Start:10:00 am

-Opening speech/ introduction


-“What is BBYO” speech

-History of AZA/ BBG

-5/6 Fold and 7/8 Cardinal Principles and Menorah Pledge Education

  • Have a piece of paper that has the 5/6 Folds and 7/8 Cardinal Principles/Menorah Pledges listed on it. Have all of the attendants sit in a circle with a list and a pencil in hand. Ask all of them to brainstorm which each item on the list means to them. They are welcome to write down their thoughts. After this read down the list and let 1-2 people speak their thoughts for each item.

What Is a Chapter?

- What constitutes a BBYO chapter and what makes it “good”?

- Site examples of good chapters from the past.


-Intro Bike Board Composition: Hand out a picture of a bike to all of the attendants and ask them to use whatever knowledge they have to assign board positions to which ever part of the bike they think they represent the best. Ask them to keep the drawing for a bit.

-Godol/ N’siah: Trash Wars: Divide everyone into groups of five (coed) . Each group will self elect a leader however they see fit. We will give them two minutes to do so. We will then state the rules. Each group will get initially two minutes to send onerepresentative out into the center of the field to collect as much trash as they can. They will then go back and start to build their “trash monster”, trash will be provided. After five minutes they will get a second chance to go back in for 45 seconds. We will give a warning one minute before so they can take stock of what they need. After another four minutes they will have one last chance to run into the trash pile one last chance to collect any last minute needs, for 30 seconds. They will then have a last three minutes to finish their trash structure. At the end of the time the judges (coordinators) will take your notes. Then, one of the coordinators will give a quick concluding speech for this position.

-S’gan/ S’ganite: 5 Folded Programming: Stay in old groups and assign a fold to each of the five members in a group (for girls give two folds to a volunteer). The groups will be planning a program. Each member of each group is in charge of successfully including their fold in their five folded program. They will all get 25 minutes to create and prepare to present their program. After all of the programs the judges will take their notes and give a closing speech.

-Moreh/ Morah (Mit Mom): Recruitment: Keep in contest groups as each group lines up behind a coordinator. When the time starts each member of each group will get one minute to talk to a coordinator (acting as a prospect) why they should join their group. The coordinators will chose whoever can stay calm, collected, and still give the best reasons why the “prospect” should join their chapter (using knowledge of BBYO is encouraged). At the end of the time limit, the coordinators will take their notes, and we will move on into a closing speech.

-Schaliach/ Sh’licha: Community Service Project: The coordinators will assign a problem that must be eradicated from our world to all of the groups. This problem will be the same for all groups. They will have 25 minutes to think of a way to deal with this issue through service, advocacy, and philanthropy. They will then present what they came up with. Judges will take notes; a closing speech will be given.

-Dovair/ Dovairit: (Three Options):

  • 1: Service Planning: Give basic requirements for a service. Group will have 25 minutes to plan a creative service. After the time is up they will present their program and sing a prayer that gives a good example of how their theme will reflect on the service. Judges take notes; a closing speech will be made.
  • 2:Israel Awareness Presentations:Give documents to each group on Israel. The groups will have 25 minutes to learn the information given to them and think of a creative way to present it. After all of the presentations, judges will take notes; a closing speech will be given.
  • 3:Speed Writing: Have all of the groups speed write on Israel, why it is important, and how they can promote advocacy on the subject. The will have 15-20 minutes. They will then present their ideas, judges will take notes, and a closing speech on the position will be given. Note: This idea can be combined with another program.

-Mazkir/ Mazkirah: Teach the top 10 best and bad things to do while speaking. Then two of the coordinators will give a speech on the same subject. One will be exercising all of the good things a speaker can do, and the other will be exercising all of the bad things a speaker can do. During the good speech groups will collectively write down lines or moments where they see they good tips being used. During the bad speech they will do the same thing but with the “avoid while speaking” tips. Afterwards judges will take notes on their notes on the speeches. We will quickly ask questions at the end of the speeches to see how they thought the good and bad tips helped or hindered the speaker. Then a closing speech on the position will be given.

-Gizbor/ Gizbotit: Fundraising: All of the groups must plan a fundraiser.Give all the groups a group of crazy materials that must be usedcreatively in the process of the fundraiser. Groups will present their fundraiser at the end of a 25 minute period. Judges will take notes, and we will give a closing speech for the position.

-Sopher/ Orechet: Ask all of the groups to write a newspaper article. Who over writes the most interesting, most funny, overall greatest will win this challenge. At the end of 15-20 minutes the groups will chose someone to read it to everyone. The article must be about something in the realm of possibility (i.e. Charlie Sheen gives birth to a baby that has cocaine cells for white blood cells). Judges will take notes, and we will give a closing speech on the position.

Parley Pro:

-“What is Parley Pro (Parliamentary Procedure) “ Speech

-Teach process of parley pro, then we will try to pass the mock motion of the statement: “All chapter board members must once a month miss a day of school to come together and have a city chapter board meeting.”

-Chapter Meeting Role Playing (from CLTC):

  • Have whole group come together and assign roles from CLTC program.
  • Note: for those who have never seen this program, the roles are a bunch of people in a chapter who have completely conflicting ideas. The point of the program is to show how quickly chaos can descend when organization and parley pro is thrown out the window.

Dashboard Scavenger Hunt:

-Have a member who is on board sign in on their dashboard account.

-Question sheet that contains questions like “Where do you find your counterpart information? Who is this person’s regional counterpart?

Spirit Sessions!

-Teach and lead spirit sessions!

Closing Remarks: 6:00 pm

-Each coordinator will give closing speech and we will announce the winners of the Board Competition.