Wiesbaden, 20 & 21 January 2011
Item3.3 of the agenda
“ESS logo”
Objectives (in the Mandate of the Sponsorship):
-To enhance the visibility and promote the image of the European Statistical System as a close cooperation network
Brief description:
The purpose of the ESS logo is to provide a visual support for some products and links where we want to reinforce the association with the ESS.
Countries in the Sponsorship Group were asked to submit proposals for the logo. Six proposals were prepared by three countries and Eurostat, and were discussed at the Sponsorship Group meeting in Madrid in September 2010, together with a draft protocol on the use of the logo. Four of the designs were retained for a final decision by the ESSC. It was also agreed to develop further the protocol on the use of the ESS logo.
Time frame:
Proposals for the ESS logo have already been prepared. As soon as the final design is selected, the ESS logo can be used on the ESS website.
Some additional work might be needed to create multilingual versions of the logo for use on NSI websites; this work will require only a few weeks to complete.
Three countries (DE, ES, RO) and Eurostat worked on the ESS logo designs and usage protocol. Once approved, the ESS logo would be available for use by all ESS partner organisations.
Any further work on the ESS logo design (for example, to adapt the existing designs or to create multilingual versions) can be financed by Eurostat. The use of ESS logo does not involve any additional costs for NSIs or for Eurostat.
Not applicable
Over-use or inappropriate use of the ESS logo might cause confusion for users or for the public between the normal role of the NSIs and Eurostat, and their status as ESS organsiations. The usage protocol is designed to limit this risk by indicating a limited number of situations in which the ESS logo can be used.
Make users more aware of the ESS as a support for high quality European statistics.
Protocol on usage of the ESS logo
General principles
The ESS logo is a visual element for some products and links which is used to to reinforce the association with the ESS. Its use is restricted to products and links which are specifically intended to communicate messages about the unity of the ESS and the special characteristics of the ESS, such as quality and European-ness.
It is important to avoid diluting the identity of NSIs as well as risking confusion between Eurostat – an ESS organisation which has the specific role of producing European statistics – and the ESS network as a whole. Therefore the ESS logo is not intended to be used for all outputs from ESS organisations, and in particular it is not to be generally used to label statistical data, either national or European.
Cases where it is appropriate to use the ESS logo
- on the banner of the ESS website
- on NSI websites to identify
- links to the ESS website
- content which comes from the ESS website
- the specific set of shared “European tables” agreed under the Sponsorship (see specific note below)
- on some specific products, for example
- material for students and schools which originates with NSIs but where the NSI wants to offer it for general ESS use
- documents which are produced as ESS guidelines, for example guidelines for the use of social media
The ESS logo is not used
- on the main banner of the Eurostat website
- on Eurostat news releases (exceptions could be news releases about the ESS)
- on normal Eurostat publications and data
Notes for specific cases
1. Use of the ESS logo in relation to the common set of European tables (see section ### of this document)
As the common set of European tables displayed on or linked from NSI websites is intended to make users more aware of the fact that the NSI is working as part of the ESS, the ESS logo should be used as follows.
a) if the common set of tables is displayed on the NSI website, on each page where a table is displayed there should always be two links with associated text:
- link to the home page of the Eurostat website ( with Eurostat logo and short text along the lines "More data available from Eurostat"
- link to the ESS website with ESS logo and explanatory text along the lines "this table is part of a common set of tables published in national languages to demonstrate how the European Statistical System partner organisations are working together to produce high quality harmonised statistics. For more information and links to these tables in other languages, go to the ESS website"
b) if the common set of tables is only linked from the NSI website, then the page with the links should include at least the following elements:
- separate deep links to each table on the Eurostat website, with a text to indicate that these tables are on the Eurostat website
- link to the home page of the Eurostat website ( with Eurostat logo and short text along the lines "For the complete set of European statistics, go to the Eurostat website".
- link to the ESS website with ESS logo and explanatory text along the lines "these tables are part of a common set of tables selected to show how the European Statistical System partner organisations are working together to produce high quality harmonised statistics. For more information and links to these tables in other languages, go to the ESS website."
2. Use of the ESS logo on the home page of NSI websites
It is expected that many NSIs will wish to advertise the fact that they are members of the ESS, while also providing links (a) to Eurostat and (b) to the common set of European tables (see section ### of this document). This can be done in many different ways depending on the structure of the NSI website.
It is recommended to include on the home page both the ESS logo and a text along the lines "member of the ESS".
The logo could be linkeddirectly to the ESS website. In this case it is also desirable to include, in proximity to the ESS logo, the Eurostat logo and a link to the Eurostat home page.
A more flexible solution is for the ESS logo on the NSI front page to link to another page on the NSI website which includes at least the following elements
(i) text describing the ESS (for example, translated content from the ESS website)
(ii) link to ESS website, with ESS logo and text along the lines "For more information, go to the ESS website"
(iii) link to the Eurostat website with Eurostat logo and text along the lines "European statistics are available online from the Eurostat website".
Sponsorship group on communication. 2nd meeting. 19.05.2010
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