Unit: 10.0 – The Simpson Prize Essay

Task: Research Essay

Student’s Name: ______

Teacher’s Name: ______


In class you have learnt about:

Gallipoli - ANZAC Day - Australia’s involvement in WW1


You are to write a research essay with a focus on Gallipoli, ANZAC Day or Australia’s involvement in WW1. You may choose from a number of suggested options or develop your own focus of inquiry. One option is to do the 2016 Simpson Prize question and compete for a free trip to Gallipoli in 2017.

2016 Question

The landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 is often given prominence in accounts of the Gallipoli campaign. What other events or experiences of the campaign would you argue require more attention? Why?

Sample Research question are attached to this cover sheet


Date Set: April 27th Check date: June 8th

Due date: June 22nd Length: Non Competition Min 800w – Max 1200w

Competition Essay word limit:1200-1500 words, not including supplementary information such as a contents page, references, bibliography and appendices.

Audio Visual Presentation word and time limit: No more than10 minutesaccompanied by a written explanation of up to400 words.

Core Curriculum Elements (CCEs) and Key Verbs


Hypothesising Searching and locating items/information

Extrapolating Interpreting the meaning of words or other symbols

Synthesising Interpreting the meaning of pictures/illustrations

Judging/evaluating Recording/noting data

Creating Summarising/condensing written text

Interpreting Using correct spelling, punctuation, grammar

Empathising Using vocabulary appropriate to a context


“In 2005, Australia commemorates the 90th Anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign and the forging of the ANZAC tradition. What elements of the ANZAC tradition and spirit have remained constant in Australian society?”


Courage, mateship, determination, resourcefulness and a sense of humour are identified as characteristics of the ANZAC tradition and spirit. Select any one or more of these characteristics and explore its/their significance to Gallipoli and in more recent times


Consider what values and characteristics demonstrated by the ANZACs at Gallipoli and later reinforced at the Western Front, continue to influence Australia today.


To what extent was Simpson a hero? How have his heroic qualities been demonstrated by other Australians since 1915?

In your response, you should aim to give approximately equal attention to each question.


“Students were encouraged to identify and explore the motivation for young men and women to volunteer for service in 1914. Students then scrutinized a variety of sources to uncover historical evidence which supported the proposition of individuals who rallied to the defense of the British Empire or in some cases more personal and economic reasons. Others as we know, simply and naively thought this would be an adventure. These students are to be praised for their ability to reach insightful conclusions illustrated by carefully chosen evidence and sophisticated use of the Simpson Prize 2015 AWM Sources.”

- Mr Paul Foley, Simpson Prize Chair


The landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 is often given prominence in accounts of the Gallipoli campaign. What other events or experiences of the campaign would you argue require more attention? Why