viii. Sample PACT Implementation (UCSB)
This example from UC Santa Barbara shows how each PACT Teaching Event task (ie. Context, Planning) is introduced and addressed in coursework and also includes a timeline organizing the sequence and timing of the integration.
PACT Implementation Plan for MST (UCSB example)
Remember: The Teaching Event (TE) is one piece of evidence in our year-long assessment program.
Timing: Nov 19: Candidates introduced to Teaching Event (Friday Seminar)
______: Candidates decide whether to do Literacy or Math teaching event
______: Candidates trained on e-portfolio (where______)
______: Candidates trained on rubrics (where:______)
Thursday, April 14: PACT DUE (after Spring Break)
April 18-22: Scoring (no classes, no observations)
/ Where do candidates do the work?(e.g., class assignment, on their own, small group seminars)
A: Formative work: practice for final work in TE
B: Summative work: the final work of the TE / Feedback? y/n
By whom? (peers, class instructor, supervisor) /
What does feedback consist of?
Task 1: Contextq Where/how to gather data on candidates
q Academic development
q Language development
q Social development
q Socio-economic & cultural context /
A: Formative work
1. ED391D – Fall: Demographic Profile & other 391D activities.2. ED391E: support for piece on Language Development
B: Summative work
3. ED395 –Winter: Demographic profile use “Context for Learning” form.o Form DUE ______: Bring form to small group & share & get feedback from peers
o Give candidates sample write-ups (“commentary”) to scaffold/support their own write-up
o Commentary DUE______(one week later to small group). It is not necessary to give additional feedback here, since it was discussed the previous week w/ sample commentaries. / 1. instructors
2. instructor
3. peers and supervisors / Supervisors frame activity for peer review of context form and for looking at past samples of student work.
Look at rubrics for planning to see how context should be integrated into planning
Feedback provided on form. Discussion around sample commentaries will suffice, no additional feedback needed on commentary write-up.
Task 2: Planning
q Instructional Focus
q Making content accessible
q Designing assessments /
A: Formative work
1) ED391D (E/LA)- Fall: Candidates plan & teach lessons and use “Overview of Plans for Learning Segment” chart & other elements of the TE in their assignments. If they choose to do Literacy for PACT, they can build on the planning they created here.2) ED395-Winter: Candidates will learn about differentiated instruction, getting to know and understanding multiple students’ needs. Backwards mapping. Assessment.
3) ED391D, ED391E (ELF) & ED211 (psych) – Fall: all provide formative work & feedback on “making content accessible”
4) ED391H&E: ELD/SADIE and ELF will teach candidates about planning & differentiating instruction for ELs.
5) Special Ed: will teach candidates about planning & differentiating instruction for children with special needs.
6) ED393 – Dec 3: Seminar on assessment mapping (Supervisors provide more detail; this is also listed under assessing)
7) ED211 (psych): provides formative work on classroom assessment
B: Summative work
8) ED391A (Math)– DUE ______: Candidates do all planning in ED391A for math TE. Instructors provide feedback on plans9) Candidates bring 2 copies of Task 2 to small group (one copy for supervisor, one for peer)
a) Pairs of peers review all of Task 2 using rubrics to give feedback
b) Instructor looks at Overview chart (& commentary if necessary) and makes sure there are no glaring problems (e.g., assessments measure objectives) / 1) Instructor
2) Instructor
3) instructors
4) instructors
5) instructors
6) instructors
7) Instructor
8) Peers & Instructor / 1) uses PACT rubric
Refer to rubrics to give feedback on big ideas—only 3 guiding questions for planning this year:
GQ1 refers to content specific issues
GQ2 asks if plans differentiate for & meet needs of students described in context (Task 1)
GQ3: focuses on opportunities for students to demonstrate learning (are assessments varied, valid, & frequent?)
3: Instructing
q selecting a video clip
q monitoring student learning (asking questions, building, etc.) /
A: Formative work:
1) On-site – November: Practice. Candidates tape themselves teaching (supervisors or peers can help—any cameras OK).2) Small group – Nov/Dec after taping: Use tapes in group to help assess if candidates are capturing what they will need to do for PACT. Video assignment for supervisors. Audio assignment. Ideas for using class time:
a) Candidates bring in 5 minute clip that they think captures something that PACT asks to see. Everyone views and comments
b) Candidates pair up in lab, view longer snippets and work together to assess if they are meeting PACT requirements (note that candidates will not have been trained yet on using video transfer equipment, but there are 6 stations now they can use to view the digital tape) (note; groups will need to stagger time in lab)
c) Other?
