minister’s MELBOURNE welcome

The recently opened Melbourne JCSC hosted the federal Minister for Justice, Michael Keenan on Wednesday 15 November. The minister toured the new centre and took part in its first formal information-sharing roundtable with representatives of 10 partner organisations and government agencies. The minister and partners were given opportunities to share information on key issues for further exploration through the JCSC, and to share observations of current and emerging cyber security threats.

Minister for Justice Michael Keenan (centre) at the Melbourne JCSC

National advisory board

In designing the JCSC program, CERT Australia has worked with a range of key stakeholders on a variety of issues. These have ranged from the activities of the centres, to the governance arrangements. The top layer of the governance arrangements is the JCSC National Advisory Board. The CEO level National Advisory Board will include representatives from across industry, government and academia. It will set the strategic direction and national scope of activities of the JCSCs. It will be supported by the JCSC Council, consisting of the chairs of all the Local Management Committees. CERT Australia is currently firming up the membership of the National Advisory Board. Nominees will receive further meeting details in the coming weeks ahead of the first meeting, expected to be in March 2018.

state snapshot


A workshop was held in Adelaide early in November to discuss the new JCSC, due to open in the South Australian capital next year. More than 30 key stakeholder organisations came along and provided great input to influence the form and operation of the new centre. Key issues raised included the importance of timely information flow, more contemporary threat information and a need to avoid duplication. Participants were treated to a virtual tour of the proposed design of the Adelaide JCSC, with a CBD location a priority for the group. Nominations are currently being considered for the Adelaide JCSC Interim Steering Group.


Construction of the new Sydney JCSC is complete. It’s located at 201 Sussex Street.The team, led by Connor Dilleen, is moving into the new centre this week and it will be open from 11 December before being officially launched in the new year. The Sydney centre offers JCSC partners a range of facilities, including workstations, conference rooms, meeting spaces and AV facilities. The Sydney JCSC team looks forward to welcoming partners to the centre.


Construction of the Perth JCSC is nearing completion.The centre will be open in late December, with an official launch to follow in late January. Recruitment of staff for the Perth JCSC is now complete. A profile of the new team leader for the Perth JCSC will be included in the next issue of the JCSC newsletter.


Some highlights for the Brisbane JCSC over the past month have included:

An event for the Customer Owned Banking Association (COBA) members (C-Suite and Director level). More than 30 partner representatives came along and enjoyed a tour of the new facility and were given briefings on CERT Australia, the JCSC and the current security environment.

A drop-in day on 8 November attracted 30 people from 20 partner organisations. Brisbane partners have committed to sending staff to work out of the JCSC each Wednesday, with a view to increase the number of days in the future.

A workshop on 15 November briefed partners on the 2017 ACSC Threat Report and allowed industry to share experiences and threat intelligence on the trends and themes highlighted in the report. Thirty-five partners attended the event, with many opting to stay on and work from the JCSC for the remainder of the day.

The final Brisbane event for the year will be on 6 December and will be an AFP/ACIC-led session on the roles and responsibilities of law enforcement agencies, including how they can assist industry.


The Melbourne JCSC held a lunchtime housewarming event on Friday3November. Industry representatives were invited to enjoy some pizza while checking out the new JCSC space. More than 70 industry representatives came along, demolishing an impressive amount of pizza, as you can see from the picture below. If you weren’t able to attend but would still like to meet CERT staff at the Melbourne JCSC and see the space, please contact .

On 22 November the Melbourne JCSC hosted a cyber security exercise involving the Victorian Water Sector Resilience Network, delivered by the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and the Department of Premier and Cabinet. More than 40 representatives from the Victorian water sector attended, providing an opportunity to test protocols on identifying, containing and recovering from cyber security incidents.


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