Hamilton Pedestrian Safety Committee

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Village Office


Present: Chair Susan Marafino; Chair Dan Rains; Member Julie Dudrick, Carol Bergen, and Jamie Mitchell; Ad hoc Members: Cameron Costa

Public Present: Sophie Rudolph, Colgate student

Call to Order: Chair Marafino called the meeting to order at 4:17pm.

Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Chair Rains to approve November’s agenda. The motion was seconded by Member Mitchell and carried.

A motion was made by Chair Rains to approve the agenda for today’s meeting. The motion was seconded by Chair Marafino and carried.

Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 16, 2012: The following changes were requested:

1.  Stop signs at Lebanon/Maple/Eaton Streets-add to end of paragraph-The Village DPW will add stripes (as a pilot) in the Spring of 2013 to the crosswalks.

2.  Colgate Environmental Studies- add “EPA” in front of grants in the last sentence. Change spelling of Pimilio to Pumilio.

3.  Minneapolis bicycling study-delete

A motion was made by Member Bergen to approve the October 16, 2012, minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Member Mitchell and carried

Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 27, 2012: The following changes were requested:

1.  DOT Study…-change 2nd and 3rd sentence to read” Trustee Cooper stated he and Administrator Graham preferred to wait until Linda Lubey sent her written recommendations before sharing the information with others.”

2.  Bike Rodeo-delete “with a rain date of April 28, 2013 from 1-3pm” from the second sentence.

A motion was made by Chair Rains to approve the November 27, 2012, minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Member Dudrick and carried.


Bike Rodeo: Chair Marafino stated that using the school on Sunday was not an option because a custodian would have to be paid as the school is not open. AYSO soccer will start on that Saturday but should not interfere with the rodeo. Member Marafino will fill out a building use form for April 27, 2013. Sophie will be working on contacting the school, the Sheriff’s Department, and volunteers who plan on working. Chair Rains suggested contacting Deb Curtis, advisor to National Honor Society, at HCS. The school is not interested in sponsoring this event. A flyer will be ready for review at February’s meeting.

Ms. Rudolph distributed copies of a more comprehensive action plan for the Committee to review before Trustee Cooper presents it to the Village Board. Ms. Rudolph stated that Trustee Cooper is exploring possible grant monies.

Safe Routes to School Grant: No new information to report.

Bicycle Racks: Ms. Rudolph stated that she was asked by Trustee Cooper to get the Committees ideas on how to handle bikes being left for long periods of time attached to bike racks. Chair Marafino explained that when a bike is reported to be abandoned, the police will hold until claimed. Member Dudrick will contact John Pumilio, from green bikes, to see what the penalty is for not returning a bike.

2012 Sidewalk Replacement Program-Reimbursement Policy: Residents have been asked to not replace sidewalks until the village determines the Natural Gas route.

Letter to Linda Lubey: Chair Rains was nominated to draft a letter to Linda Lubey, from the DOT, requesting her support and recommendations on standardizing the crosswalks throughout the village.


Review DOT study of stop signs at Lebanon/Maple/Eaton Streets: Chair Marafino reported on the recommendation by Linda Lubey to make this intersection a 4-way stop.

Report on January 15, 2013 public hearing: Chair Marafino and Carol Bergen attended the public hearing. The fire department strongly opposes installing a 4-way stop. No decision was made by the Trustees at the hearing and is on the agenda for February’s meeting.

5-Way Intersection Task Force recommendation for parking lot expansion: Chair Marafino expressed her concern with using the green space behind the Village office for a skating rink because this area has been designated for a parking lot expansion, per the 5-Way Intersection Task Force, that has been approved by the Trustees, and it is not a good idea to have a rink there and then have to move it once the parking lot is expanded.

Next meeting will be February 26, 2013, at 4:15pm, at the Village Office.


There being no further business to come before the Committee, Chair Rains made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Chair Rains and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20pm.

Submitted by,

Kim Taranto