The Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Scorecard


Executive Sponsor – Christopher ruszkowski, Acting Secretary of Education
Business Owner - John Kraman, PED CIO
Project Manager – Kennedy Baiywo
Original Plan Date: July twelfth, two thousand and seventeen

1.0 Project Overview

1.1 Executive Summary- rationale for the Project

1.2 funding and sources

1.3 constraints

1.4 dependencies


1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified

2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure

2.1 Stakeholders

2.2 Project Governance Structure

2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart

2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee

2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities

2.3 Executive Reporting

3.0 Scope

3.1 Project Objectives

3.1.1 Business Objectives

3.1.2 Technical Objectives

3.2 Project exclusions

3.3 Critical Success Factors

4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology

4.1 Project Management Life Cycle

4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables

4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations

4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure


4.2.1 Technical Strategy

4.2.2 Product and Product Development Deliverables

4.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations

4.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure

5.0 Project Work

5.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

5.2 Schedule allocation -Project Timeline

5.3 Project Budget

5.4 Project Team

5.4.1 Project Team Organizational Structure

5.4.2 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities


5.5.1 Project Staff

5.5.2 Non-Personnel resources


5.6.1 Project Team Training

6.0 Project Management and Controls

6.1 Risk and issue Management

6.1.1 Risk Management Strategy

6.1.2 Project Risk Identification

6.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation Approach

6.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation Strategy

6.1.5 Project Risk Tracking Approach


6.2 INDEPENDENT Verification And Validation - Iv&V

6.3 Scope Management Plan

6.4 Project Budget Management

6.4.1 Budget Tracking

6.5 Communication Plan

6.5.1 Communication Matrix

6.5.2 Status Meetings

6.5.3 Project Status Reports


6.6.1 Baselines


6.7.1 quality Standards

6.7.2 Project and Product Review AND ASSESSMENTS

6.7.3 Agency/Customer Satisfaction



6.8.1 Version Control

6.8.2 Project Repository (Project Library)


7. 0 Project Close

7.1 Administrative Close

7.2 Contract Close

Revision History

Revision Number / Date / Comment

1.0 Project Overview

1.1 Executive Summary- rationale for the Project

Strengthening the quality of the teaching profession is one of our nation’s highest priorities. To meet this goal, Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs), Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and State Education Agencies (SEAs) need access to better data on the educator preparation process at key points in the teacher talent pipeline. Teachers graduating from Educator Preparation Programs (EPP) find placement in NM Public Schools where they generate data used by New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) for teacher accountability, NMTEACH. The purpose of this project is to connect the data from the Educator Preparation Programs to the data from NMTEACH. This will allow NMPED and the colleges of education to determine the relationship between pre-service training teachers with their in-service effectiveness. NMPED will score the EPPs based on an analysis of this relationship. There is general consensus that supporting and preparing teachers is a shared responsibility between teacher education programs, state education agencies who certify graduates and local schools who hire graduates. Each of these stakeholders has different goals for data usage and all are key stakeholders in the creation of tools that provide ongoing continuous improvement in strengthening teachers’ effectiveness.

Leadership at NMPED wishes to procure the development of an Ed-Fi Operational Data Store (ODS) with the Educator Preparation ODS Extension and Scorecard. The Ed-Fi Data Standard is a widely-adopted, Common Education Data Standards-aligned, open-source data standard developed by the educational community. Ed-Fi serves as the foundation for enabling interoperability among secure data systems and contains a Unifying Data Model designed to capture the meaning and inherent structure in the most important information in the K–12 education enterprise.

This project will link with the existing NMTEACH system. See graphic below. The EPPs are currently sending data to NMPED for review. NMPED has an automated NMTEACH teacher accountability system and created a prototype of the EPP scorecard. This project will establish an automated data submission vehicle via secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) and ODS, and will create a data review platform to enable the EPPs and NMPED to address any questions regarding data quality, and a secure mechanism to share the scores cards from NMPED to the EPPs.

