Zija Training Tips
1. Make a one year commitment to the business. You cannot possibly know how you will do long termwill do unless you commit to this. If you do, people will see that you are in it for the long haul and those that say no now will come back to you later when they see the product and/or the business is working. I said no to Dee Hutchins for a year and a half before coming in. I wanted to see that the product worked and that the business was here to stay and that you could make money in it. Obviously, all three of those are now validated for me and the timing had to be right. The key to the business is to plug into the business!
2. The biggest thing about this opportunity is the product works and everyone needs Zija, even if they don't want to do the weight management program. Be sure to talk to people about it, but don't oversell it. Just ask them to do3 things. (1) Go to and watch the presentation video, Dr. Bianchi interview video and the Discovery channel documentary and check out the testimonials. (2) Check out the corporate website at (3) Do your own research on the product/company. If people will do this, they will be interested. The people that aren't interested are usually the ones who haven't really looked at it. Just ask them to take 45 minutes to do this and if they say no, then move on. However, I try not to take a no until they do this because it is hard to make a decision without all the information. I also try to get people to try the product and try not to take no until they take samples.
3. Have your new distributors participate in 3-way calls with your upline to help on potential prospects. When prospecting, don't oversell it. Just ask people what they know about Zija and if they are interested in their health/wellness and/or weight loss and also if they are open to other ways toearn income. Then, send them to the website to look over it and then call them back in 24-48 hours. If they are interested, then I consider them pre-qualified. At that time, plug them in to a 3-way call with an upline leader to get more information and validation. For people wanting to get started, sign them up online or by calling in to the company.
4. New distributors HAVE TO GET OFF TO A FAST START! Talk to them about their why and their goals, then have them do the four training steps on the website. Make sure they get on the Sunday conference calls and stay plugged in to events.Make sure they know the content on backwards and forwards. Use the “Archived Newsletters” for testimonials and information. Use the corporate website at
5. Sign them up for the Team Elite newsletter on the website. Have them personally develop themselves by using EliteUniversity information on the website to be a better person. If people improve themselves on a personal basis, their life will improve and their business will grow. Direct prospects to the testimonials and three videos: 1. Opportunity video, 2. Dr. Bianchi interview and 3. Discovery channel documentary. Everyone should check out the Events section and use and send prospects to these events.
6. The nextkey is to help your new distributor get 2 people to get them check qualified and get them some money. Then help their two to get two and keep duplicating. It’s about quality and getting people to stick and stay. They need to make sure they know how to take the product, how to use 3-way calls, how to prospect, how to do PBRs, etc.
7. Try to have and/or attend weekly PBR's (private business receptions) and get your prospects there. It is good to have a "standing" PBR weekly, which means set the same day, time and place each week and no matter who shows up, at least people are at the meeting and talking about the product and staying plugged in to things. Even if you don't know a lot, you just have to show the videos, talk a little about the product and then finish with a call to an upline leader to close it out. It’s also a great opportunity to do some training.
8. When you sign up as a distributor, be sure you getthem theiruser ID# and password to log intotheir back office as soon as you do. Sponsors should tellnew distributorsthis after yousign themup.You will go to and enter your ID# and password to log in. When I sign them up online or if I call them in, I have my distributors passwords set to zija and the last 4 numbers of their social security number so they can remember easily. If you don't request it, zija sets it to zija123. When you log in, you can change it if you want or keep it as it is. You can also sign up distributors easily online from your back office and do the same things there. When you log in, you get credit for the sponsor and you click on the spot you want for placement. If something is entered incorrectly, you have up to 30 days to change it. E-mail your change to and they will change them on Wednesdays or Thursdays. All distributors should utilize your back office and website. Set up anything on your account you want to and use the library section for forms, trainingand other information. Here is where you can change your autoship, buy product, check your genealogy, commissions, etc.
