/ UK Power Networks / AST 12 001

Capturing, Registering or Amending Asset Data

Name / Barry Hatton
Title / Director of Asset Management
Date / 02 February 2018
Name / Matt Webb
Title / Head of Asset Information
Date / 02 February 2018

This document forms part of the UK Power Networks Integrated Management System and compliance with its requirements is mandatory. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the above authoriser.

Revision Record
Version number / 2.0 / What has changed?
Change to the order of FL and Work Order creation (system reasons), affecting 8.1.1 and 8.2.1.
Why has it changed?
Change to the order of FL and Work Order creation (system reasons).
Date published / 13/02/2018
Next review date / 02/02/2023
Prepared by / Craig Jeffrey
Version number / 1.0 / What has changed?
New Procedure
Why has it changed?
Following Business Transformation Programme implementation
Date published / 11/01/2017
Next review date / 11/01/2018
Prepared by / Craig Jeffrey
Version number / What has changed?
Why has it changed?
Date published
Next review date
Prepared by
Who needs to know?
☐All UK Power Networks Staff
☒Asset Management
☒Capital Programme
☐Customer Services
☒G81 External website
☐HR & Communications
☐In Business HSS
☐Safety Reps
☒ICPs (Independent Connection Providers)
☒IDNOs (Independent Distribution
Network Operators)
☐Information Systems
☐Meter Operators / ☒Network Operations
☐Distribution Capital Delivery
☐Network Control
☐Network Operations Connections
☐Transport Services
☒Strategy and Regulation
☒UK Power Networks Services
☐Strategic projects
☐HS1, DLR & Commercial buildings
☐MUJV / Allenby
☐Business Development
☐Others (specify)


1.0Introduction and Purpose







8.0Process Detail

1.0Introduction and Purpose

During any work activity where asset data needs to be captured or amended, it is essential that this is undertaken in an accurate and timely manner. At a high level, this includes the registration of new assets, the capture or amendment of fixed attribute (nameplate) data on new or existing assets and the removal of disposed assets.

The work activities that will typically include changes to asset data are:

  • Connections Projects;
  • Competition in Connections Projects;
  • Major Projects;
  • Distribution Capital Delivery (DCD) Projects;
  • Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) activities;
  • Logistics Goods In / Waste Management.

Comprehensive updating of all asset data is essential for the ongoing maintenance and development of the asset throughout its lifecycle. For instance:

  • Entry of all required attributes is necessary to ensure that correct maintenance regimes are implemented and similarly that defects may be identified and resolved.
  • Comprehensive and accurate asset information is necessary to facilitate effective and optimal development and running of the networks.
  • The level of funding allowed by the Regulator is based upon the asset volumes/value recorded in our network databases. Achievement can only be claimed within the Regulatory year that is performed, so late recording of asset data results in lost revenue to the business.

Asset data is principally held within the Asset Register (SAP Plant Maintenance (PM)); the Geographic Information System (GIS) (GE SmallWorld / NetMap) and the Distribution Management System (PowerOn Fusion).


This procedure applies to all changes to asset data, whether commissioning new assets, amending existing assets or decommissioning and disposal of redundant assets. It applies to all activities that initiate or require a change to any asset data.

This procedure details the business processes and functions that necessitate asset data changes and describes the actions necessary.

It applies to the updating of the Asset Register (SAP Plant Maintenance (PM)); the Geographic Information System (GIS) (GE Smallworld / NetMap) and the Network Control System (PowerOn Fusion).

This procedure does not cover Protection Settings or Small Tools.

This procedure does not relate to asset condition data or defects as neither of those are considered a change to asset data within the context of this document.


The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all necessary actions to correctly capture asset data are performed in a timely, accurate and consistent manner.

Actions that responsible individuals are required to execute include:

  • Familiarise themselves with this procedure and implement all defined steps;
  • Capture of asset data at each step, as required;
  • Review and amendment /correction of asset data as appropriate throughout all work activities;
  • Completion of all asset data and relevant form submission during close work stage.


COP 01 006 / System Alteration Notice Procedure
EDS 12-0025 / Updating the Asset Register
EOP 00-0040 / Disposal of Distribution Assets
EOS 09-0100 / Site Recording of Cables Plant and Equipment


AGT / Asset Governance Team (Asset Register, Network Diagram, GIS)
ART / Asset Registration Team
CAD / Computer Aided Design
CiC / Competition in Connections
CU / Compatible Unit
DID / Design ID (NetMap generated for SAP use)
EQ / Equipment
FL / Functional locations
GIS / Geographic Information System (i.e GE SmallWorld / NetMap)
ICP / Independent Connection Provider
Non-serialised Assets / Assets without serial numbers provided by manufacturers (explained in Logistics blueprint)
PDC / Programme Deliver Close
PID / Patch ID (PowerOn generated for PowerOn use)
RIGs / Regulatory Information Guidance (Regulatory Reporting to OFGEM)
SADS / Small Assets Data Solution (Portable equipment)
SAN / System Alteration Notice (change to PowerOn diagram)
SAP / The Company Finance, Project& Work Management System
SAP PM / SAP asset management system – Plant maintenance.
Serialised Assets / Assets with serial numbers provided by manufacturers (explained in Logistics blueprint)
SID / Serial ID
Sigma 7 - GeoField / Mobile GIS app
SUS / Supplier self-services
WO / Work Order


6.1Asset Strategy / Technical Sourcing Managers

Accountable for defining full asset data requirements and ensuring asset data templates are in place.