1.2 funding and sources

Source / Amount / Associated restrictions / Approvers
NMPED General Fund - Teacher and School Leader Prep / $196,035.53 / None / John Kraman

1.3 constraints

Number / Description
1 / There is a schedule restraint as there is a lot of work to do within the project timeframe in order to produce reports required for the Educational Accountability Reporting System for Higher Education Department.

1.4 dependencies

The following table lists the dependencies for mandatory, discretionary and external dependencies related to the project.

Number / Description / Type M,D,E
1 / Project Certification Committee approval. / M,E
2 / TARC Waiver approval / M,E
3 / Timely execution of contract / M,E


The project considers the following assumptions as planning factors:

Number / Description
1 / This project will complete the TARC and PCC requirements in a timely manner with the required approvals.
2 / Stakeholders remain fully engaged through the life cycle of the project.
3 / Decisions on issues such as contract approvals which would otherwise delay the project, will be made timely.
4 / The EPP extension of the Ed-Fi data model is adequate for the needs of New Mexico.

1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified

The following are project risks, mitigations and contingencies.

Risk 1

Description – Short time line for project / Probability: Medium / Impact: High
Mitigation Strategy: EPPs and Educator Quality Division are getting as much material as possible mapped out and documented prior to contractor begins work in order to ensure the project remains on track.
Contingency Plan: Extend timeline if needed.

Risk 2

Description – Inexperienced Project Manager / Probability:Medium / Impact: Medium
Mitigation Strategy: Hire an experienced, PMP Certified Project Management Office Lead in August.
Contingency Plan: Staff Augmentation to bring in certified Project Manager to augment the PMO staff until the Project Manager Lead is hired.

2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure

2.1 Stakeholders

STAKEHOLDERSname / Stake in Project / Organization / Title
Christopher Ruszkowski / As the Cabinet Secretary for Public Education, he has the responsibility for accrediting educator preparation programs. The scorecards will inform that process. / Public Education Department / Acting Secretary of Education
John Kraman / As CIO, he is responsible for improving the efficiency and quality of data and its use in supporting the mission of NMPED. / Public Education Department / Chief Information Officer, NMPED
Matthew Goodlaw / As the Director of Educator Quality, he is responsible for producing a high quality Scorecard for PED and the EPPs. / Public Education Department / Director of Educator Quality
Kennedy Baiywo / As Project Manager, he is responsible that the project is on-time and within budget. / Public Education Department / Project Manager
Deans of the Colleges of Education / As stakeholders, they are responsible for supplying the necessary data, guiding the design of the scorecard and utilizing the scorecard to improve educator preparation. / Various Institutions / Data Suppliers, End Users

2.2 Project Governance Structure

2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart

2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee

Role / Responsibility
Project Sponsor / Provide strategic direction and policy approvals where required. The Project Sponsor will champion the project within the organization and ensure the overall success of the project.
CIO / Provide high level project oversight, vision, and direction. Determine and commit appropriate resources. Resolve issues and problems. Provides strategic direction and oversightforthe Project Manager,the ITcontract,and other IT support provided to the project.
PED IT Project Manager / Providesoversightofall reporting;providesproject managementcertification, planning,scheduling, assessment,andreporting documentationin collaboration with thePEDChief InformationOfficer (CIO), Project Managers, Technical Leads, contract staff, and the IT support team.
Program Lead / Will manage the projects and coordinate with each other and program managers, technical leads, and other IT staff. Will complete project documentation and reporting.
Technical Lead / Will manage technical aspects of project by engaging program staff (process owners, SMEs, and data owners) as well as IT staff. They will communicate their work through standard project management tools to the project managers and PED IT Project Manager.

2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities

The technical work required to complete the EPP System will be completed by UPD Consulting, a subcontractor of RE/SPEC, who will interact with PED IT, EPPs, LEAs and State Education Agencies (SEAs). This includes requirements gathering, gathering input from internal and external stakeholders, conceptual and technical design and coding work, server configuration, system testing, troubleshooting, and deployment of the system. This also includes technical manuals and materials associated with the project. The testing and system release as well as UAT will be completed by UPD in consultation with PED IT, EPPs, LEAs and SEAs. All work associated with planning, designing, building, and implementing and deploying the system throughout all phases whether conducted by UPD will be managed at the highest level by the office of the CIO.

