CHEM 4432

Fall 2015

Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

Time/Rm: Lecture Fridays 12:00-1:00 JMH 626

Lab Fridays 2:30-5:00 JMH 218

Instructor: Dr. Robert H. Beer

Office: 642 JMH; x4430


Course Requirements: General and Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry (concurrent)

Text: Microscale Inorganic Chemistry by Szafran, Pike and Singh, J. Wiley, 1991.

Grade Distribution: Written Final Exam (15%). Pre-lab Questions (25%) and Post-lab Questions/ Lab Results (30%). Final Laboratory Report (15%). Notebook and Laboratory Work (15%).

Course Description: Synthesis and physical characterization of main group and transition metal inorganic compounds. A separate one hour lecture that presents the concepts of the laboratory experiment(s) will precede the laboratory period(s) devoted to each experiment.

Topics Covered:

Safety in the Laboratory

Inert Atmosphere Techniques

Using the Inorganic Literature

Inorganic Syntheses and Reactions

Inorganic Physical Methods: nmr spectroscopy, vibrational spectroscopy,

electronic spectroscopy and magnetism

Laboratory Experiments/Assignments:

Experiment 20 Metal Complexes of Dimethyl Sulfoxide

Experiment 30 Preparation and Study of a Cobalt Dioxygen Complex

Experiment 8 Silicone Polymers: Preparation of Bouncing Putty

Chapter 4 Literature Searching and Use of the Inorganic Literature

Experiment 22A Preparation of Tris(2,4-pentanedionato)Chromium(III)

Experiment 29 Determination of Do in Cr(III) Complexes

CHEM 4432

Organometallic Chemistry Laboratory

General Instructions

Laboratory Safety: Safety and waste disposal procedures will be addressed in the first laboratory meeting. Attending this meeting is mandatory. Please bring a Safety and Breakage Acknowledgement Form to be completed and handed in at the end of the first class meeting. Safety glasses and a laboratory coat must be worn at all times. You must clean up your lab bench area and any general equipment used before leaving the laboratory.

Laboratory Procedure: Do any assigned reading, pre-lab questions and prepare your notebook ahead of time. Arrive at the laboratory prepared. Bring all your data and your notebook to every lab period. A brief, informal presentation on the laboratory procedure and safety precautions will be discussed by the instructor before starting the lab. You must attend this lecture. Your notebook will be checked periodically during and at the conclusion of the laboratory period. After the experiment is completed, store the product of a reaction in a vial labeled with the formula, your initials and notebook page number.

Laboratory Notebooks: Follow the guidelines for keeping a notebook in the text. A bound laboratory book is required; a composition notebook is sufficient. Please number the pages of the notebook and include a table of contents, which should be kept up to date. Please date all entries. Any loose-leaf information (analyses, spectra) should be bound in a three ring binder and labeled with the compound or reaction, conditions, e. g. solvent, initials of the student and the notebook page that refers to the experiment.

Laboratory Assignments: Pre-lab questions will be given out at the lecture prior to the laboratory period. Complete the questions prior to the laboratory and turn them in at the beginning of the laboratory period. Post-lab questions and instructions for reporting results will be due at the subsequent class meeting, after the laboratory period. If the experiment includes a synthetic procedure, please hand in your labeled product and copied pages from your notebook related to that experiment (which will be given a separate score) along with your post-lab questions.

Laboratory Report: One full laboratory report and/or presentation on one of the experiments will be due two weeks after the conclusion of the assigned experiment. The long report/presentation should include an abstract, introduction, experimental, results and discussion section (using the guidelines in the text). Your discussion section should include answers to questions posed in pre- and post-lab questions. In order to properly search and cite literature, read Chapter 4; pay special attention to 4.A.1 and 4.B. Use the library resources, Chemical Abstracts/SciFinder Scholar or other electronic library resources to find review articles and primary literature references. Please record and turn in notes on your literature search methodology, including your electronic search, when you turn in your assignment. The literature search will receive a separate score.

CHEM 4432

Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

Laboratory Safety and Breakage Policy Acknowledgement Form

(1) I understand and will carry out the practices described in the laboratory safety lecture and demonstration as well as the laboratory and safety procedures in Chapter 1 of the text. I agree to read and understand the procedures and safety information regarding the chemicals used in the laboratory assignment prior to the scheduled laboratory period.

(2) Laboratory fees cover the expenses of chemicals I use in the laboratory. I understand that since these fees do not cover my breakage of laboratory glassware, equipment or instrumentation, I may be expected to pay the replacement costs of these items at the time of replacement.

