1. Define industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology. Discuss the two main goals of I/O psychologists. Describe the types of employment held by I/O psychologists. (see “An Overview of Industrial/Organizational Psychology”)

2. Describe the human attributes collectively referred to as KSAOs. Define job analysis and describe the job-oriented and person-oriented approaches to job analysis. Discuss the three main methods of job analysis. (see “Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other Characteristics” and “Job Analysis)

3. Describe the various types of psychological tests employed by I/O psychologists. Describe job applicant interviews and compare and contrast structured and unstructured interviews. Define assessment center and describe the types of exercises that make up assessment centers. (see “Measuring Employee Characteristics”)

4. Define and describe the purposes of job performance appraisals. Describe and give examples of theoretical criteria and actual criteria. Discuss the limitations of using actual criteria. (see “Measuring Job Performance”)

5. Describe and give examples of objective and subjective measures of job performance, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using each type of measure. Describe graphic rating forms, and discuss the tendency for graphic ratings to reflect leniency error and halo effect. Describe the use of critical incidents on behavior-focused rating forms. (see “Methods of Performance Appraisal”)

6. Discuss the steps involved in the recruitment process. List the six most common methods for identifying and attracting job candidates. (see “Recruitment Processes”)

7. Define validation studies and discuss how they are used by I/O psychologists. Discuss the legal issues involved in employee recruitment and selection. (see “Selection Processes and Legal Issues in Recruitment and Selection”)

8. Discuss the aspects involved in a training needs assessment. Discuss the importance of the following in training program design: transfer of training, feedback, training in general principles, overlearning, and sequencing. (see “Assessing Training Needs” and “Designing Training Programs”)

9. Describe the use of experiments, training-level criteria, trainee learning criteria, and performance-level criteria in evaluating training programs. (see “Evaluating Training Programs”)

10. Describe the following theories and discuss their application to employee motivation: Existence, Relatedness, Growth (ERG) theory, expectancy theory, and goal-setting theory. (see “ERG Theory,” “Expectancy Theory,” and “Goal-Setting Theory”)

11. Define job satisfaction and give examples of its cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components. (see “Job Satisfaction”)

12. Describe the ways in which I/O psychologists measure job satisfaction. Discuss the environmental and personal factors that influence employee satisfaction. (see “Measuring Job Satisfaction” and “Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction”)

13. Discuss the research examining the role of genetics in job satisfaction. (see “Thinking Critically: Is Job Satisfaction Genetic?”)

14. Describe the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Define organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and describe its relationship to job satisfaction. (see “Job Performance” and “Organizational Citizenship Behavior” under “Consequences of Job Satisfaction”)

15. Describe the relationship between job dissatisfaction and each of the following: turnover, absenteeism, aggression, and counterproductive work behavior (CWB). Discuss the research on aggression in the workplace. Describe instrumental aggression. (see “Turnover, Absenteeism, and Aggression” and “Counterproductive Work Behavior” under “Consequences of Job Satisfaction” and “Linkages: Aggression in the Workplace”)

16. Define occupational health psychology. Describe the physical conditions in the workplace that may cause illness and injury, and discuss the various procedures employed to minimize the effects of such conditions. (see “Occupational Health Psychology” and “Physical Conditions Affecting Health”)

17. Discuss the effects that rotating shift work, long shifts, and long workweeks can have on health and safety. Describe other factors affecting workplace safety, including an organization’s climate of safety. (see “Work Schedules, Health, and Safety” and “Stress, Accidents, and Safety”)

18. Compare and contrast work groups and work teams. Define and describe autonomous work teams (AWTs). (see “Work Groups and Work Teams” and “Autonomous Work Teams”)

19. Discuss the personality characteristics and behaviors of effective leaders. Describe the leadership dimensions of consideration and initiating structure, and discuss their relationship to employee satisfaction. (see “Group Leadership”)

20. Define and describe leader-member exchange (LMX) theory. (see “Leader-Member Interactions” under “Group Leadership”)

21. Discuss the research examining whether people can learn to become charismatic leaders. (see “Focus on Research: Can People Learn to Be Charismatic Leaders?”)