6.2Asset & Technical Sourcing Engineers

Responsible for defining full asset data requirements in order to fulfil all business requirements.

6.3Asset Systems

Responsible for preparingand configuring asset data templates based on Asset Engineer requirements.

6.4Planning / Design Managers

Accountable for ensuring Functional Locations are created and fixed attribute data updated within the asset register.

6.5Planner / Designer

Responsible for creatingFunctional Locations and updating fixed attribute data within the asset register.


Responsible for ensuring Equipment objects are created through Goods Receipt (GR) process.

6.7Materials Procurement

Responsible for ensuring that all new supplier contracts include provision to provide Equipment details as part of order dispatch/fulfilment.

6.8Programme / Area Managers (or any Line Manager of a Project Manager)

Accountable for creating and assigning Equipment to Functional Locations and updating attribute data in the Asset Register and update of GIS records, where required.

6.9Project Manager / Engineer

Responsible for creating and assigning Equipment to Functional Locations and updating attribute data in the Asset Register and update of GIS records, where required.


Responsible for providing the Project Manager with data to create and assign Equipment to Functional Locations and update attribute data within the Asset Register, and update GIS records, where required.

6.11Contract Management

Responsible for ensuringthat all future contract renewals include requirement to provide asset data as required.

6.12Asset Registration Team

Responsible for checking quality of data captured / amended and update of the Asset Register where required.

6.13GIS Drawing Office

Responsible for checkingquality of data captured / amended and updateof the Geographic Information System (GIS).


This procedure relates specifically to the recording of changes to asset details. Refer toSection 8 - Process Detail for specific details of record requirements.

8.0Process Detail

This section details five primary processes where asset data changes are made within which all work activities should fit. They are:

  • New assets installed by, or on behalf of, the Company (including non-like for like Asset Replacement);
  • Asset Replacement (like for like only);
  • New assets adopted under CiC;
  • Amending asset details during I&M (“As found”);
  • Asset Disposal.

This section includes high level process steps aligned to the Programme, Deliver and Close process (vertical swim lanes), which include systems (horizontal swim lanes) and high level data capture details.

It also contains more detailed process diagrams aligned to the Programme, Deliver and Close process (vertical swim lanes), which include responsibilities (horizontal swim lanes) and specific data capture related steps (highlighted green).

8.1New Assets

This process relates to any Project that includes installation of new Equipment by, or for, the Company which is not a like-for-like Asset Replacement. For like-for-like Asset Replacement see section 8.2. For CiC or installation by an ICP see section 8.3.


  1. Project identified to progress to design phase.

Note: this could be following a Connections quotation or a CAPEX project.

  1. CU Design is completed in SAP.
  2. Technical Design is completed. If done in Smallworld/NetMap then DID should be appended to Work Order.
  3. Functional Locations (FLs) are created in SAP using the Asset Registration (AR) tool. The CU Design ID needs to be entered into AR tool.
  4. Detailed Work Order (WO) created from CU Design. The WO will have a series of Operations related to the installation of Equipment. Each Operation should reference the relevant Functional Location.
  5. System Alteration Notice (SAN) is prepared and submitted.
  6. Field Staff complete operations on their mobile device. This includes elements associated with asset data changes, installation of new Equipment (EQ) and removal of old EQ from different Functional Locations.

Field Staff should carry out a check of all fixed attribute data for all assets related to the WO, amending where necessary.

Note: non-Company staff (such as 3rd party Contractors) may use AR Forms. The AR forms are electronic forms which mimic those on the mobile device. These forms are submitted via the Project Manager for checking/loading (see step 10).

  1. PowerOn patch is applied during work, where required.
  2. Where required Field Staff complete a ‘red-line’ drawingand submit it via their mobile device. This is a drawing on GeoField which is used to amend Smallworld/NetMap.

Note: non-Company staff (such as 3rd party Contractors) may use alternative methods, typically editing a paper copy before scanning and submitting via Project

  1. Asset Registration Team (ART) undertake data quality checks, involving creation of FLs and EQ, the correct assignment of EQ to FL and the completion of fixed attribute data.

If the ART find any data quality issues this may result in submissions being returned to the Field Staff for rework. Or it may involve clarification rather than resubmission.

  1. GIS Drawing Office quality check red-line drawings and if acceptable process these by updating the GIS (NetMap)

If the GIS Drawing Office find any data quality issues this may result in submissions being returned to the Field Staff responsible for rework. It may also just involve a clarification rather than resubmission.

  1. The WO can be changed to TECO (Technically Complete) if all asset data updates have been submitted and processed. This effectively closes the WO.

