Rule 9.17.2

Rules 11.4 and 11.5 - Ground contact now distinguish between light and solid contact:

11.4: Penalty for each contact is 100 if light and 200 task points if solid. Note: A contact is solid if as a result a change of motion of the basket or the envelope is observed.
11.5: Penalty for each contact is 250 if light and 500 task points if solid. Note: A contact is solid if as a result a change of motion of the basket or the envelope is observed.

Rules 12.9 and 12.10, In marker drop unfurled was replaced by unrolled.

Rule 12.16.2, Scoring period rephrased to read:

A competitor will only score if his marker is found or seen falling to the ground by officials or an Observer within the set time limit. If the next marker was found or the competitor has landed within that set time limit or logger information is available,the marker will be scored.

Rule 12.16.3, Scoring period deleted as information is contained already in rule 12.16.2.

Rules: 13.3.3, 13.3.4 and 14.1. On input of Jury Board, distance penalties are now defined as result penalties (distance, angle or time).

Rules 15.1.4 and 15.5.4:

Penalty for more than allowed number of goals was defined in 15.1.4: Each competitor will declare his goal(s) by coordinates in writing and his declaration shall be deposited before declaration time at the place specified in the briefing data, clearly identified with his name and/or competition number. If more goals are declared than permitted the competitor will not achieve a result.
15.5.4: The competitor shall write clearly on the previous marker his declared goal(s) for fly on. If the previous marker is not dropped or no goal is written on it or if more goals are declared than permitted the competitor will not achieve a result.

iii) AXMER for GPS Loggers

The document draft made by Mathijs de Bruijn has been discussed and found to be a good tool for competitions using GPS Loggers for scoring and task setting purposes, which are named AXMER for GPS Loggers. These rules will be tested and further developed during the next year.

The RSC recommend that the AXMER for GPS Loggers are not used for World or Continental Championships.

c)BX-WG summary of recommendations.

  1. BX Model Event Rules, No application for rule changes were received
  1. World Air Games. Jean Claude Weber presented the new proposed format for the World Air Games. Discussion followed as to how the BX working group can adapt to the new format. Attendance of pilots would be by open invitation.
  1. BX Event Planning Manual. There was discussion regarding the probable need for rule changes and competition management. It was felt that a new focus toward the media and general public attendance at BX competitions was needed. So adopted.

d)Scoring-WG summary of recommendations

i) Updating Competition Handbook

The review version will be published by the end of March 2003.

We reviewed and discussed the draft of Penalty Guide and decided to include it into the next COH.

Change of the Status of CIA Documents. We decided to recommend to this matter to Sporting Code WG.

ii) No median ranking competitor problem. We decided to include the following procedures into the next COH.

* When more than one median ranking competitors happen due to tied scores, those should be scored by Formula 2 and shared equal scores.

iii) New Items

Penalty in the Elbow or Angle task

The advice of calculation method will be included in the next COH.

No need to change the AX-MER.

Change to the Checksum definition

The advice of calculation method will be included in the next COH.

No need to change the AX-MER.

Discussion on penalizing competitors for the use of the GPS when scoring

When an observer is forced to use the GPS measuring with 200 meters by the competitors, the competitor’s results will be added 20 meters.

iv) Other Items

New proposals from AX-MER for GPS Loggers (Competitor’s GPS as substitute when logger fails and other SWG related issues in this documents).We decided to discuss it in the AX-WG.

Changing Distances Penalties in Result Penalties (report to AX-WG). We decided to agree those changes.

CIA Event Director List. We decided to make promotions this matter in 2003.

e)Statutes, By-Laws and Sporting Code-WG summary of recommendations

a) The new version of the Sporting Code was issued on 1st January 2003. All amendments were included.

b) The next version of the Sporting Code will start its 5 year programme for release in January 2008.