3) ED395: Training on use of video transfer (in labs).
B: Summative work:
4) Candidates teach PACT lessons last week of February (2/28-3/4) and first week of March (3/7-3/11). If there is a site problem, they can push teaching to second week in March (3/14-3/18), although this is not recommended as there is a lot of work to be done after instruction is finished.
5) ______(where) - ______(when): Time for peers to view video and give feedback based on rubrics. Activity guided by instructor. / Peers & supervisors give verbal feedback / Candidates need training on how to choose a video clip. In a nutshell:
q Students should be actively engaging in understanding the content (see each TE for content specific issues)
q Clips should show how candidate engages students
q Clips should show how candidate responds to student comments, questions, & needs
q While taping, zoom in on walls, boards, etc at some point, or provide a written copy of what is on the board.
Candidates need to work with rubrics:
GQ4 asks how candidates actively engage students
GQ5 asks how candidates monitor student learning
4: Assessing
q Establishing evaluative criteria
q Analyzing work samples
q Making interpretations
q Using data to inform teaching / A: Formative work:
1) ED395Winter: Rubric design lesson. Candidates learn about various ways of assessing student learning.
2) ED393 – Dec 3: Seminar on assessment mapping (Supervisors provide more detail) (also listed under planning)
3) Other topics on assessment (where & when students learn?):
a) teaching as an assessment-plan-instruct cycle,
b) principles of assessment design,
c) using different forms of assessment for different students & for different purposes,
d) developing effective evaluative criteria
e) using effective feedback.
4) Analyzing Student Work:
a) ED391A – DUE ______: Student error assessment
b) ED391D – DUE ______: Literacy Assessment
c) ED395/393 – ______: Candidates work in-class in groups on assessment analysis (bring whole class samples of work). They learn techniques for analyzing student work & for using analysis data to inform teaching. (this can be formative with practice samples, or they can use their actual samples)
5) Methods courses teach issues of assessment in planning and in using data to inform teaching.
B: Summative work:
Candidates will complete task 4 for PACT on their own & turn it in when Teaching Event is due. The above formative work should give them enough practice. / Instructors / Feedback should help candidates learn how to develop evaluative criteria that will elicit useful information to diagnose their students’ understandings and progress towards meeting objectives & standards (analysis includes whole class, individuals, & subgroups).
Feedback should also help candidates plan for & articulate specific next steps in teaching (for whole class, individuals, & subgroups) that are informed by their analyses.
5: Reflecting
q Monitoring student progress (related to objectives and standards)
q Identifying changes in practice based on student learning and research/theory / A: Formative work:
1) Fall takeover: Candidates do “Daily Reflections”. See box in Task 2, bottom of page 5. There are 2 main questions for candidates to respond to after teaching each day. Candidates hold on to these reflections until January. Supervisors, please remind students of this. Daily reflections can also be written together in post-observation discussions.
2) ED393/395 - ______: In Dec or when candidates return from break they can work with daily reflections to do a larger analysis, using the questions in the “Reflection Commentary”
a) Small Group - ______: Candidates bring commentary for peer review.
3) EDR390A & ED391E: ELD/SDAIE and ELF may work with reflections, focusing on ELs.
4) ED253D: Practitioner-Based Inquiry will support candidates with second bullet on left: “Identifying changes in practice based on student learning and research/theory”
5) ED225: Social Foundations—we talked a bit about revisiting the “Philosophy of Education” assignment that candidates did in the summer. May not do this for PACT, but might be valuable to pursue in the Spring.
6) ED211: First week reflection.
B: Summative work:
Candidates will complete task 5 for PACT on their own & turn it in when Teaching Event is due. The above formative work should give them enough practice. / 1) During post observation discussion, sups can discuss daily reflections
2) Instructor, supervisors, peers
3) instructors
4) instructors & M.Ed. facilitators / Feedback should help candidate focus on student learning and what students do, say, or seem to understand, rather than on what he/she (the teacher) does.
