Directorate-General Enlargement
Directorate D Negotiation Pre-accession Coordination & Financial Instruments
Technical Assistance Information Exchange Office

Application form for Expertise from a Member State

Country: / TURKEY
Date of submission: / 28.12.2004
Objective of the expertise:
Capacity building for preperation of Turkey's Rural Development Programme taking member states rural development strategies and programmes and their components into account would be useful Turkish competent authorities that are especially in charge of the adoption works of the national legislation with the EU's. Therefore it is seen as requirements to understand how to the less favoured areas determined by a member state and to develop a national vision on rural devlopment for the future based on a partnership review with working together with an expert from member state. It can be undertaken a review of the structures and effactiveness of institutional mechanisms applied by member country in its country implementation of rural development measures in less favoured areas. It would be useful to understand definition criteria review of ways in which member country is approaching rural development issues and implementing measures.
To determine priorities and measures which will be taken place in the rural development programme related with less favoured areas in line with the EU legislation.

Please complete and return to:

European Commission – TAIEX Office

Rue de la Loi 200

B-1049 Brussels

Fax: +32-2-296 68 40


1. Details of the applicant wishing to receive the expertise:
Title: / Mr.
First Name: / Enver
Surname: / AKSOY
Ministry or Institution: / Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Department: / Research Planning and Coordination Council Planning and Project Department
Function: / Head of Plannng and Projects Department
Office address (street/number/office number): / Milli Müdafa cad. No.20/ Kat: 4
Post code: / 06100
City: / Ankara
Office Tel: / 90 312 4251900
Office Fax: / 90 312 4254495 or 418 70 82
E-mail: /
2. Institution/Organisation from which you wish to receive the expertise:
Preferred Country (choice cannot always be guaranteed) / Spain or Italy
Hosting Member State Authority/Institution (if known) / Minstry of Agriculture
Name(s) of individual(s) from whom you wish to receive expertise (if known)
First Name:
Ministry or Institution:
Office address (street/number/office number)
Post code:
Office Tel:
Office Fax:
Have you had previous contact with your selected host Institution/Organisation/Expert? Yes No
3. Details of the required expertise:
a) EU legislation concerned (please give reference to regulations, directives etc.) and chapter of the Acquis
CELEX N°/Natural number: / 31999R1257(1257/1999/EC), 31999R1260(1260/1999/EC), 31999R1750(1750/1999/EC), 31999R2603(2603/1999/EC), 31999R1259(1259/1999/EC), 32001R0963(963/2001/EC), 31993D0385(93/385/EEC),
Type of legislation: / Regulations and Directive
Screening chapter: / Determination of Less Favoured Areas
b) What will the task of the expert concern? / Legislation Implementation
Is there any planned or currently running PHARE/TWINNING project that is dealing with the issues covered by the request? Yes No
If yes, please indicate details:
If the task of the expert concerns legislation:
Do you already have draft legislation you wish to discuss? Yes No
Please give details of the stage of preparation of the legislation (e.g. not yet sent to Parliament):
Please outline the timetable for the adoption of the legislation:
In the Accession Partnership document published in the Official Gazette dated 19 May 2003 says that Turkey should prepare Rural Development Strategy in the short term . Alignment of the relevant legal and institutional issues is also stated under the heading “Rural Development and Forestry / Definition of priorities” of NPAA. Rural Development Programme of Turkey will published at the end of 2005..
A copy of the draft legislation in your own language and in English or French must be made available to the TAIEX office before the study visit can take place.
If the task of the expert concerns implementation:
Please list in detail the issues you would like to discuss with the visiting expert, such as implementing regulations, infrastructure, strategies, training and any other elements of relevance:
- preparation of rural development programme
- selection criteria for the defining of less favoured areas
- determination of the measures related to LFA
- related regulations
4. Other background information relating to the current situation in the Candidate Country:
Please give an outline of your country’s current situation concerning the sector of the acquis communautaire indicated and indicate any recent developments that may be relevant in this regard:
The main objectives of the rural development policy within the framework of the integration with the EU are to improve infrastructure in order to ensure rural and agricultural development, to realize development of rural economy, to improve human resources and participatory organizations and to ensure sustainable managememt of natural resources and to protect rural heritage.
To ensure the sustainability of rural areas it is important to define the less favoured areas and measures for these areas.A national rural development programme will be difened by considering the rural development policy of the EU. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Research Planning and Coordination Council is responsible for preparing Rural Development Programme.
Turkey has a big rural area and clasification of rural areas aren't defined clerarly. Turkey is divided into seven geografical regions and nine agricultural regions. State Planning Organization determined the regions having first priority in deveolpment to be given priority for investment and subsidies. In 2002 Turkey has been divided into 26 NUTS II regions for the purposes of more efficient implementation and analysis of regional development policies and ensuring harmonization with the EU. In order to evaluate interregional development disparities and determine regional policies, various indicators are being employed.
Different rural regions might have different socio-economic potential and different problems so different policies and measures need to be formulated. In member countries, it is necessary to define less favoured areas and inform EC about these areas. The objective of Turkey's rural development policy is harmonization with the EU's rural devlopment policy. Thus Turkey has to define own less favoured areas in the line with EU criteria. That's why it is important to understand EU concept and norms in relation to less favoured areas in member countries.
In order to determine rural development measures and priorities which will take place in the programme, it is necessary to define and well understand less favoured areas.
5. Draft programme for the expertise:
Duration : two days
Details of the expected visiting expert are given as follows; (draft programme)
- to get information about Less Favoured Areas and to understand how to determine these areas and selection criterias. ( 1 day ).
- to get information related to measures in LFA consider its role in the frame of rural development programme (1 day)
6. Further details:
Preferred date of the mission (indicate week number and proposed duration of the visit):
Year: / 2005
Calendar week: / The first or second week of the March
Duration (days): / 2 days
Language knowledge (please state the language(s) and indicate your level of competence)
1st language: / Very Good Good Fair Poor
2nd language: / Very Good Good Fair Poor
3rd language: / Very Good Good Fair Poor
7. List of Participants (each participant should fill in a separate form)
Participant 1
Title: / Mrs
First name: / Seher
Surname: / MUGLA
Ministry or Institution: / Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Department: / Planning and Project
Function: / Expert
Office address (street/number/office number): / Sehit Adem Yavuz Sok. No.10/14
Post code: / 06640
City: / Ankara
Office Tel.: / +90 312 419 83 18
Office Fax: / +90 312 42544 95 or 418 70 82
E-mail: /