2.3 Executive Reporting

Initiation Meetings / All Stakeholders / Gather business requirements to be placed in Project Management Plan / Prior to Project Kickoff / Meeting
Distribute Project Management Plan / All Stakeholders / Distribute Project Management Plan as a review of what their time will be spent on / Prior to Project Kickoff / Send via e-mail
Project Kickoff Meeting / All Stakeholders / Communicate Project Management Plan and expectations / Prior to Project Start Date / Meeting
Status Reports / All Stakeholders / Keep stakeholders attuned to project status. / Bi-Weekly / Send via e-mail
Project Team Meetings / Project Team Members and Leads / Review plans, tasks, assignments and action items / Weekly / Meeting
Executive Sponsor and Business Owner Meetings / Executive Sponsor and Business Owner / Updates to report critical issues and concerns; to gain approvals / Weekly or dependent on schedules / Meeting

3.0 Scope

Purpose of the Agreement including goals and objectives.

The purpose of this agreement is to develop a NMPED Ed-Fi ODS Educator Preparation ODS Extension and Dashboards to produce the educator preparation program report cards that will be used tostoreteacher performance datauploaded as csv files or web forms, to provide downloadable teacher performance data in csv file formats, and to generate reports from the preparation program data that calculate scores for use in the educator preparation program Scorecards. This system will strength the quality of New Mexico’s teaching profession by providingEPPs, LEAs and SEAs with better data on the teacher preparation process at key points in the teacher talent pipeline.

3.1 Project Objectives

3.1.1 Business Objectives

Number / Description
Business Objective 1 / Link data between EPPs and NMPED that combine the data in a central location automatically. This eliminates the need for individuals to gather multiple datasets and combine them to support the scorecard. This automation will improve data quality and increase efficiency.
rationale / PED needs the combined data in a central location to populate the scorecards.
acceptance criteria / Data flow automatically from the EPPs into the ODS and from NMTEACH into the ODS.
Business Objective 2 / To populate the scorecard with combined data from the ODS in order to provide actionable real-time data to stakeholders. This automation will also improve data quality and increase efficiency.
rationale / Scorecard available automatically in real-time with live data to the EPPs.
acceptance criteria / Scorecards populate with accurate data in real-time from the ODS.

3.1.2 Technical Objectives

Number / Description
Technical Objective 1 / Stand up of Ed-Fi ODS with EPP extensionsin order to deliver real-time scorecard information to the EPPs.
Technical Objective 2 / Create a data review and validation module that will allow EPPs to ensure the quality of the data.
Technical Objective 3 / Move scorecards into production (available online via secure login).

3.2 Project exclusions

The following items are excluded from the Project:

  1. Data collections for reporting; the system will utilize data already in place and generated by the NMTEACH teacher accountability system.
  2. Calculations of teachers scores which are already generated via the NMTEACH teacher accountability system.

3.3 Critical Success Factors

QualityMetrics1 / Loading of data without human intervention will reduce FTE workload by 75% for IT Division within the first year.
QualityMetrics2 / Deployment of Data Validation Module will help EPP and Educator Quality Division staff to reduce data errors by 90% as measured by the error reports by the end of the first year.
QualityMetrics3 / Population of Scorecards without human intervention will reduce FTE workload by 75% for Educator Quality Division within the first year.
QualityMetrics4 / Scorecards are delivered to end user with accurate data, on demand in desired format as defined by the business requirements as measured by quality and acceptance survey with a score of 90% or better.