Feedback should also help candidate reflect on the theory that is guiding his/her thinking. ED253 instructors and M.Ed. facilitators can help candidates think through these issues with their M.Ed. work.
Academic Language
Throughout Tasks 1-5 / EDR390A & ED391E (ELD/SADIE and ELF): will teach candidates about academic language issues to support their work throughout PACT.
Source: UC Santa Barbara
Created: Spring 2005
ED393, ED395 & School Sites
Chronological Due Dates & Activities for PACT Teaching Event
See implementation chart for guidelines on helpful feedback for each task
q ED2553D – Oct 14 & 21 (practice for Task 1): Work on Context piece.
q Small Group – Nov 19 (Practice for Task 3 – Instruction) Candidates tape themselves or each other in the classroom.
o Video assignment for supervisors A 393 (peers give verbal feedback—see other ideas for working with video above)
o Audio assignment A 393
q Fall takeover: Candidates do “Daily Reflections” (Practice for Task 5 – Reflection). See box in Task 2, bottom of page 5. There are 2 main questions for candidates to respond to after teaching each day. Candidates hold on to these reflections until January. Content & Site supervisors, please remind students of this. Daily reflections can also be written together in post-observation discussions.
q ED393 – Dec 3 (Practice for Task 5 – Reflection): Candidates work with their fall takeover “Daily Reflections” to do a larger analysis, using the questions in the “Reflection Commentary.” Work is linked to credential portfolio (Sarah will take the lead)
q ED393 – Jan 4: Candidates are introduced to PACT and receive Teaching Events & rubrics. Do a jigsaw activity to learn tasks in Teaching Event.
q ED393 – Jan 11: Introduction to whole PACT rubric in the morning. Small groups facilitate activity to focus on Planning GQs: pairs analyze 2 PACT samples. Provide evidence. Bring Learning Segment Overview from Fall 391D (Language Arts). Use rubric Planning GQs 2&3. Revise Overview of plans. Share revision ideas with peer. (Who will take the lead?)
q ED395(Jan): Candidates trained on e-portfolio. Need to do this before any pieces of the TE are due.
q ED395 - DUE Feb 4: Task 1 Context. Context for Learning assignment.
q ED391A (Math) DUE Mar 10 – 3 sequential lesson plans (used in TE): Candidates do all planning in ED391A for math TE. Instructors provide feedback on plans (this will be after many will start teaching but it is OK as they can use feedback for reflection.
q ED393 Small Group– DUE Mar 11 - Task 2 Planning:
q Candidates bring 2 copies of Task 2 to small group (one copy for supervisor, one for peer)
o Pairs of peers review all of Task 2 using rubrics to give feedback
o Instructor looks at Overview chart (& commentary if necessary) and makes sure there are no glaring problems (e.g., assessments measure objectives)
q Task 3 Instructing: Candidates teach PACT lessons last week of February (2/28-3/4) and first week of March (3/7-3/11). If there is a site problem, they can push teaching to second week in March (3/14-3/18), although this is not recommended as there is a lot of work to be done after instruction is finished.
o ED395: Training on use of video transfer (in labs Nicole). (30-40 min)
o ______(where) - ______(when): Time for peers to view video and give feedback based on rubrics. Activity guided by instructor.
q Analyzing Student Work (Practice for Task 4):
q ED391A – DUE Feb 10: Student error assessment
q ED391D – DUE ______: Literacy Assessment
q ED395: Rubric Design assignment
q ED393 – Mar 18: In Friday Seminar, candidates learn techniques for analyzing student work & for using analysis data to inform teaching. Candidates work in-class in groups on assessment analysis (bring whole class samples of work). (this can be formative with practice samples, or they can use their actual samples)
q Candidates will complete Task 4 Assessment own their own & turn it in when Teaching Event is due. The above formative work should give them enough practice.
q Candidates will complete Task 5 Reflection on their own & turn it in when Teaching Event is due. The above formative work should give them enough practice.
q ED391A (Math) Reflection DUE Mar 24: This reflection is similar but missing “theory” piece. Math TE candidates will need to add this piece. Literacy TE candidates will do whole piece on their own. ED253D should provide practice for the theory piece. ED391D & ED393 should provide practice for rest of reflection.
q DUE Thursday, April 14: Completed Teaching Event
Source: UC Santa Barbara
Created: Spring 2005