9. When you sign up a distributor, always sign them up on a 150 autoship. If they don't want that, you can tell them you will change it in a couple of weeks after the checks are finalized andbeforethe productis sent out, If you don't, you will not receive the maximum money from the compensation plan. If you aren't on a 150 autoship yourself, you aren't eligible for the promo bonuses and will only receive a 10% first order bonus instead of 20% for those on 150 autoships. If you are a distributor wanting to build your business and are signing up people, you need to stay on a 150 autoship to maximize your money. If you aren't signing up people and even if you're trying and aren't, you can either stay on it or drop down to a 75 autoship. However if you stay on a 150 autoship, you can sell out samples of your smart mix or you have more for you or your family. My suggestion is for distributors to stay on a 150 autoship for a couple of months to see how the business is going to go for them before they drop down. If you drop down to a 75 autoship, then you sign up someone, you can call in and buy another case of smart mix for 75 GV and go back to a 150 autoship, which makes you eligible for the higher bonuses. However, you would need to do this before you sign up your new distributor. If you need clarification on this, let me know. Before switching autoships, talk to someone who knows the comp plan so they can advise you.
10. Talk to people about just the liquid nutritional as everyone needs what Zija offers. Vitamins are only 5-10% absorable, where Zija is 100% absorable. People do not have waste their money on vitamins/supplements that their body gets very little of anyway. We don't know as much to tell people as the videos and website information can, so have them do their own research. The bottom line is we have something that people need. Have extra product on hand to sell people 8 day trial packs or 1 month trial packs if they want to purchase those rather than all of it.
11. Talk to people about the weight loss system for those who are interested in that aspect, which are many. For those not interested in losing weight, everyone should be concerned about their health/wellness as everyone needs what Zija has in it and no other product on the market offers what we have. After people get down to the desired weight, the need the liquid nutritionals for their body to maintain the weight. Some people may need to be on the weight management system for a few weeks, some for a few months and some maybe more depending on how much they want to lose.
12. Understand you will hear the word NO many times. However, most people tell you know because they know nothing about what you are doing or what Zija is because they have never heard of it. Just ask them to do their research on it or to look at it. You can't really tell people, you have to show them or have them see it for themselves. Most people say no or they are not interested because it's the easy way out without even thinking about it because they are uncertain about something they know nothing about.
13. Look to sponsor up. People who are already successful and that are making money are more likely to do this business and do it well than those who aren't. These people know a good opportunity when they see one and they know the people to make it happen. The biggest obstacle for people is time. Emphasize to people it only takes using your current schedule and talking to people along the way and youneed onlya few hours a week to actaully work the business. It's all about working smart, not necessarily hard.
14. Set goals and make it a point to talk to people daily about the product. Just take your current schedule and do it along the way. Success won't happen overnight, but if you take little steps everyday to build your business, it will happen over time.Below are a fewgreat Zija websites to take a look at to help you build your business: Corporate site is and the Zija Team Elite site at
General information for Zija
The best site to visit for product information is drinklifein.com. Once there, click on Product (choose the bottom option, FAQ Original and Mix). Read the Q & A which is very in depth. Next, click on the webinar on the upper right hand corner. This is a few minutes of the Discovery Channel documentary on the Moringa plant (what Zija is made from). You can also click on the business presentation too.
If someone wants more product information and or if they are interested in the business, have them go to zijateamelite.com. Once there, click on Opportunity. Watch the 10minute Presentation. This explains everything well in, you guessed it, 10 minutes! If you are working with a woman, have her watch the second option (pink in color) Presentation geared for women! Next, scroll down and watch the nine minute Interviewwith Dr. Russ Bianchi (formulator of Zija products).
*The Moringa documentary is also on this page if you need it*
*Also on this site, you have Testimonies (collected from folks around KY over the past couple of years/VERY powerful stuff). There some other helpful sources of info. if and when you get going in the business ie. Training (four steps to getting off to a fast start).
Simply ask folks to take a look at the above information and then follow up with them. I am able to help you with any questions they generate. You can put me together with them by 3-way calling, or give me their number so I can call them for you!
WHY DOES EVERYONE BENEFIT FROM ZIJA? 1. Zija is made from the Moringa plant which is the most nutrient rich plant ever discovered (92 vitamins, nutrients and minerals). Scientists have referred to Moringa as nature’s perfect food! 2. Zija is NOT a juice or concentrate. The Moringa has not been heated up to the point of stripping anything out! It is enzymatically alive and 100% bioavailable! The ability to absorb Zija is what really sets it apart from anything else on the market today!!
20 Reasons to Drink Zija
by Russ Bianchi, Zija Formulator
1. Zija Nourishes The Body’s Immune System
The body’s complex immune system is comprised of several organs, and trillions of cells, all requiring nutrients from caloric intake to function correctly and properly. Zija’s Moringa oleifera provides many dozens of these nutrients, including vitamins, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, minerals, and essential amino acids.