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/ UK Power Networks / AST 12 001


This printed document is valid at 22/09/18, check after this date for validity.
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/ UK Power Networks / AST 12 001

8.2Asset Replacement

This process relates to like-for-like Asset Replacement only. For the purposes of this procedure like-for-like means that the Functional Location(s) does not need to be amended and is therefore reused.

An example would be the removal of a Withdrawable Oil Filled Circuit Breaker Equipment (EQ) from a Functional Location called “Panel 10–High Street Circuit” which is replaced with a Withdrawable SF6 Filled Circuit Breaker EQ. Although the EQ is different the function, the circuit reference, the operating voltage and so on remain constant, i.e. the Functional Location is not amended.


  1. Project identified to progress to design phase.

Note: this could be following a Connections quotation or a CAPEX project.

  1. CU Design is completed in SAP.
  2. Technical Design is completed. If done in Smallworld/NetMap then DID should be appended to Work Order.
  3. Functional Locations (FLs) are identified in SAP, within the CU Design.
  4. Detailed Work Order (WO) created from CU Design. The WO will have a series of Operations related to the installation of Equipment. Each Operation should reference the relevant Functional Location.
  5. System Alteration Notice (SAN) is prepared and submitted.
  6. Field Staff complete operations on their mobile device. This includes elements associated with asset data changes, installation of new Equipment (EQ) and removal of old EQ from the same Functional Location.

Field Staff should carry out a check of all fixed attribute data for all assets related to the WO, amending where necessary.

Note: non-Company staff (such as 3rd party Contractors) may use AR Forms. The AR forms are electronic forms which mimic those on the mobile device. These forms are submitted via the Project Manager for checking/loading (see step 10).

  1. PowerOn patch is applied during work, where required.
  2. Where required Field Staff complete a ‘red-line’ drawing and submit it via their mobile device. This is a drawing on GeoField which is used to amend Smallworld/NetMap.

Note: non-Company staff (such as 3rd party Contractors) may use alternative methods, typically editing a paper copy before scanning and submitting via Project

  1. Asset Registration Team (ART) undertake data quality checks, involving creation of FLs and Equipment (EQ), the correct assignment of EQ to FL and the completion of fixed attribute data.

If the ART find any data quality issues this may result in submissions being returned to the Field Staff for rework. Or it may involve clarification rather than resubmission

  1. GIS Drawing Office quality check red-line drawings and if acceptable process these by updating the GIS (NetMap)

If the GIS Drawing Office find any data quality issues this may result in submissions being returned to the Field Staff responsible for rework. It may also just involve a clarification rather than resubmission.

  1. The WO can be changed to TECO (Technically Complete) if all asset data updates have been submitted and processed. This effectively closes the WO.

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/ UK Power Networks / AST 12 001


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/ UK Power Networks / AST 12 001

8.3Competition in Connections (CiC) / Independent Connection Providers (ICPs)


The process is broadly similar to that shown inSection8.1 - New Assets, however the sequence may vary slightly and creation of Functional Locations and Equipment may occur after work completion.

The data requirements however remain the same and assets should not be adopted on behalf of the Company before the assets are fully registered.

  1. Quotation accepted and paid.
  2. Work Order (WO) created
  1. Technical Design is submitted and accepted by the Company.
  2. Functional Locations (FLs) are created in SAP.
  1. System Alteration Notice (SAN) is prepared and submitted, if required.
  2. Asset Registration (AR) Forms completed by ICP and submitted via CiC.
  3. PowerOn patch is applied during work, where required.
  4. Red-line drawing submitted, if required, by ICP via CiC.
  5. Asset Registration Team (ART) undertake data quality checks of AR Forms. Forms may be returned should data fail to pass quality checks.
  6. GIS Drawing Office quality check red-line drawings and if acceptable process these by updating the GIS (NetMap)

If the GIS Drawing Office find any data quality issues this may result in submissions being returned for resubmission.

  1. The WO can be changed to TECO (Technically Complete) if all asset data updates have been submitted and processed. This effectively closes the WO.

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/ UK Power Networks / AST 12 001


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/ UK Power Networks / AST 12 001

8.4As-Found assets


‘As-Found’ assets refers to a situation where a routine work activity is being undertaken, such as I&M, but asset details are found to be incorrect or there is no asset recorded at all.

Typically,the action required is to eitherAmend existing asset details, Remove asset(s) that are no longer at the location or Add asset(s) that are present at the location but not recorded.

  1. An asset (EQ) is found to be missing, or unexpectedly present or needs fixed attribute (Nameplate) data changing.
  2. Follow SAP Work Manager processes for recording change. For a new asset found this involves completing an AR template (form), for the removal of an asset update the Operation and amend is either performed directly on the asset details (for editable values) or via form submission (for non-editable)

Note: non-Company staff (such as 3rd party Contractors) may use AR Forms. The AR forms are electronic forms which mimic those on the mobile device. These forms are submitted via the Project Manager for checking/loading (see step 10).