EET call on 4/9/2008 with Dave Smith, Liz Goehring, Martos, Tamara Ledley, Matt Rossi
Data Sheets – should have these ready by end of the conference, but some ready first
Different areas to be filled in. described in the word doc template
We want to complete as much as we can before the workshop. (we should be able to complete all of it before we get there.) It has info from educational side, science side, resources side.
Download the document and then fill in the text right there.
Post this to the wiki (not available yet) then it will get entered into the serc content management page (by someone else) Save it with the name of the team and include everyone’s names in the authors section so that they can track people and ask questions.
If using multiple datasets, create multiple sheets so that they can be used across other projects. Think beyond just our project when answering: what can be addressed in education.
Liz: What constitutes a dataset? A robust set of information… With directions to a piece of a set. So if we want Archived stream discharge, we describe that, not USGS database. If you do a download and get more information, make sure to define all that. The toolbook will be the place where you show how to pull out specific variables/datasets. Specifically we want standard, maintained, accessible datasets.
Put some data on the sheet, send it off to Praveen via e-mail to ask for any edits. Ask how much he uses it, what he knows, likes, has seen it used in.
When we fill this data sheet in for NARR, should include Praveen and Liz as well as Matt, Dave, and Colleen
For meeting
Working the on wiki so that we can upload information and save links, images, notes
Facilitator: Dave
Note Taker and wiki uploader: Liz, with Colleen
To Do
Email Aida today and see if she wants to come to the EET conference, have her register online
Make initial contact with Praveen
Next meeting: 4/18/08, at 12:00 Central – Matt, Dave, Liz, Colleen to review and populate the data sheet template