Participant 2

Title: / Mrs
First name: / Kader
Surname: / AKTAS
Ministry or Institution: / Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Department: / Planning and Project
Function: / Expert
Office address (street/number/office number): / Sehit Adem Yavuz Sok. No.10/14
Post code: / 06640
City: / Ankara
Office Tel.: / +90 312 419 83 18
Office Fax: / +90 312 42544 95 or 418 70 82
E-mail: /

Participant 3

Title: / Mr.
First name: / Mehmet Serdar
Surname: / Turhan
Ministry or Institution: / Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Department: / EU Coordination and Foreign Relations Department
Function: / Expert
Office address (street/number/office number): / Sehit Adem Yavuz Sok. No.10/16
Post code: / 06640
City: / Anakra
Office Tel: / +903124256920
Office Fax: / +903124251209
E-mail: /
8. Authorisation from Hierarchy (Head of EU integration department or technical department)
Title: / Mr.
First name: / Enver
Surname: / AKSOY
Function: / Head of Planning and Projects Department at MARA
Office Tel.: / +903124251900
Office Fax: / +903124254495 or 418 70 82
E-mail: /
Date of consultation: / 16.12.2004
Supporting comments:
Signature (if applicable):
Please note: The information contained in this form will be made available on-line to the Mission of your country in Brussels.

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium - Office: CHAR 05/94
Telephone: switchboard +32-2-296 73 07, 296 73 08, Fax: +32-2-296 68 40

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