Amendments will be recorded as in the previous version.

c) The WG recommend that all Events this year will be run under the 2003 version even if the Event was sanctioned under the previous version.

d) New changes to wording were proposed in Paras, 3.2, 3.3 and These were added to the amendment record.

f) A document will be provided with the Plenary minutes detailing all the recent changes to the Statutes, Bylaws and General Section.

g) Internal Regulations. There was no review this year so it is recommended that all Sub Committees review these and report back to this WG by 15th April.

h) The Notable Flights document, supplied by Hans Akerstedt will be published by FAI within the next 6 weeks

  1. AXMER Gravity Marker Drop Rule 12.9

The AX-WG recommend to keep rule 12.9 as we have discussed it in depth during the last 4 years and the present wording is the outcome of that work. Vote: 4 in favour, 1 abstention.

This was discussed in the meeting and it was agreed to uphold the AXWG decision. Vote: 3 for, 0 against and 2 abstentions.

  1. Future World Air Games.

This had been discussed in other Sub committees and Working Groups so this was not discussed.

  1. Any Other Business

Availability of Rule books.- As there are some 400 rulebooks still available it was proposed from the Chair that the AXMER’s were not updated this year.

Discussion indicated that it would be preferable to have an update and that maybe the existing 2002 rules could be used with a “flyer” update page added. JCW stated that the Plenary should be asked if an update and reprint should be made.

RSC discussion: It was noted by Mark Sullivan that a number of penalties in both AXMER documents are in conflict with GS 5.2 for minor infringements. It was agreed to investigate this during the next year.

6.Summary of motions to the CIA Plenary

Motion 1That the rules for the following Category 1 & Sporting Events be approved.

  • 13th European Hot Air Balloon ChampionshipLithuania
  • 2003 Motegi International ChampionshipJapan
  • 47th Gordon BennettFrance
  • Mobilux Trophy 2003Luxembourg
  • Hungarian National Championship Hungary
  • Mildura International ChampionshipAustralia

Motion 2That the rules for the following Category 1 Events are delegated to the RSC and Bureau for approval.

  • Coupe d’Europe and Ladies World Cup
  • 3rd MOL CUP DEBRECEN Hot Air Balloon International Competition

Motion 3That the AA Working Group recommendations (Item 2.a.(ii) be approved

Motion 4That the AX MER rule changes (Item 2. b. (ii) be approved

Motion 5That the AX MER for GPS Logger rules (Item 2. b. (iii) are not to be used in World or Continental Championships

Motion 6That the Scoring Working Group recommendations (Item 2.d) be approved

Motion 7That the Statutes, By-Laws and Sporting Code-WG recommendations (Item 2.e) be approved

Motion 8That the 2003/2004 RSC Members be approved

2003/2004 RSC and Working Group Members

Rules Sub Committee

Masashi KakudaJapanChairman

Mark SullivanUSA

Uwe SchneiderGermany

Rick WallaceUSA

Jean Claude WeberLuxembourg


  1. Mark SullivanUSAChairman
  2. Tom DonnellyUK
  3. Markus HaggeneyGermany
  4. David LevinUSA
  5. Philippe De CockBelgium
  6. Joseph StarkbaumAustria


  1. Uwe SchneiderGermanyChairman
  2. Mathijs De BruijnNetherlands
  3. David LevinUSA
  4. Les PurfieldUK
  5. Masashi KakudaJapan


  1. Rick WallaceUSAChairman
  2. Tom DonnellyUK
  3. David RappUSA
  4. Oscar LindstromSweden
  5. Patrick KearleyUK

Scoring WG:

  1. Mathijs De BruijnNetherlandsChairman
  2. Masashi KakudaJapan
  3. David BarefordUK
  4. Bengt StenerSweden
  5. Steve IrelandAustralia

Statutes, By-Laws and Sporting Code WG:

  1. Jean Claude WeberLuxembourg Chairman
  2. Don CameronUK
  3. Hans AkerstedtSweden
  4. Jakob BurkardSwitzerland
  5. Frederic MoizardFrance

2003 RSC Minutespage 1