Minutes from Club Meeting – Sunday 6th September 2015


Keith Watkin – ChairmanMike Daniels U10

Jane Job – SecretaryAdam Frost –U9

Richard Job– CWOTracey Crowe - Treasurer

Andy Bond – U12

Danny Winterman –U7/U12

Russ Latham – U14

Jeff Wray – U13

1. Actions FromPrevious Meeting

Previous Meeting was the AGM , so no actions carried forward.

2. Agreed Formats – Season 2015-16.

The club will run the following teams in the 2015-16 season

Under 7’s – 2 teams –mini soccer

Under 9s – mini soccer -

Under 11’s – 9-a-side

Under 12’s – 9-a-side

Under 13’s - 11-a-side

Under 14’s - 11-a-side

3. Chairman

KW has produced a newsletter , which should be able to be distributed within the next week, dependant on receiving team photographs from Adam/Andy/Danny and Jeff.

KW has also requested a few lines from each team on last season.

Action - Adam/Andy/Danny – to arrange team photograph and then send it to KW.

Action – All managers to provide a short summary of last season for the news letterKW

4. Secretary

  • Late off Hayfield on both Saturday and Sunday. Reminder that cut off time is 11.45 on Saturday and 12.45 on Sunday.
  • Russ has applied for International Clearance for his trip – and his is with FA at St Georges Park
  • Jeff still needs to apply
  • Red/Yellow Cards – all details to Jane, as she won’t receive any paper work from Sheff & Hallam
  • New Criteria being introduced from 2016/17 for Charter Standard – All teams to read document handed out by Jane.
  • All Managers to be aware of Accident Form , and when and how to use
  • Steve Spittlehouse coach at Balby Academy of Sport ( College not football team ) has offered coaching sessions. EUEFA qualified coaches can deliver or help plan/deliver sessions
  • Sponsor for Raffle – Bed Emporium – increased value, and guaranteed for the next few years.
  • Letter received from Branton PC re goal posts at Kilham Lane not looking safe. Not our issue, but agreed to arrange for posts to be corrected and made safe.

Action – All Managers to inform JJ if they would like to utilise Steve Spittlehouse

5. CWO.

No actions or outstanding issues

6. Finances/Subscriptions

All first half subscriptions need to be in by end of Septemnber.Newsletter will highlight options in terms of payment.

Tracey not at meeting, so no update on position for financial year.

Need to establish Hayfield costs, and in particular cost of Astro pitches to see if we can accommodate requests from Adam/Jeff/Danny about moving to Keepmoat for midweek training sessions – TC had indicated we pay by session, £19 up to 7pm , and £20 for post 7pm sessions.

Once confirmation is received , we may be in a position to pay sessions at alternative venues.

7. Fund Raising

DW indicated that he would be happy to organise a summer tournament. Initial enquiries had been made about utilising Auckley Riverside Park. Initial discussion took place about requirements including the number of pitches, catering, support, access, car parking.

Initial discussion came to an agreement on 6 pitches, which could be fitted onto Riverside Park

4 x 50 x 30

2 x 60 x 40

Use of local Scouts and their catering experience was also suggested and in principle agreed. Initial enquiry had been lodged with Auckley PC, with a response expected w/c 7 September.

Once agreement has been reached , we can sit down on focus on all the different issues we will need to look at, including arranging for a lot of help from parents.

The tournament could provide opportunities for both existing and potential new sponsors, and could be a very profitable experience for the club. The key is not to make our first attempt to big. Initial thoughts are that, this time, there is the desire and commitment to get this done, and so once we have a decision re venue, we can all get to work and get ourselves organised.

Race Night - Potentially looking at a date around about February.

Action – DW to confirm response from Auckley PC when received.

8. Long term/short term goals

Previous meetings had raised the issue of where the club wanted to go.

KW confirmed that the ultimate aim was to own/lease land to allow the club to have their own identity, and not be reliant on Hayfield School.

In the short term, it was to become financially stable, and to continue to improve the experience of play ing for Branton Juniors. A key factor in the short term is the ability to bring a new team in every year. If we can do that, then the future will be a lot brighter, and we could get our teams back up to having one at every age group.

The biggest barrier is having qualified coaches ready and in place to take on board the new team. The financial aspect becomes important, because if we can get volunteers, and the club is able to finance the course, it would remove the issue of cost of attending courses.

Financial stability would also allow the club to subsidise Christmas parties and the end of season presentation.

From an administrative view, achieving Charter Standard Development Club status should our next immediate aim.

9. Parents Involvement

In order to achieve a lot of aims and targets we will need a lot more involvement from parents, and this is something we need to work on.

The news letter focuses on getting more help, and includes an invite for any parent to the next meeting or just to simply speak to their teram manager or a club official, if they have the time and inclination to provide some help

10. Mini Kicks and Under 8’s

Mini kicks will provide a vital platform in being able to bring in a new team each year. Therefore we need to be looking into getting one organised asap. Once again the big issue, is who can run it.

DW confirmed that he had received some interest form players in the under 8 age group, and was looking into it further. Getting an Under 8’s team would be a boost, and hopefully fill one of the current gaps we have.

Next Meeting – Sunday 11 October 7.15pm – Station Hotel