4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology

4.1 Project Management Life Cycle

Phase / Summary of Phase / Key Deliverables
Project Initiation and Planning / This phase outlines how the project will be conducted. This is an ongoing process throughout the project. / • Scope Definition
• Project Plan and schedule
• Weekly and Monthly Reports templates
• Risk and Issues Log templates
Design and Build Configuration, Reports and Workflow / The process, functional, and technical design and build activities will occur in this phase. / • Requirements Gathering
• Configuration Design
• Reports and Workflow Design
• Process Flow Documentation
• Configure and Build
System and Acceptance Testing / The testing of the systems and related process, configuration, and other system adjustments will occur in this phase / • Test Plan
• Testing Defect Tracking Log
• Test Scripts for Testing Cycles
• Unit Testing
• System and Integration Testing
• User Acceptance Testing
• Regression Testing
Project Knowledge Transfer and Training / User training, both support and end-user training take place in this phase. / • Training Materials
• Training Delivery
• Knowledge Transfer
Go-Live Implementation / Upgrade/transition from old system to new system / • Implementation Plan and Schedule
• Implementation Issues Tracking Log
Support and Project Close-out / Transition support to State resources, finalize project / • On-site Support
• Off-site Support
• Transition Plan
• Close-out Report

4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables

Project Deliverables are work products or artifacts that are driven by the project management methodology requirements and standard project management practices regardless of the product requirements of the project. Project Charter
Description - The initialproject deliverableplan willcontain theProjectCharter.Thisdeliverablemaybe revised throughout the project. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria –
Approval by NMPED CIO
Standards for Content and Format -
UseofDoITProjectCharter template
Quality Review -.
Peerreviewforgrammarand spelling
Projectsponsors reviewforconsensus Project Management Plan
Description - TheProject ManagementPlan willbetheguide usedthroughout theProject. Theplan willcontain the following:Scope Management, ScheduleManagement, RiskManagement, Communications, ChangeManagement, andRoles/ Responsibilitiesofteam members. Thisdocumentwillevolveand be updated throughout theproject. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria –
Approval by NMPED CIO
Standards for Content and Format –
Sections included in the ProjectManagementPlantemplate
Quality Review –
Keyprojectteam members reviewforconsensus
Final reviewbyProjectDirectors Executive Reports
Description - Executive reports willbecreatedafterSteering Committee meetingsand as neededif issuesarise. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria –
Approval by Executive Team
Standards for Content and Format –
Documentation ofstatus, schedule, keyrisksanditems requiringexecutiveinput
Quality Review –
Keyprojectteam members reviewforconsensus
Final reviewbyNMPED CIO Issues and RisksLogs
Description - Logswillbecreated and maintainedtotrackissuesand risksthatariseandareresolved throughout theproject.The documentswillevolveandbe updated throughout theproject. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria –
Approval by NMPED CIO
Standards for Content and Format –
Documentation of issues, risks, and decisions to be recorded in the NMPED Issue-Risk-Decision Log that has been developed by NMPED.
Quality Review –
Keyprojectteam members reviewforconsensus

4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations

Deliverable Number / Deliverable / Approvers (Who can approve) / Date Approved
All deliverables / All deliverables / John Kraman, PED CIO

4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure

Formal written acceptance will be required in this project of key deliverables.


Phase / Summary ofPhase / Key Deliverables
Initiation and Planning / Project scopeofwork and deliverables identified
Definition ofsystem requirements, work breakdown schedule / Project Charter
Implementation / Development ofitems and
Configuration ofoperational data store and dashboard / Interactive and Static Dashboards
Designand Configuration
Testingand TrainingPlan / Testingand training / Test Plans
Training Documentation

4.2.1 Technical Strategy

Discuss the key technical strategies for achieving success in this project.

The key technical strategies for achieving success will be:

  • Incorporate business and technical users into requirements gathering
  • Provide knowledge transfer to technical staff
  • Ensure the changes are sustainable by NMPED
  • Ensure the changes meet usability by the stakeholders.
  • Minimize development work through changes to system configuration and security

4.2.2Product and Product Development Deliverables

The following Product Deliverables are work products or artifacts driven by the product management methodology requirements and standard project management.