Name ______Date______

Section 1: ENERGY

Short answer - Read the sentence and fill in the blank.

1.  Energy is defined as the _ability to do work

2.  Work means lifting, moving, warming or lighting something____.

3.  This picture (below) shows the effects of _acid rain___.

4.  Name at least four kinds of energy: heat, solar, chemical, wind, geothermal, nuclear, etc.__

5.  What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.______

6.  Energy exists in two states. What are the two states of energy? ___potential and kinetic.

7.  We transform our resources into electricity using a _generator______. (Hint – remember the diagram of water spinning the turbine).

8.  What is the name of a natural resource that we get from plant waste? __biomass__

9.  Think back to our ice cubes on colored paper experiment outside. What type of energy were we trying to demonstrate? __heat energy__

10. Name three fossil fuels. ______coal, oil, gas____

11. What does renewable mean? __we can get more of it or replace it.______


Part 2: Answer the questions below by using one of the following vocabulary words in the blank. Each word may be used more than once!







12. __nuclear__ energy is stored in the nucleus or center of the atom. It usually uses uranium.

13. A generator converts mechanical energy to __electrical_____ energy.

14. __Wind____ energy is generated on farms in West Texas to make electricity.

15. __Nuclear__ energy is generated right here in North Carolina through Duke Energy and its three power plants.

16. ___Chemical____ energy uses fossil fuels and is not renewable.

17. __Solar__ This type of energy is very expensive, but does not produce pollution. It comes from the sun.

18. __Hydro_____ means water, and can be used to generate electricity.

19. ___Solar__ energy can be converted to heat and electrical energy, and sometimes used mirrors.

20. ___Nuclear__ The potential danger for this kind of energy is a radioactive leak.


Part 3: True or False

21. ___T___ Solar energy is from the sun.

22. ___T______A example of biomass could be ethanol from corn or biodiesel from vegetable oil.

23. __T_____ Most of our energy currently comes from fossil fuels. (remember the bottles)

24. __F____A landfill is a great way to get rid of trash without hurting the earth.

25. ___T____ Global warming is like blankets over the earth’s atmosphere.

26. __T___ Air quality affects the way we live each day and what we breathe.

27. __F____ Smog is a cool new invention we use to make energy.

28. ___T____ In 1952, the Great London Smog occurred.

29. ___T____ Cars and factories give off harmful gases.

30. ___F____ People should drive everywhere they can in a car, instead of riding a bike or taking the bus, or walking.

31. ___F____ Greenhouse gases are good for our earth.

32. __F_____ Acid rain is a new type of rain that is good for gardens.

33. __F____ A radio or light bulb is a form of nuclear energy.

34. ___T_____ A hamburger is an example of chemical energy.

35. __T_____ Two examples of renewable energy sources are wind and solar.


45. Draw an atom. Label all the parts. J


Multiple Choice. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence. Circle the letter of the answer.

1.  Models of atoms help describe their ___c___, although they cannot be seen.

a.  mass

b.  state of matter

c.  appearance and actions

d.  volume

2.  The particles of ___d___ shake violently at very high temperatures.

a.  solids

b.  liquids

c.  gases

d.  plasma

3.  Of the following, ___b___ is not a compound.

a.  water

b.  oxygen

c.  sodium chloride

d.  salt

4.  The particles in an atom are __d____.

a.  compounds

b.  natural elements

c.  molecules

d.  electrons, protons, and neutrons

5.  An element’s atomic number is the same as the number of ___b____ it has.

a.  electrons

b.  protons

c.  neutrons

d.  nuclei

6.  If an element has 4 protons and 5 neutrons, its atomic number is ___b____.

a.  1

b.  4

c.  9

d.  20

Short Answer. Write the best answer for each question.

7.  What does the movement of a molecule look like in a solid? ______vibrate; close together so movement is slower______

8.  What does the movement of a molecule look like in a gas? _____lots of room; further apart; move fast!______

9.  In a ___liquid______, matter takes the shape of the container it is placed in.

Look at the picture.

10.  How many protons and neutrons does the atom have? _3_.

11.  How many electrons? __3_

12.  What is the element’s atomic number? __3__.

13.  Name one example of each of the states of matter listed:

Liquid ______




Word bank. Choose a word or words from the word bank that best completes each sentence.

Atom natural element chemical change

Compound nucleus physical change

Element plasma liquid

Gas solid molecules

16._molecule_ are the smallest particle of a substance that can still have the properties of the substance.

17. A form of matter with definite volume, but no shape is a (an) _liquid_.

18. A form of matter with no definete shape or volume is a (an) __gas_.

19. A form of matter with definite shape and volume is a (an)__solid_.

20. A very hot gas made of particles with an electric charge is _plasma_.

21. A _chemical change__ produces one or more new substances.

22. A __physical change___ is a change in appearance of a substance, but the properties are the same.

23. Matter that has only one kind of atom is a (an) _element__.

24. The _atom__ is the building block of matter.

25.  A(An) __nucleus_ is the central part of an atom.

26.  A(an) _natural element_ is found in nature.

27.  A (an) _compound_ is a substance that is formed when atoms of two or more elements join together.

Read each example, and decide if it is an example of a physical or chemical change of matter. Then write a P for physical and a C for chemical in the blank.

28. ______melting ice

29. ______burning wood

30. ______breaking glass

31. ______cooking

32. ______digesting food

33. ______painting a room

34. ______lighting a candle

Section 3: Force and Motion

46. A change in position is called ____b____.

a.  Gravity

b.  Motion

c.  Energy

d.  None of the above

47. Stored energy is called _____a_____.

a.  Kinetic

b.  Light

c.  Potential

d.  Solar

48. The ______a______states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed.

a.  Law of Conservation of Energy

b.  Energy

c.  Sir Isaac Newton

d.  Science

49. The force of attraction between two objects that have mass, (like between a person and the earth) is called___b______.

a.  Force

b.  Gravity

c.  Motion

d.  None of the above

50. ___b_____ causes all falling objects to have the same acceleration. Air resistance acts on falling objects to slow them down (remember the Leaning Tower of Pisa experiments).

a.  Generator

b.  Speed

c.  Gravity

d.  Kinetic

Section 4: Scientific Method

51. What are the six steps of the Scientific Method? (remember your memory device!)







52. What are the three key words usually found in a HYPOTHESIS statement:

____if______, _____then______, ______because______