Morgan Elementary PTA Board Meeting Minutes 10/4/16


The meeting was called to order at 6:35 by Holly Lee following the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Keysha Macklin, Jim Smith, Holly Lee, Lynette Fox, Janette Jones, Bryanna O'Sullivan, Ramona Warren, Wende Powell, Bunny Coates, Brenda Grabowski, Jenny Harper, Cynthia Ingle and Cherie Hardy. A motion was made by Cynthia Ingle to approve the minutes from September 6, 2016, a second by Jenny Harper, and following a unanimous vote the minutes were approved.

Keysha Macklin gave the Financial Report reviewing the funds that have been brought in such as $154 for PTA memberships, $450 in sponsors, etc. and also reviewed money that went out including $550 for taxes. The budget was approved by the General Body on 9/27/16.

Old Business:

  • PAC- Brochure distributed for the Bond Referendum. Morgan will receive some benefits of this such as media center improvements, 3D printer, updated SmartBoards. Try to get a link to the brochure on the PTA website.
  • SIT- Holly and Mrs. Warren attended the meeting where goals and plans were discussed regarding improving reading standards, ESL population, science, and discipline.
  • The PTA bulletin board was ordered and will be installed in the foyer.

New Business:

  • Nominating Committee: needs to be in place by Nov. 1st. 3 people needed including 1 officer, 1 board member, and 1 non board member. Jenny, Keysha and Lynette expressed interest.
  • NCPTA Leadership Training: Oct 22 9-2pm at East Forsyth. $10 reg. fee PTA will cover if interested.
  • Contacting volunteers: Cherie reported that everyone has been initially contacted however many did not give specifics on how they would like to help. 198 cleared so far.
  • Open committees: mainly need help with Campus Beautification. Boy Scouts and Crosby Scholars may be good options to ask for manpower.
  • Room parents: Only 50% of teachers have reported their room parent.. Need more names, get them cleared and then we can invite them to attend a PTA Board Meeting.


  • Sarah Moubray is our leader and we are off to a great start in the first 24 hours.
  • Connie will need help with water and marking shirts next Wednesday.
  • Need someone to take on Boosterthon next year with Connie serving as a liaison.

Principal Report:

  • 2 5th grade programs proposed including sending letters to Frank Morgan, our school's namesake, who is sick and homebound and "Dancing Classrooms."
  • Dancing Classrooms is a dance program that not only teaches dance and the culture behind the dances, but manners and self esteem building. $15,000 a year with 1/2 paid through grants. Morgan is signed up but we need to find funding/sponsors.

Teacher Report:

  • Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Coates expressed their thanks on behalf of the staff.

Committee Reports:

-Volunteer Coordinator: Cherie attended the county meeting where the communication piece was emphasized. Volunteers must sign a confidentialitystatement and a parent notification letter must be sent home to a parent if a volunteer is taking a child out of the classroom. Volunteers must be cleared by WSFCS and must sign in every time they are in the building. A general "PTA" or "Other" option will be added to the office computer. Another procedure is used if an influx of parents is expected in the building for an event.

-Book Fair: "Bookaneer Book Fair" theme; Nov 14-18 with FFN on the 17th. Jenny is prepared.

-Audit: Brenda and Keysha meet next week.

-Membership: Cynthia reported 275 members as of today, only 2 staff have not joined yet. Push to get more male members- All Pro Dads might be a good start to target the dads.

-Merchandise: Janette put in a large order today. Will need people to help sort and deliver.

-Staff Appreciation: Taco Tuesday event next Tuesday, Oct. 11th.

-All Pro Dads: first event was well attended.

-Box Tops: Collection date approaching.

-In Store Promotions: Belk dates were emailed out but will not send info to parents until Boosterthon is over.

-PTA Thursdays: very busy!

-Reflections: Info going in folders in the next week with a November deadline.

-Spirit Nights: Jersey Mikes coming up.

-Sponsors: Banners done and hanging up on the fence.

-Character Club: PTA is now providing volunteers for this and getting communication to the parents better. Snacks will only be provided for the students.

A motion to adjourn was made by Mrs. Coates with a second by Cynthia Ingle, and following a unanimous vote the meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.