2. Zija Promotes Healthy Circulation
Significant research on the ingestion of Moringa oleifera in humans strongly suggests that it can help support both health and function of the circulatory, blood, and the cardiovascular systems.
3. Zija Is 100% Bioavailable
Unlike many popular fruit juice blends that are heavily pasteurized, artificially modified, colored or flavored, Zija uses only all-natural ingredients truly found in nature for an optimum and pristine blend to truly benefit health.
4. Zija Supports Normal Blood Glucose
Today’s standard diet is the main contributor to the explosion of diabetes in developed countries. Zija provides a wide array of nutrients that help normalize blood glucose levels within the body. Also, Zija is sweetened with only pure cane sugar which, unlike most concentrated and nutrient-deficient sugars widely used in today’s food industry, does not contribute to unhealthy blood glucose levels.
5. Zija Is Enzymatically Alive
Scientific research strongly suggests mitochondrial sirtuins (a group of enzymes) that exist in every cell are the master regulators that divert energy into cellular preservation. Moringa oleifera is very rich in such enzymes, which are unmodified, or unharmed, when you drink Zija.
6. Zija Delivers Z-ATIN
Zija Z-ATIN is a remarkable combination of the five constituent parts of the Moringa oleifera that work synergistically to deliver the most important nutrients from the plant and to improve absorption and utilization of Zija’s impressive nutrient profile. Z-ATIN includes: A) Zeatin, a potent antioxidant; B) Quercetin, a flavonoid known for its ability to neutralize free radicals and relieve inflammation; C) Beta-Sitosterol, a nutrient superstar that blocks “bad” (or LDL) cholesterol formation or build-up and is an anti-inflammatory agent for the body; D) Caffeoylquinic Acid, another powerful anti-inflammatory compound for body benefit; and E) Kaempferol, a key nutrient that promotes healthy body cellular function.
7. Zija Is Supported By Modern Scientific Findings
Current research, consisting of many highly reputable medical, science, and globally recognized health institutions, suggests that Moringa oleifera possesses numerous therapeutic properties for proper health. Among these institutions are Johns Hopkins School Of Medicine, the World Health Organization, the Center For Disease Control, and the National Institutes of Health.
8. Zija Provides Natural Anti-Aging Benefits
Zija’s wide array of antioxidant nutrients, which include Zeatin, Quercetin, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and vitamins, can protect the body’s cells and prevent many of the common conditions associated with aging.
9. Zija Delivers Anti-Inflammatory Support
Scientists now point to inflammation as a primary contributor to many of today’s most common diseases, including cancers, cardiovascular disease, dementia, depression, arthritis, attention deficit disorders, diabetes, obesity, and many more. Several compounds in the Moringa plant, including quercetin and caffeoylquinic acid, are known to support normal anti-inflammatory activity in the body.
10. Zija Boosts Real Kinesiological Energy Safely
Zija provides improved mental and cognitive clarity via many amino acids and B vitamins and therefore is the preferred non-addictive choice of the majority of those seeking initial and sustained all-natural benefits.
There are no harmful ingredients in Zija. Zija is also Circle U Kosher & Parve, Hasidic Approved, Halal Approved, and hypo (non) allergenic. Zija’s Moringa is grown to the highest standards available for assured, consistent, empirical-quality delivery of all nutrients.
12. Zija Improves Your Metabolism
Moringa oleifera’s nutrient benefits in Zija provide a gentle nudge over time to improve the body’s metabolic processes because of the wide and critical nutrients being delivered. Science has repeatedly shown that such vitamins, minerals, and nutrients act as catalysts for body function benefits, and disease is minimized when such nutrients are present.
13. Moringa Oleifera In Zija Has A Long Ayurvedic History
Historical and medical texts indicate that eastern Ayurvedic healers have employed the Moringa plant for many thousands of years, from conditions ranging from digestive complaints to arthritis. Combined with modern-day scientific support, this anecdotal evidence provides a powerful affirmation of Moringa’s therapeutic abilities.
14. Zija Is Truly Science, Not Fiction
Zija is made to the highest standards, offering the nutrients from the five parts of the Moringa plant. To get these many nutrients in a totally bioavailable form from any other dietary supplement, food, beverage, combination of herbs, fruit, vegetable, other botanical, over-the-counter brand, or even a prescription medication simply does not exist.